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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2022 in all areas

  1. Just to give you all Maze Runners a heads up, convoy positions will be switched, every hour, as follows:: @Davie Chase and @Simon Dawood will take Second Lead position after @Zixuan Huang - Charlie @Vaibhav and @Zedwill take a Center Forward position after @Thomas Varghese @Gok Krishand @Chinthaka Ruwan will alternate in Sweep. Let's all start warming up 😁
    6 points
  2. Thank you very much @Hisham Masaad for a brilliant drive this morning. Really enjoyed it, brilliant route, great pace and very challenging. Full of surprises for me, crested in the first 5 minutes of the drive 🤦🏻‍♂️, still half asleep and then my first pop out which was expertly handled by the support team. Thank you very much @Waqas Parvez for the support and guidance, @Abdelghani in SL and @ASAD.. Great fun, thanks again!!
    6 points
  3. It has been in the top 3 drives i have done in the desert since 2015 and i have done a good amount. Amazing morning.
    5 points
  4. Thank you desert wanderers for joining the drive, glad to meet you, and happy to see all left the drive smiling…..mission achieved. Part of the achievement, all went through few challenges, and realized their capabilities and cars as well. Well done everyone. Thank you @Abdelghani @ASAD. For being SL and SW. @Waqas Parvez great first support task after the promotion, well done brother. @Gregory Powell @Miguel Codes @takeshi sobue @Imran Kashif Nice to meet you for the first time, and good to see you driving with good control and go over the challenges easily. @Jonny90 remember when we met for the first time and today, big difference and very much improved. @Zulfikhar Naiyar few stucks and refusals, you need to control and push the gas more on side slopes to keep the car moving, otherwise very good control. Good to see you again @Naim Aoun. Wish you all nice weekend, and good week ahead. See you again in sand. Below screen shots of what have we done today.
    5 points
  5. Hi @Thomas Varghese. Thanks for your considerations. As you know from past drives, and considering the couple of drop-outs we've had, I'll try to mix up positions, so that as many members as possible will have the possibility to enjoy different roles/places. See you tomorrow.
    5 points
  6. Great drive as usual thanks to @Hisham Masaad great choice of terrain. Today's drive was fast and furious at times and that was exhilarating... Thanks again for all and especially @ASAD.for the quick tug that made my refusal seamless... Will be back in 3 weeks for more.
    4 points
  7. WHAT A DRIVE!! Thank you father @Hisham Masaad for a fantastic drive today, thank you everyone for coming, it was nice meeting new friends and old friends, really enjoyed every part of the drive, especially the MAD MAX (fewbie level) part 🙃. Hope to see you all soon in sand. @Gregory Powell u have some photos in the gallery 🙂.
    4 points
  8. @Ale Vallecchi i have to appologise... i dont think i am gonna make it . As I am still in fujera with the rescue teams . I appologise for this inconvenience and Looking forward for next drive.
    4 points
  9. @Hisham Masaadthank you for the wonderful drive,it was perfectly balanced with technical and high climbs,everyone in the convoy drove beautifully,for me it was more of fewbieplus drive😅 and a good learning experience,when @Jonny90got stuck early in the drive my first impression was no way we can shovel and get him out,but with your guidance we were able to shovel him out within no time,thank you @Abdelghani for the 2nd lead you are for sure following your father's footsteps @Miguel Codes @Zulfikhar Naiyar @Jonny90 it was pleasure driving with you for the 1st time @takeshi sobue @Naim Aoun @Imran Kashif it was great to drive with you guyz again @ASAD. thank you for sweeping the convoy and supporting
    3 points
  10. 😂, no gym required today after that recovery!
    3 points
  11. What a morning! So the object of the drive was to learn how the car behaved when executing side slopes and following a prompt start we found a playground of high dunes. Various attempts were made and the most interesting was climbing the dunes using limited throttle and blipping when gravity pulled and a fishtail was about to arise. Finding that "tipping point" to correct it was very interesting for me. We had our fair share of pop outs and stucks (some of them pretty tricky requiring shovelling and front and back tugs) but as they say, it is all a learning experience. So thanks again to @GauravSoni for the putting the drive together, the comprehensive theory briefing and for @Ashok chaturvedi and @Brette for their usual impeccable support. We were a tight and small convoy so it meant that everyone got up close and personal to observe the recoveries, get their steps in for the day, get shovelling and fix the pop outs. Great to drive with everyone on the convoy and a couple of pics in the Gallery 😀
    2 points
  12. Thanks @Morshedi for informing. @AlexM you have been added to the drive from the WL. Can you please confirm you'll attend? Thanks
    2 points
  13. @Waqas Parvez Bhaaiii!! Well done I know how much you’ve wanted this, not just for 7pm trigger release, but more for the immense love you have for being in the outdoors. Combined with the skill, that love only makes the experience exponentially more powerful for yourself and those around you. Also, now that you’re support too, I’ll let you pull out the rope first 😂
    2 points
  14. Enjoy the exciting change in pace @Imran Kashif!
    2 points
  15. @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler: thank you! We’ve definitely got to be on a drive together soon! @Jonny90: absolutely! Birds of a flock need to band together 🚀 @Daniel Yang: indeed, my louder and cooler fitekk twin! Thanks 🙏🏽 @Simon Dawood: thank you buddy! We’re due a drive soon.
    2 points
  16. Congratulations @Waqas Parvez well done.
    2 points
  17. Thanks to @Gauravand team for an excellent and fun filled drive today morning 😊👍
    1 point
  18. Congratulations @Rob S. Well done 👏🏽
    1 point
  19. Thank you @Ale Vallecchi, looking forward to the UAE Version of the “Maze Runner” 😉
    1 point
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