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Is it allowed to modify bank finance cars in UAE?

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Majorly exterior modifications and minor on mechanical stuff. I know it may void the warranty, but not sure about the bank reaction on such act. Secondly do I need to inform about it or just do it, quietly?

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Doing anything that  reduces the resale value of the car would be a material breach of your financing agreement with the bank. No modification ever adds to the resale value of a car, so I would definitely not risk modifying anything on a financed vehicle, especially if any of the proposed modifications could void the warranty.


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Some times modification may add value to the stock resale value (but not recently in current market satiation) like:

-swapping alloy wheels with original larger size with in the recommended size range from the manufacturer and by the same car maker brand.

-installing original body kit or trim body kit by the same car brandlike M-power for BMW or AMG for Mercedes or ABT, APR for VW and Audi or Wald and Veilside for Japaneses car brands

-interior trims like wood shape and carbon fiber trims

-Upgrades for audio system with original and branded systems with additional system options not over powered or loud systems like GPS, rear view cams, and AUX ports and sync with smart phones which is not standard in basic models.

Don't spend much as you would enjoy it and don't expect to earn it back on resale value.

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Bank doesnt have an issue with the modification, but the RTA or Police might have an issue if you stick too many stickers, change colors, add more colors to exterior. Fit loud exhaust, metal bumpers or highly modify engine hp with extreme tuning.

I like what @Saleem said, unless you plan to use your car for very long time - 5 years or above.

  • Don't spend much as you would enjoy it and don't expect to earn it back on resale value.
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Thank you very much for explaining this nicely. My office colleague actually scared me that I need to seek a permission from bank before even fitting or changing music system or floor mat. This def sounds unreal and your all guys reply sounds more practical and realistic. Thanks a lot guys, it's good to talk and very nice to see you all here. Of course I am not after racing modification to upset any authorities but just a minor upgrades to add some good value to the car and my car ownership.

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@teapot, I don't think you need to worry about changing floor mats, but the problem wih mods is that they are always subjective. You, as the owner might think your car looks great after the mod, but others, especially the bank and any dealers you may try to sell  the car to or through might think it looks terrible.

I would play it safe and just ask the bank what they think about mods that changes or adds colour, or involves the use of fibreglass to stick stuff onto the body work. Drilling holes in the body to rivet stuff onto the body work might invalidate a corrosion warranty, which all banks will definitely have a problem with if they financed the car. Just play it safe- there is no harm in asking and anyway, asking might save you lot of trouble and tears later on. 

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Thanks all for further help and this is roughly what I am thinking at the moment for my 2012 BMW 328i.

I am planning to keep this car for 3-5 years (hopefully), so I will utilize this spend for sure.

  • M3 Body kit (original or shj one, will decide upon the price and if its allowed).
  • Add high bass woofer with additional amp at the back, as music system is awesome but lacks the low level bass.
  • May be upgrade two of the main speaker after the woofer add-on is not enough.
  • Add free flow K&N drop-in filter.
  • Borla exhaust - touring one (not loud).
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The only thing I think you might require to check with bank is putting the body kit, rest all all looks reasonable man.

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