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Is Wrangler too hot for Summer here?

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I live in Dubai and am thinking of buying a Wrangler, but I heard it gets too hot in the Summer? Is that true?

I would appreciate your advice on this question and anything else you guys think I should be aware of.

Thanks for your help.


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Anil, you are absolutely right bro. In Dubai summer after 40 degree driving jeep isnt very nice and in most summer here it stays above 40 for 4-5 months. Actually Jeep top has bad insulation, which radiates the heat and bbq the driver head badly. If you drive long stretch its still acceptable as after 10 - 15 mins of drive it gets acceptable. If you drive short run then you will feel the heat too much as by the time you are home car starts the get at ambient temp. If you are like person who bear heat then you can actually live with it, but if you like me who want car AC to be chilling cold then Jeep as a daily drive in summer is not advisable.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

It shouldent be a problem, but it will depend as well what you are doing with the top. If you have a soft top it will breath a bit better and will keep some of the heat out. As well riding in the desert with the top down is a lot of fun! The A/C in the wranglers are better than a lot of other trucks i have driven. 

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Jeep is ok for summer, as far as you don't hit dunes to much in heat and then AC will stop working in desert and you get fried in 45 degrees in heat. For road driving on highway and city it is fine in 45 degree also AC work.

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