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  1. TRIP REPORT Sweihan or Little Liwa as its known among the offroading circle is considered as one of the most amazing as well as challenging terrains that is available in UAE. So with Sweihan calling and the weather getting better a trip was needed to be planned. Despite the current movement restrictions, with some early posting and planning we had 10 cars that had signed up for the Sweihan drive. Many had prebooked the DPI test appointment and some took the test a day in advance. More on the procedures in a separate post. Even with having to start in the dead hours of the night everyone made it to the meeting point at sharp 5:30 AM. Lot of respect to all the drivers. Sweihan has changed a bit in the past 6 months, with a more than usual amount of vegetation creeping on many of the dunes. This adds to the challenge of having to negotiate through some hard bumps as well especially when side slopping at high pace. Other than a few stucks and refusals the convoy was maintaining a pretty decent pace, till Sweihan decided its time for a challenge. As we were descending a steep hill one of the cars got stuck in a nasty pocket at the top of the dune. Getting to the stuck car itself was a challenge and recovering it from that position in a single tug was an even bigger one. A single hard tug was the only option else we would have had 2 cars stuck by the rope on the top of that dune. Perfectly executed and managed by @Asif Hussain to help recover the stuck vehicle. We then started moving deeper into Sweihan playing along the awesomely tall dunes to reach a bowl that I had marked for the drone shot. Along the war we had to go through a pop-out, a leaking tire and an overheating car that had a dead battery. But all these challenges seem like a walk in the park when you have an excellent team who have the patience and a willingness to help. So while few where replacing the leaking tyre, others where helping with recharging the battery. Took us close to an hour but thankfully the car started with no sign of any issue. With the time reaching close to 12 pm, it was getting seriously hot and we needed to find as flat a track as possible through the Sweihan dunes. Not an easy task, believe me. However we did find one with the minimal amount of dunes and we sped our way towards the exit point. Such is the massiveness of Sweihan that even after exiting the dunes, the flat track to the road itself is a good 20 km stretch. This made up for a good fun rally kind of drive with speeds touching close to 70 kmph. As we were approaching near the exit I heard over the radio that another car started overheating and there was a break in convoy. With the exit just a km away it was decided to exit out the first few cars in the convoy while me and Chaitanya returned to attend to the overheating car. With no solution in sight, it was finally decided to tow the car onto the road. We had a brief but a super exciting glimpse of @Chaitanya D's lead which I am sure that we are all looking forward to seeing again in the very near future. Unfortunately we couldn't make it to the marked locations for @Lorenzo Candelpergher's drone shots, but hopefully we can do something very soon or plan a separate drive for the drone footage. Extremely well done to all the drive participants for keeping your calm and composure in a challenging terrain which gave challenging problems. But nothing that can't be solved with a cool head and some good humor to liven the atmosphere. Special word of thanks to one of our oldest and senior most member @Asif Hussain for supporting the drive in every possible manner. Thanks Sirji
    11 points
  2. Respect for @Srikumar for his lead in challenging area, @Chaitanya D for taking the lead with zero hesitation, and @Asif Hussain for showing the difference between Expert and Advance!!! Awesome.
    10 points
  3. DRIVE REPORT As being a personal favorite of mine, Faqa and the route towards Solar Park can be scaled up or down massively thanks to the long range dunes and technical area that can give a complete experience for every Fewbie. Due to my own mistake it seemed that on the drive topic that starting time was still mentioned as 04:30PM, while the calendar was showing the correct timing (3:30PM). Because of that i had to make some quick phone calls but most people were already on the way, and with @Melenany making it on time we could quickly deflate his tyres and off we went. The first part of the drive was a nice combo of long ranges dunes, but i wanted to give our team some technical challenges as well and decided to head into the technical dunes, which really woke us all up and brought some nice recoveries and crests A bit later @Senthil Kumar experienced a pop-out but with @Brette his brand new floorjack and some elbow grease this was all quickly resolved. As soon as we reached the sabkha from where the second part of the drive goes north towards Solar park, i invited Brette to take over the lead, which he did perfectly by following the route we had planned a few days earlier. Into the first technical area where it was genuinely pitch dark i took back the lead as we both agreed this was challenging terrain and without night lights even more challenging. We found an easy route through, and ended up in "Little Sweihan", that i initially wanted to pass, but after spending some time on flat tracks i decided to go out with a bang and head into this beautiful yet tricky area which is already challenging in daytime but with a Fewbie convoy at night is really pushing the boundaries πŸ˜… To my sheer amazement, all drivers did so amazingly well. Brand-new Fewbies @Senthil Kumar and @AviG took the challenges with a smile, and @Melenany his F150 felt like cresting and resting a few times to watch the moonlit sky. A big shout-out to @Sinol in my second lead who drove so well and never struggled anywhere. After seeing @Desert Dweller doing some re-routing to bring @Heisem over some technical tracks i was amazed to see her skills as well, and are looking so forward to the day she will be leading drives, and that will be here soon ! Eventually, two dunes away from the exit track, we had another pop-out, but again all was resolved in a matter of minutes, while @Desert Dweller was rescuing the mighty F150 in the back of the convoy. Most of all what i love in these drives is the team spirit, and the help that our support is able to give on a weekly basis. @Brette and @Desert Dweller did their fair share of recoveries and did them all in a professional way and i trust them for 200% to deal with recoveries when i am not around. To the other drivers which i have not mentioned, again you guys really surprised me again with your skills. It's amazing to see you guys growing so fast and taking all challenges with a smile and eagerness. See you guys back soon !
    9 points
  4. Thanks @Srikumar for posting drive here in Abu Dhabi and it was great to see you after long long time. @Chaitanya D @Lorenzo Candelpergher @Janarthan @Tbone @Foxtrot Oscar @Kalahari @Najeeb Mohammed all new faces to me except @Nivin. It was nice driving with all of you, everyone drove fantastic and i am happy to see some emerging leader here. @Chaitanya D your lead was for a sort distance and we were enjoying to follow you but unfortunately the convoy had to stop due to one of the vehicle over heating situation and had to exit the drive. Looking forward to drive with all of you again. There are many endless terrain here. We will definitely explore those areas this winter. List of Terrain: Bu Tais, Um Al Oush, Al Wagan, Al Qoua, Al Yasar, Razeen, Madinat Zayed and every offroaders dream Rub Al Khali (The Empty Quater) Liwa
    8 points
  5. Thanks @Srikumar for this opportunity. Well driven everyone and great team work fixing pop outs. Fantastic to catchup with @Asif Hussain. Thanks @Nivin. Whole convoy today will be a memorable one. @Kalahari thanks! well we have been driving together since we joined this club most of the times. Great to see and learn from your enthusiasm . Not to mention you came back to dubai and joined the evening drive, bravo !
    8 points
  6. Thanks @Emmanuel, @sertac and the rest of our convoy. Yesterday’s drive was lots of fun and new challenges that gives me addtional opportunity to learn.... to recover and be recovered.
    8 points
  7. SKYDIVE LOOP - New area, new Leaders. Premiere Drive Report First drive for Carnity's Fewbies in this brand new area, first lead for one of our upcoming Leaders. As mentioned in the drive's presentation, this is not a pristine area from the habitation's point of view (there are camel farms, falconeers hideouts, gazelle's feeding stations, and, last but not least, the Sheik's Villa), but it certainly has been untouched by off-roaders, making it a succulent new dish on Carnity's menu. Just behind Skydive Dubai, in fact, there is a set of beautiful yellow/red sand dunes, that are neither long and tall nor tight and technical, but rather flow in an intricate but very smooth sequence, allowing sideys, criss-crossing, ridge riding, always with an easy and safe exit point. Following this set of "intricately smooth" dunes has taken us eventually to the boundary of Margham village, into a super-fun set of bowls, following each other in an almost circular chain (max. altitude 137 meters). After a very fun half an hour into this great playground, we then turned back toward the north west, in the direction of Lisaili (the other side of the highway). After avoiding an area marked with skull and bones (literally, on signposts, not just on our satellite maps) where oil/gas related construction seems to be taking place, we finally gained the lower ground. At the entrance of a nice technical set of dunes, with beautiful gnarly trees, and some fine sand bowls, still 1 hour away from Lisali, I passed the baton to Chaitanya, for his debut leading a Fewbie drive. @Chaitanya D rose to the challenge, leading smoothly in a very little known area, also finding a final play area just before the exit track, where the whole convoy merrily did countless side-slopes. It was not easy to navigate in such an unmarked terrain, taking quite a long convoy with minimal problems: well done Doc!! We exited at the highway, just on the other side from Lisaili camel practice track, after 3:55 hours of driving, and 61.1 Km, covered at an average speed of 16 Km/h (22 Km/h while moving). Great thanks @Anish S for anchoring the convoy, @Foxtrot Oscar for her reassuring presence at Sweep, and to @Islam Soliman, @andy_macdxb, @jodha singh shekhawat, @Tero Vallas, @Kailas, @Jeandre Bezuidenhout, @Biju Abdul, @tcarrimjee and @Ilya Golubinsky for joining the exploration and driving very smoothly (no stucks in such a drive is an exceptional achievement): great going all of you. Have a great week, and see you soon.
    7 points
  8. Thanks @Srikumar for wonder drive. Sweihan indeed a different experience enjoyed a lot. First time met @Asif Hussain it was pleasure meeting you. I heard there are good terrains in Alain also very scenic and amazing drive it can offer. @Asif Hussain please consider more intermediate levels drives in those areas as well. thanks again to @Asif Hussain and @Srikumar for wonderful coordination and a perfect planing to make this happen especially when we have this cross border challenges etc..
    7 points
  9. DRIVE REPORT Today was a special drive as we had decided to share the lead with my old friend @sertac, with whom I started off-roading when Carnity was still a small club - at that time Sertac was still driving his beloved XJ, before he betrayed the Jeep faith by buying an Xterra... Everyone arrived on time, except @Islam Soliman who had an unfortunate alarm incident. I had to take a difficult decision: to start without waiting for him so that the convoy won't miss the best part of the day. After deflation and a very quick briefing, we were off with @sertac on lead, myself in second and @Biju Abdul in sweep. Sertac managed to cross with the utmost ease the technical area between our entry point and the first high dunes of Badayer, with only one little cresting from @asifk - a good opportunity for @Jun Zamora to work on his recovery skills. I was quite impressed by Sertac's ability to build the pace and difficulty gradually, in order to feel the convoy response, before we reached the first climbs. Unfortunately, at one point, Asif had a refusal and found himself on a soft patch were he had to engage 4 low and deflate more to get out, but with a transmission overheating. In spite of a 10-15 mn break, the transmission light was still on, so we decided together to exit him on the road. Back out of the track, we enjoyed a nice and smooth drive in middle to high dunes before I took the lead to heading to Iftar bowl, with @Christian Andras as second - very well done and thank you Christian. A few stops for another Pajero overheating, @Mehmet Volgaβ€˜s, few refusals and stucks here and there. We reached Iftar Bowl, but unfortunately I was the only one who got a chance to climb it, because in less than one minute, 2 or 3 other convoys arrived. It was so crowded that we decided to leave it for another time. We headed to Superbowl area were we had a little fun... and a little pop out for @Biju Abdul, fixed in 5 minutes by Sertac. Very well done everyone, and hats off to @Jeandre Bezuidenhout, @Gregory Perkin, @Mehmet Volgaand @Christian Andras who didn’t have a single refusal, I guess.
    7 points
  10. NOT SO NEWBIES - Faqa Loop "Arboretum 101" Report As mentioned in the drive's preview, Faqa is not our first "go-to" location for a Newbie drive. Nonetheless, its northern part presents a very interesting terrain, with many copses of trees (hence the "arboretum", and long range, smooth dunes, very approachable by a Newbie convoy. Still, once the convoy gets into the heart of Faqa the dunes become taller and closer together, presenting also frequent technical areas, that may prove to be a challenge to unseasoned drivers. After a timely departure, between a moonset and a sunrise, we entered the long range dune from the backside of a large camel farm, warming up the convoy on a few side slopes, before directing ourselves toward the heart of Faqa. This is where the convoy proved to be not so Newbie, dealing extremely well with the technical dunes in between the tall cordons. All the few refusals and stucks were dealt with quite easily, so that we made very good time. Rather than driving all the way to Faqa town we chose to double back toward the low, open dunes, close to the northern sabkha, where the convoy, having gained confidence and coordination, managed to practice ridge riding and criss-crossing (in the safest possible way). The drive lasted 3:30 hours, and covered 48.1 Km, at the average speed of 14Km/h (21 Km/h while moving). Special thanks to @Ashy for a cleanly executed Second Lead, @Mikhail Lukichev for anchoring the convoy, and @Kailas for a smooth Sweep. Well done to @Athula Dharmadada, @Hardik Mody, @Baskaran P.R, @Rizwan Waheed, @Syed Raza Hussain, @Andrei, @Yasas Dharmadasa, @SureshVNair and @Gok Krish for managing with great control and skill the toughest, central, part of the drive, and for diving in with gusto into the last minute ridge riding and crossing. Have a great week, and see you soon out there. Special thanks to
    6 points
  11. My 1st Fewbie ride, experiecing the baby dunes, lot to learn, thanks @Frederic, @Brette, @Desert Dweller
    6 points
  12. Excellent drive today as usual .. a very interesting area just for us .. everyone drove quite well and practiced a mix of offroading skills.. thanks a lot @Ale Vallecchi for great lead as usual .. @Chaitanya D did a great job not only as second lead but also managed a wonderful lead for the last part of the drive through very interesting tech play area and the last side slope.. @Foxtrot Oscar hearing your voice coming from the end of the convoy every now and then patting everyone on the back was quite comforting πŸ˜‚ special thanks to @Ale Vallecchiand @Chaitanya D for the instructions to get out of that soft patch.. excellent learning experience to have.. enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone and hope to drive with you all soon... IMG_6704.MP4
    6 points
  13. Excellent drive! Pumped adrenalin in every second! Thanks to leads @Emmanuel @sertac and @Biju Abdul @Christian Andras for their good coordination. Special thanks to Dr. @Christian Andras for his help to overcome my heating issues... for the both heats; my car's and myself With only a few refusals and stucks, everybody enjoyed playing on high dunes in high tempo. The trouble of the day was Pajeros' I think. After the quit of @asifk, my transmission also heated in several times. I managed to cool it down in all but this problem dropped me from playing at the rest of the drive. I do not understand why this happened because the drive was fast and the weather was not that much horrible like in the summer. I think this is a problem specific to Pajeros and no issue for Wranglers, FJs and Xterras. Sometimes I am switching to manual mode-first gear to overcome challenging climbs since my auto-transmission is a bit slow and causes lose of momentum. Would it be a reason of transmission heat?
    6 points
  14. @Srikumar Thank you for a wonderful experience, Really enjoyed the first intermediate drive. @Chaitanya D It was pleasure driving with you leading and looking forward for more drives with you. @Asif Hussain Good to see you again and thank you for your assistance Special Thanks to @Chaitanya D @Asif Hussain @Lorenzo Candelpergher @Najeeb Mohammed for helping me fix the pop-out in record time. Got the tires cleaned and balanced on the way back from Abu Dhabi and the steering was still vibrating over 100kmph got it fixed in the evening from Sharjah. It seems the guys who did the balancing in AUH didn't know how to get the job done properly.
    6 points
  15. @Srikumar reading your trip report makes me try imagine the adventure you all guys have been through , although I am pretty sure that the reality was over imagination. Well done and God bless you and all desert enthusiasts along . Hat off ! have some rest and we wait some pictures and clips. cheers πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒ·πŸ‘
    6 points
  16. Super drive today. So different without seeing another single convoy out there, think group must try to keep this exploration area a secret as long as possible. @Ale Vallecchi really enjoyed the relaxed and reassuring guidance during the route. @Chaitanya obviously aware of new Fewbies, did a great job keeping guidance plain and simple. Would have loved to have seen that soft bowl you got swallowed by, it looked tricky. And @Foxtrot Oscar thank you also for your soothing support. Really like the route and area, thinking will be ideal for a desert camp now cooler weather finally arrived. Pleased to do most of the drive w window open. A good sign, summer is retreating πŸ‘. Thank you to all, am just relieved none of my tyres popped off this week.
    5 points
  17. @Gaurav@Wrangeld, thanks for the lovely experience yesterday, learning a bit with every ride. @Mohamed Seidam it felt great to see the video of our convoy, excellent compilation.
    5 points
  18. OEM xterra rear tow hook Suppose to be straight and it has bend while recovering. This is extremely dangerous when you do extreme recoveries.
    4 points
  19. @Ale Vallecchi Thanks for another great drive, u managed it really well , and we learned a lot from the briefing. Hope to see u soon on the next drive.
    4 points
  20. Todays drive was clearly interesting & fun and for sure longest, I have driven so far. It was altogether 60 km driving on sand and 7 hours from door to door. Great ! My wife commented that this was really smooth drive, with nice dunes & sceneries. Last part play area provided good side sloping and we also did quite a lot of crossings. I believe my car management, power control & shifting gets all the time better... What a drive ! Especially when I wasn't stuck.. this time.... πŸ˜‚. @Ale Vallecchis, @Foxtrot Oscars and @Chaitanya Ds convoy management was perfect as usual. Few photos added to gallery. Have a nice week all ! See u next time...
    4 points
  21. Summary of mods of my X : 1. bash / skid plate to protect the radiator 2. High profile A/T tires ( both done before My very first drive with Carnity ) 3 . Finally today I got my ABS kill switch installed and tested 4. Stock tow hooks still in good condition , possibly after a few tug/ pull here and there ... will be needing a replacement later with either fabricated or a genuine good quality ones. last but not the least ( not considered off road specific ) .. Side mirrors Correct adjustment in my all vehicles ( no blind spots ) . cheers πŸ˜ŽπŸš™πŸŒ·
    4 points
  22. A couple of firsts for me yesterday! My first Fewbie drive, my first time on this route, my first pop out! Thanks to @Frederic for a wonderful evening. It was a bit stop start but as the lovely moonlit dunes were mesmerising.
    4 points
  23. @Gaurav @Wrangeld Thank you guys for another amazing drive , special thanks to @Mohamed Seidam for covering our back and helping me out in recovery . Looking forward to the next weekend already cheers ..
    4 points
  24. Haha that’s the teacher side of me @Islam Soliman Positive Reinforcement is far far far more productive than berating and snapping. Every teacher knows it and today you were a wonderful student . I really enjoyed watching your self recovery, that was a sticky patch and you listened to the instruction and carried out your recovery perfectly. Everyone in the drive did so well, with only a few small refusals . Which is great going as when the temperature started to rise the more the track started to churn up and in some areas it resembled pea soup . it’s always a pleasure being on one of @Ale Vallecchi’s drives . You not only get to enjoy a desert drive but you are also given lots of interesting info about the area too. (lots of pics posted in the gallery )
    4 points
  25. Extraordinary drive and a great experience. Thank you @Srikumar and real pleasure in knowing and driving with @Asif Hussain bhai.
    4 points
  26. This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Two Way Radio Guidelines Every Off-roader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. Drive Details Level: Intermediate and above When: 10 October 2020, Saturday Meeting time: 6:00 AM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Action Plan: IMPORTANT NOTICE - This is an exploration drive, in a little travelled area for off-roaders, on very technical terrain. In fact, while Part 1 of this drive has taken place on an itinerary tasted at least once, this drive will be in uncharted terrain! The pace may be slow, and the skills required will include finesse and control, due to the need to pick the right path through an environment possibly with a lot of vegetation (shrubs first, then trees), with sporadic animal farms, and sets of sand dunes with little room to maneuver. This drive will test the complete set of off-roading skills, providing a good opportunity to make you a more complete desert driver. Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/UsVoyEaC9YdZdJbG8 IMPORTANT: As this is an absolute first, this is just a convenient meeting point, from which we'll try to move into the desert. We can deflate here, hoping the entry point will not be too far. Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 11:00 AM THIS IS A COMPRESSOR ONLY DRIVE. WE WILL END THE DRIVE AT A POINT WHICH IS NOT CLOSE TO AN AIR LINE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COMPRESSOR, PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS DRIVE. IF YOU ARRIVE AND HAVE NO COMPRESSOR YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO JOIN THE DRIVE. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 Intermediate and above drivers. RSVP will close on Thursday - 9 AM. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE BELOW CALENDAR
    3 points
  27. @Ale Vallecchi thanks for passing the Baton. I was a bit edgy as the start as I had to match your finesse taking this convoy who were delighted with your lead till I took over, but I hope everyone enjoyed it. Few refusals in a slightly technical terrain before play areas and exit. Well driven and thank you everyone. Thanks to @Anish S and @Foxtrot Oscar (Angela) for the amazing support. Well done @Islam Soliman to self recover from a very soft pocket, fantastic to see how you are in total control of your car even when in refusals.
    3 points
  28. Xterra has a weak rear tow hook... spending another 50 to 100dhs will fix this problem.
    3 points
  29. Dear @Wrangeld @Gaurav @Mohamed SeidamThank you for the great support and making it possible to learn drive in desert. Was a great experience filled with excitement and anxiety at moments and making wonderful memories. Being a beginner had a quite a bit of moments, thank you for being patient and supportive. looking forward to many more drives!
    3 points
  30. Thanks a lot for another nice drive! Always technical when we drive with you, @Ale Vallecchi! check the gallery, I posted some photos I took πŸ€™
    3 points
  31. @Ale Vallecchi thank you very much for adding another excellent and adventurous drive into our experience. The special part was the breifing with the custom bulit scenario. Which gave us the confidence and allowed us all to develop the understanding for the technical aspects in a very convenient way. Looking forward for more desert missions under your lead. πŸ™‚ Cheers.
    3 points
  32. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi for the exciting drive. Excellent briefing with clear explanations on approaching & passing of dunes and ridges. Looking forward for the next drive
    3 points
  33. Hi! I do not need an appointment because I live in Abu Dhabi. Thanks for your hard work!
    3 points
  34. You are Most welcome @Karthik Krishnakumar wish you pleasant safe drive nice pictures ! cheersπŸ˜ŽπŸš™πŸ‘
    3 points
  35. @Ale Vallecchi and the whole team, thanks for the wonderful drive! We all managed to maintain a good pace with only a few stucks and a bit more refusals. All of that kept us involved and granted a lot of fun!
    3 points
  36. @Wrangeld it's always the greatest pleasure to read any of your material including trip reports as it creates a very vivid picture in mind. Today I got more engrossed reading @Mohamed Seidam report as it felt like a beautiful poetry. However it felt like a foot ball match where @Mohamed Seidam was the goal keeper and @Gaurav bhai and @Wrangeld were the defenders.
    3 points
  37. UPDATED BASED ON THE LATEST REGULATIONS OF 17 JAN 2020 1. DPI / PCR test is mandatory and has to be done 48 hours prior to entering Abu Dhabi. If you continue to stay in Abu Dhabi, then on the 4th day you need to undergo a PCR test. 2. DPI test is done via a small painless prick on your left index finger. DPI report comes within 2 mins of collecting the sample. PCR test is conducted via a nasal swab and the results can take between 24 - 48 hours. 3. The test can be done at the drive through centers located on the Al Faya Truck Road (E75) just off the Ghantoot exit. The drive through centers are available on both sides of the road. Generally the center location in the direction towards E11 has less rush compares to the one on the opposite side of the road. The locations are as follows: Al Faya Road (E75) is the stretch between Sheikh Zayed Road (E11) and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road (E311), so you can reach these stations by taking either of these two roads. If you are taking the Sheikh Zayed Road (E11) you would need to take Exit 403 and follow signs for Al Faya Road. If you are on Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road (E311), take the exit to your right for Al Faya Road or Al Faya Truck Road (E75). Location (from E311 towards E11) : https://goo.gl/maps/wkG1vSq1E2m61qo19 Location (from E11 towards E311) :https://goo.gl/maps/uVZ1hywrzbaFPiBz8 There is no rush in the early hours of the morning and the entire process would take less than 10 minutes. Payment of AED 50 is to be done during the test. Payment is via Card only. Cash is not accepted. No prior booking is needed. Original and valid EID is mandatory for the tests. 4. Alternative is to book an appointment via the SEHA app at various screening centers. Appointments are generally available for the same day and from my recent personal experience if you have an appointment for the same day but at a different timing, say you have an appointment for 1 pm but you are at the screening center at 11 am, they will let you go through. But the same day appointment is a must to take the test. Also, generally there is more rush during the start of the week, but towards the end of the week appointments are easily available. The entire process including waiting in the car can take upto 1 hour depending on the queue. SEHA APP on Apple Store https://apps.apple.com/ae/app/seha/id436297690 SEHA APP on Google Play Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linkdev.seha&hl=en 5. Kids below 12 years of age donot require the test to be done. 6. If the test results states "No Swab" means you are good to enter Abu Dhabi. In the unfortunate event that you dont get this SMS, then I was informed that you need to do the PCR test. Further details need to be checked. 7. if you have taken the COVID19 vaccine, then you don't need to undergo any of the above tests. 8. If you have no symptoms of COVID19, there is nothing to be worried and you can go ahead and take the test. 9. If you have done a prior test you can enter Abu Dhabi from any of the routes including E11, E311, E611, E22, etc. Now, for the main thing whether the trip to Abu Dhabi is worth the above. With a little bit of planning the above can easily be done and ofcourse any offroader who has already had a taste of Abu Dhabi sands would say an overwhelming YES. DISCLAIMER : The above information are subject to change at any time as per the guidelines of the UAE Government
    2 points
  38. Thanks a lot to @Emmanuel and @sertac for such a wonderful drive. It was one of the best drives with high pace and adrenaline pump from start to end. At the end of the drive I found out that I had wrongly deflated (while we had a break) my right hand side tyres to less than 10 and possibly the reason for the pop out. Anyways, I was stunned to see that getting fixed super quickly by @sertac. The tyre pop out was a scary thing in my mind always, but not anymore 😁. I am still thinking about the Iftar bowl climb we missed with a hope to conquer it soon. See you all soon.
    2 points
  39. @Asif Hussain looks like I will edit my X mods summary soon πŸ˜„
    2 points
  40. Thank you so much for your kind response and wishes... I shall certainly look forward to a drive under your able leadership on my return from Delhi.
    2 points
  41. Clearly, I need to up my game and wax lyrical, beat the bard and reflect better my recollections as such qualified and impressive scribes join the canity tribe.
    2 points
  42. Hello desert wanderers As we are entering October the morning weather is turning cooler and the sand become much crispy and cracking under the wheels of our vehicles like a biscuit cracker softly grinded leaving a unique track that can be traced by the sweeper! Being in the Sweep position it felt like a Goalkeeper who should keep an eye not only on the ball "( convoy )'direction, but more to predict how and where goes to the best he can as our yard is not flat and to give relevant feedback to the captain and other players in the game. Yet and when appropriate even can pass through when needed and safe. today i was blessed by @Gauravand @Wrangeld helping keeping my "goal" clean . I would like to thank all drivers today for coming to enjoy and learn as my self always do! P.S please if someone had recorded an interesting recoveries today if i can ask kindly to post it to the thread : The greatest of recoveries so we can all share and learn. please enjoy below link
    2 points
  43. Hi to everyone! Thank you @Gaurav and @Wrangeld for leading the convoy! Come back with some important learning really appreciate your patience and professionalism. Really enjoyed! Some picture from the today's trip!
    2 points
  44. DRIVE REPORT How i missed these cool morning, where the sun starts peeping through the sky and you the beautiful Qudra dunes await. The whole team arrived on time and was eager to hit the sand and enjoy the scenery. @Tariq Niyas was my second lead with the Montero Sport and drive wonderfully well ! @Arshad Roojee we did not see you today. Hope everything is ok and we can see you joining the next drive. @Mahmoud Asar you were enjoying the drive with the open sunroof and drove perfect. Well done ! @RAKIN KURIAKOSE the big Pathfinder is maybe not the easiest car to take offroading, but you managed it very well ! @Lukas Lewis brought a very nice Ford Explorer and i hope you are your son had fun. You did great ! @DANIEL NOGUEIRA you look like the kind of person that easily grabs a challenge with a smile. You took the Dodge through every dune without a hiccup ! Nice ! @Aravind Padmaraju The Xterra is the perfect toy for weekly stress relief. Your friends from the club will agree Well driven ! @[email protected] Very well driven. Keep it up ! @Archibald Jurdi your enthusiasm and attitude are superb. The TJ needed to wake up a bit, and with the help of @Jeepie who knows these cars quite well, you managed very well today. See you back soon ! Again a big thanks to @Jeepie for supporting this drive !! Moving forward you all will be joining the Newbie drives and not an Absolute Newbie drive. Drives are announced every Sunday at 11 am, and they go live on Sunday at 7 pm. Due to the high demand, these drives get full in about 10 minutes, so please be online at 7 pm to book your spot. For the next drives, please bring along a deflator, pressure gauge, flag and radio as a minimum. Learn to deflate your tires and checking them precisely Learn to fix a flag on your car Learn to program and fully charge your radio Also like I mentioned during the debriefing, join the Carnity Whatsapp Drive Notification to get the latest updates on the drives, so that you can RSVP on time for the next weekend's drive. Please have a look at below topic which describes the tools needed for every level: Please have a look at below grading structure that explains various off-road levels: See you next weekend on the sand. Till then take care and drive safe.
    2 points
  45. Me too test done and reached the nearest Petrol Station. Going to sleep for sometime
    2 points
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