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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2020 in all areas

  1. Thank you for the amazing trip @Frederic @Wrangeld @Jorge Stepniak Felippe as usual for pushing us as per our skills & capabilities..... with the appropriate guidance.... Fun Drive as usual with my two stuck (One was purely due to lack of concentration I would say) but pulled out by Fred.... @Jorge Stepniak Felippe your pace was perfect it was only at times I went a bit lagging behind to catch up.... but overall a good trip.....
    6 points
  2. With the tremendous increase in the number of COVID cases in the UAE, we all have to be responsible while off-roading. Failing to abide by any single precaution at any time during the drive, will result in an immediate ban from Carnity Off-road Club. ZERO TOLERANCE First offender - 1 Month Ban. Second offender - 3 Month Ban. Third offender - lifetime ban and report to authorities. COVID19 PRECAUTIONS 2.0 All Carnity off-road drives will be LIMITED to driving only: No Socializing and gathering allowed at any time. No break for taking photos, breakfast, smoking, etc. No exchanging of off-road or recovery gears. Wear a mask at all times, while outside your vehicle. For passengers restrictions, follow RTA or NCEMA guidelines. All passengers should be inside the car, at all times. Maintain a minimum of 2-meter social distance at all times. Sanitize your hands and recovery gear after use. PS1. If you and your passenger cannot sit inside your vehicle for 3-4 hours please DO NOT JOIN CARNITY DRIVES. PS2. A Member who has RSVP the drive is RESPONSIBLE and LIABLE for their passenger's compliance. PS3. The above precautions apply to everyone irrespective of their vaccination status or schedule. PS4. You can confidentially submit the photo of any offender by sending an email to [email protected]. How to comply Read the drive post before arriving at the meeting point, so that you know your convoy numbering and radio channel. Arrive at the meeting point and switch on your radio to the pre-set frequency of the drive. Stop your vehicle at least 10-20 meters away from each other. Deflate your tires, while wearing a mask, and then go back inside your car. All briefings will be done on the radio now, so pay full attention to a briefing for your own safety. After the briefing, fall in your convoy position just before the drive starts. While driving if you get stuck, announce on the radio and be inside your car at all times. Trip lead and/or support will guide you on the radio for self-recovery or tow-rope recovery. While there is a stuck or a refusal, everyone else supposed to be inside their car at all times. You can only take a bio-break during the drive, by requesting trip lead permission. Once the drive is over exit out to inflate by maintaining 10-20 meters distance from each other. While inflating, only the driver supposed to be out and with the face mask at all times. After the drive, you can talk on the radio for any feedback, suggestions or help you need.
    5 points
  3. @AKR @Rajeevan Vickneswaran @RohanH @Janarthan @Anish S @Mehmet Volga @Lorenzo Candelpergher @Jorge Stepniak Felippe @Foxtrot Oscar @Chaitanya D @Magellan(@Brette) Great that you all signed up to the Fewbie drive on Friday. The plan for the drive is to assemble at Solar Park Car Park and make our way into the dunes to the South of Solar Park and then if time allows explore a little in the direction of Al Lisali. I will post more details later in the week on the plan and what type of drive I hope it to be - today's message is all about safety. Last weekend there was a lucky escape from serious injury when a tow point on a vehicle being tugged came loose and flew into the vehicle that was tugging. It reminded us again how important it is that everyone MUST check the integrity of their tow points, because, frankly, we may not be so lucky next time. We will be cjecking tow points before the drive on Friday, as well as checking that all drivers are carrying with them all the compulsory "Fewbie' equipment [if you really need to look at this again, check out the message from @Gaurav when you were promoted]. Drivers that do not have tow points or this basic kit on board will not be allowed to drive. For the avoidance of doubt, a flag and pole means there must be a flag on the pole, a shovel is a shovel. Secondly, dress code. If you are sitting in the comfort of your air conditioned vehicle, flip flops and shorts might seem OK to you. They are a lot less practical when you are standing or kneeling in the burning sand. You'll also be asked not to drive if you are not wearing the right clothes. Otherwise, I am looking forward to a drive that will excite, challenge and energise. See you soon in the sand
    5 points
  4. Congrats @Kalahari. Well deserved promotion.
    5 points
  5. Dear fellow Desert Wanderers, Friday's group is virtually completed (one more spot remaining, for the last Fewbie PLUS to join). So far it will be made of @Rinelle Sanaani, @Febin Frederic, @asifk, @Kalahari,@Colin Jordan, @Najeeb Mohammed, @Chaitanya D, @Desert Dweller and @Jolly Abraham. Looks like it's a solid group, including 3 Intermediate members. As mentioned, the drive will be taking place in what I expect to be, for most drivers, a lesser known part of Dubai. Al Lisaili includes some technical dunes, which will require great finesse and care (especially to avoid hard nose butts), and mostly long range dunes, which will provide plenty of opportunities for some sideys, as well as ridge riding and criss-crossing. Because of this abundance of diverse situation, I would like to make a few recommendations. MENTAL READINESS AND CONCENTRATION - to make sure that all our energies and focus go to the characteristics of the terrain, our driving skills, and the security of the convoy, please be ready to concentrate yourselves on the drive alone. Kindly try to reduce all possible distractions, including bringing along too many passengers (certainly 3 passengers on board, event though allowed by the Covid rules, may be a source of distraction). If you bring along somebody, please explain that it will not be possible to converse while driving, or distract the driver from her/his duties. This recommendation aims to reduce the potential for refusals, stucks, and any other type of incident that a new type of terrain may cause to distracted drivers. AVAILABILITY OF PROPER EQUIPMENT - being at Fewbie Plus and above level means to have fully understood the need to carry the proper equipment in the car. This MUST include to say the least 1) a good shovel, 2) a kinetic tow rope (preferably with soft shackles), and a 3) compressor. Proper equipment also incudes a very important car accessory: tested, robust, tow hooks in good conditions. I will take care to verify the availability of all of the above equipment for all attendees, and will be forced to refuse participation for those who do not carry these essential items. COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS - there are two elements to our ability to communicate in the desert. The technical aspect demands that 1) your radios are fully charged, 2) that each driver always identifies her/himself when speaking, so to allow the convoy to react speedily to any predicament, and 3) that all respond when questions or instructions are directed at them, in order to acknowledge that all is clear and understood. The psychological aspect has to do with the willingness to communicate. Please, do not be afraid or ashamed to inform the convoy leader that one may not feel like making some maneuver, taking a seemingly risky approach, or doing anything beyond one's perceived skills, or physical conditions. When no communication of this kind takes place, the leader and the rest of the convoy will assume that all is well, and will not be able to address any concern of second-thoughts a driver may have. I have chosen to underline the above 3 issues as there have been recent events during other Fewbie drives, due to a combination of these 3 factors, which have created a great deal of complications to the convoys, unnecessary risks, and in one case damage to another driver's cars (any reference to weak tow points is not casual). Kindly acknowledge the above information, so that we may look forward to a challenging, yet pleasant drive. See you all Friday (convoy order and radio channel will be published on Thursday evening).
    4 points
  6. The body weight is much lighter than a FJ, and with the SWB it does much better on the sand. Plus the all round visibility of a Prado is far better than a FJ
    4 points
  7. Congratulations @Tbone ... well deserved man!..
    4 points
  8. Congratulations @Kalahari 👍🏼! Looking forward for the future drives with you.
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Congratulations @Kalahari. If I thought that you managed your Prado well, you have taken on the Xterra with more vigour and very happy to see you grow to the next level. Well done.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Looks to me like you are in. Bring your shovel. You are #1 buddy @Denizzalbayrak you are #2 @J J you are #3
    4 points
  14. @Tbone very well done. It was my first drive with you last Friday and I guess that I didn’t see you struggle anywhere in spite of the very tough terrain and conditions.
    4 points
  15. Yes that is true and for good reason, when they do come up for sale, they get snatched up in a blink of an eye. So one really has to be on the lookout with cash in his pocket
    3 points
  16. I'm surprised this car doesn't get mentioned at all here is the Prado SWB VXR V6. It's the same drivetrain as the Prado lwb and Fjcruiser but in a lighter package And with slight suspension mods it's a real killer
    3 points
  17. Thanks Fred. I will get one asap. Please see the car details below: Grey Land Rover LR2 No prior experience Towhooks are in good condition
    3 points
  18. OK Tbone - noted, but I think that with your new status, the likelihood is that you would be offered some more responsibility on the Newbie drive Friday: and ... if you look at who is signed up it's pretty much all Fewbies!. Will keep you and J.J. updated and note that Pink Rock is plan B. Let's see if enyone needs to drop out.
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Congratulations @Remco Snoek. Well done.
    3 points
  21. Hi @Frederic Thanks for the suggestion. Even i thought about spending couple of thousand and fix everything once in for all. because i like its quirky old look and functionality. but again i changed my mind, During my last drive my nativa abruptly blow some white smoke. next day i took it to mechanic he cannot find exact cause as there is no white smoke now. but when i opened radiator cap before i start the engine i saw little bit of oil in the coolant. not too much but little bit floating on top of coolant. but engine oil seams fine, mechanic’s guess is head gasket is failing again. but have to open up and see. also car overheat when its idling for at least 15 mins, So cooling system also needs to be fully checked Apart from above another concern is lack of power. During last couple of drives I’m disappointed with performance, in quite steep incline the car wont climb as I wanted. So decided to fix the car and sell it and go for long term reliable partner.
    3 points
  22. @Kalahari congrats ! Very well deserved, especially after Friday evening...
    3 points
  23. Well done @Kalahari. Looking forward to your debut in your new rank this Friday. Enjoy.
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. Thanks @Gaurav and the rest of the leadership team. Your patience to allow us to experience challenges week after week (and sometimes learn the hard way!) is amazing. Your sacrifices every weekend is noted and the new crop of excellent leaders are testament to your ability to transfer your skills. Thanks @Rinelle Sanaani - your time is close as well!
    3 points
  26. Dear fellow Desertnauts. While we wait for the group to take its final form, I would like to remind all of those who have registered, and who still wish to, that the drive is reserved for FEWBIE PLUS. This means more experienced fewbie drivers, indicating those who have at least 5 Fewbie drives under their belt. If any of you does not satisfy this requirement, kindly remove yourself from the drive, so that others may join. The Marshals and I will double check this status, and proceed accordingly with confirming or amending the drive's group. With this in mind, I would like to introduce you to the drive's geography. We will set out to explore an area that for most of you will be unknown: Al Lisaili. I have driven past it many times, while on the way to Faqa, but never knew this region, hidden behind Dubai's major cameldrome and its connected camel farms, would be able to offer such an interesting off-roading ground. We will follow the track under the pylons until we'll be able to go past a very long and well hidden camel race track. We then will proceed to enter a very technical area of dunes with soft sand, through which we will finally reach the more open, long range dunes, where the fun will begin. We'll cross many dunes, with some ridge riding, on much firmer sand than at the beginning. Our goal is to go as far as possible, in the direction of Al Qudra's Solar Innovation Center, while keeping the track under the pylons nearby, on our right, so we may exit as soon as the dark sets in. While you start savoring the drive, I wish you all a great week.
    3 points
  27. Thanks @Christian Andras. Tow ball should never be used for vehicle recovery, as it can come off and become a deadly projectile. We can use your rear tow hook to recover you, so no worries. Skid plate is useful from Fewbie level onwards. See you on Friday !
    2 points
  28. Hi @Sreejith Sreenivasan welcome to Carnity off-road club. LR2 (some models) are really good for offroad being small and powerful. Which year model and spec LR2 you have? I6 or I4? Also please share the front and back tow point pictures, as some LR2 didn't had proper rear tow hooks.
    2 points
  29. Hi @Ale Vallecchi yes car all fine now, thanks ! Looking forward to Friday !
    2 points
  30. Hey @Kalahari this was pretty much inevitable in my view. You really know your sand. Looking forward to more drives with you in the future.
    2 points
  31. Congrats @Tbone! More Xterras in intermediate level 😁
    2 points
  32. Ohh. Thats why. Before some time I saw 12 RSVP and now 11 so I thought someone left. Sorry
    2 points
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