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Why do the tires fail?

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Well, there are many reasons, why tires fail. Well I will mention what I know:

  1. Misalignment: If the tires are misaligned, there friction attribute loosen up and the tires are rubbed in different sections always, so that produces wear and tear in the tires really early.
  2. Tire rotation: If one does not follow the tire rotation properly. Let’s say, if you change the pattern of your tire rotation that will affect the life of tires. Or if you don’t rotate the tires at all, the wear and tear is very common.
  3. Potholes: When you jump your car on potholes, the outer surface of the tires get disturbed and it generally exploits the material of the tires.
  4. Off-road driving: Off-road driving is really harmful for the tires. The roads are generally clean and the surface is always smooth and at one level, but off-roads are generally not clean and you never know if any nail goes inside the tire. Only not the nails, since the surface off-road is never at one level, the outer part of the tire touching the ground always get affected.
  5. Sudden brakes: lets say you are driving on a highway, and a dog from nowhere comes on the road. What do you do? You press brakes. Now the friction to stop the car goes really extreme, and the surface of tires gets rubbed badly on the ground. Because of the rubbing, the tire’s surface gets damaged and with time, they wear very easily.
  6. Stunt Driving: I know many people who do stunts on the road, like wheelie and stuff. Do you know the life of the tires is exploited because of such stunts? Even the brake pads are badly affected by this.

 It has happened to me many times. I stopped off-road driving because he tires were so wasted that I had to change it in 3 years.

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