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In search for a New Year spot


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Weekend after weekend we are spending with each other for the love of driving in conditions we do not face during our daily drives. This weekend will be somewhat different. With New Year quick approaching and trying to keep with the traditions we should be looking for a spot to wish each other as the clock strikes 12.

Unfortunately as per the current laws we cannot have a bon fire or BBQ, but we can still share pre prepared food and beverages. The idea is to start at ease in the morning so that everyone is well rested and the current situation with the fog can be eliminated.

When: 29 December 2017, Friday
Meeting time: 9 AM, convoy will move when dog is clear.
Where: Trek bike shop Al Qudra Lakes.

GPS Coordinate: 


Level of drive:  all levels as we will not be doing much to find the spot. Depending on how quickly we can find a spot and who all are interested for a quick drive we can arrange as per convoy strength.
Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance, anybody not having a 4x4 can join in and park their vehicle at the meeting point.
What to bring along: Snacks, whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn and share.

Approximate Finish Time: flexible to find spot for New Year and for a quick drive for all who are in.

Please Note, at meeting point there is no petrol station, make sure you fill your tanks on your way at nearest petrol station.

Please RSVP the below calendar:



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