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How we can reduce congestion on Dubai roads?

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Every time (almost every morning) i am stuck in congestion, i look for simple reason to how to get away as fast as possible like everyone else here.

I noticed this (I hope other agrees too), that main cause of any congestion can be anything like road bottle neck, accident, or water spillage etc. but by keeping less distance between car in front of you can help clearing the congestion at a faster rate. I noticed people keeping 200 cars distance causes exponential effect on congestion pile-up. I understand being cautious and maintaining safe distance but getting on to phone and forgetting to move the car is simply not an alternate. Stay focus and keep moving than adding more to the problem.

Second reason, i found is watching the drama: Every accident has thousand of slow moving snails who want to watch the drama as if they can help in place of Dubai Police. Guys leave that job to expert and you move on as fast as possible once you have clear road that can help others behind you, where you were stuck few minutes back. Be considerate to others. That's it.

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I highly agree man on this point. May be cops should start accepting pictures or video from other drivers on road to issue fines, so that we can click those idiot and get them fined. After couple of fines they will stop texting and start driving.

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Cops do give fine for drama watching slow moving snails, its just that 1 cop is not enough to note hundreds of snail numbers. May be they should get some more support, but they already know their job and serving well. It's just that we all need to learn to behave well as well and not wait for someone to police us.

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  • 3 months later...

To this question, there are many point to be covered:

First, maintaining a safe distance from the car ahead of you helps in controlling the congestion. Many times drivers drive the car very close by to the car ahead of them which increases the chances of any accident. So maintaining a safe distance is the first point to remember.

Second, follow the speed limit sign. We all can see the speed limit signs on the road. We have to follow the speed limit in order to avoid any hazard. Over speed and under speed both are the reason for congestion on the road. If the speed limit sign instructs not more than 80, then the speed limit should be between 60 to 70. overspeeding may cause an accident and under speeding may cause congestion for all the drivers driving after you.

Third, Overtake whenever required: Many drivers who are new are afraid to overtake the driver in front of them if they are driving slow. Please make sure that you don't have to be the part of the snail drivers but rather overtake the other drivers who are moving slow but keeping the note of the speed limit.

Fourth, Parking a car. If you go to the narrow roads in Dubai, people park their cars in the middle of the road. Switching on the parking lights and leaving the car on the middle of the road is commonly seen on the narrow roads and resulting in big congestion on the road. :):):P

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