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Scirocco vs BMW 1 series

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Hi everyone,

I´m planning to buy a car. For you what´s better Scirocco or BMW 1 series?

I´m concerned about the maintenance costs. I heard that each 5.000 km I would have to pay 400aed for the oil and bigger things like tires will cost me around 1500 aed. Is this true?

How is the BMW maintenance? the same?

In your opinion what is the best option in terms of quality vs costs?

I know that in Dubai the best car to sell is Toyota so I would like to know how much can we resell a scirocco? The cost of new one is like 110.000 aed.

Thank you for your help!

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You can compare car prices from so many free classified websites in Dubai, just minus 10-15% prices play. For choosing either of one i think its a brand choice than any more comparable difference. For quality BMW gets an inch extra, but for reliability wise VW gets 5 inch better. Maintenance cost BMW is higher than VW any day. Drive feel, i like VW more than BMW ultra stiff ride. Road respect, BMW has lot more than VW. Exterior looks BMW appeals more than VW. Now you choose what fits in your priority.

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