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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2022 in all areas

  1. @Brette Thank you a beautiful scenic drive. Welcome @premindra rajaram @Benjamin @Lewis2009 to the Carnity family who drove well even though it was their first Offroad drive. @Mohammed Sirajuddin @Sunny84 @Emanuel @Juzer Gandhi @Zulfikhar Naiyar drove really well. Thank you @Sunil Mathew for the 2nd lead @Pacificfor CF and @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler for the sweep. Looking forward to see each and everyone in the sand soon.
    6 points
  2. @Rajiv Sam @Felix Obst @Sunil Mathew @Vaibhav @Ashok chaturvedi @Waqas Parvez @Karthik Raptor Thanks you all for joining the drive. Everything was perfect: the convoy, the pace and the beautiful weather. It was a fluidic drive where I never had to slow down or hold for any recoveries. We could drive with the continuous momentum. We tried a lot of climbs before sunset. Surprisingly the big red area had hard sand because of the rain, so we tried to concentrate our fun near the pink rock area. We had many breaks, the last break area was really elevated allowing us to enjoy the view and weather. Thank you all for the team work and looking after each other. See you all soon. Cheers!
    5 points
  3. @Anoop Nair@Pascal@Andrew McCarthy@Zed@Imran Kashif Great morning out in the sand with this SUPER convoy ! Thanks @Anoop Nair for the very reliable second lead, and @Zed for brushing at the back @Imran Kashif it shows you’ve been driving all summer. Good control ! @Pascal you’re like a Swiss watch: we can always count on you whenever there’s a party in Abu Dhabi Terrain ! @Andrew McCarthy and Nigel: Nigel looked happy today and was in awe of what Andrew is doing with that poor Pajero 😂. And now that we’ve found our new ADNOC, we’ll be going back there very soon !
    5 points
  4. Hey carnity Champs, when I arrived at the meeting point I felt like a junior on the first day. And for the first time I could feel that I was a little bit nervous when I started the engine. But I embraced the challenge and accepted that I am the „weakest“ part of the chain! And what should I say you big boys were awesome. It was a blast I again learned a lot and gained more confidence with slower sideys and climbs in soft sand! Thank you @Kailas for spending your Saturday evenings with us - it was a good mix of pure adrenaline and dopamine during the romantic breaks! Thx big boys for having me! Looking forward to adjust to your level in some months to enjoy more drives with you!!! Have a great Sunday and a good start into the week! @Rajiv Sam@Sunil Mathew @Vaibhav @Ashok chaturvedi @Waqas Parvez @Karthik Raptor
    5 points
  5. @Kailas what a drive. Loved every single bit of it. Every drive of yours I see the convoy bonds well specially during the break. We did not remove the rope or shovel. The convoy was strong from the start. @Rajiv Samwelcome back after your vacation.Good job as a 2nd lead with sufficient space from Kailas to reroute. @Felix Obst you drove so well. I know jeeps are the best. @Sunil Mathew I know you agree with me on that. it was a pleasure following you. Jeep or fortuner you drove great buddy. @Ashok chaturvedi you presence in the convoy is such a pleasure. Specially the knowledge you share. @Waqas Parvez and @Karthik Raptor with 2 monsters at the back drove exceptionally on the churned sand. See you soon guys.
    5 points
  6. Dear Sand Sailors Thanks for joining in for the drive and making it a fun outing on sand. The terrain, convoy and weather all were worth every minute of sleep we lost last night 😊 Timely arrival of all meant we could start the drive with the first ray of sun light around 5:45am. Small but soft dunes at the beginning of the drive provided us with good place to warm up as convoy sailed through these dunes with no concern at all. Around 615am, 30min into the drive, view of sunrise was too tempting to let go and we took our first break. Well it’s these mesmerizing gifts of nature that bring us back to sand every weekend. As we started to roll back again, there was no stopping this convoy - I continously ramped up the pace, added multiple ridges to our drive, however you guys ensured that by 7am, having travelled around 25Km in less than an hour of moving time , we were already on the top of Pink Rock. And then we started the real high speed car chase.Swaying through countless awesome bowls, criss crossing and riding on top of those lovely ridges, we were almost close to the Big Red, when @salah2u’s patrol decided it’s time for a break and a pop-out. @Beide Worku,s magic fixed it in no time and we were back again. As we reached the Big red, it was clear from word go that it won’t be easy with all the cross tracks and super soft sand. We had our challenges - multiple refusals, my jeep landing in a tricky pocket and couple of small stucks, however the convoy didn’t give up and we all managed to complete our first round to Big red successfully. However the second attempt proved more complicated - while rest of the convoy managed to sail through, by that time @salah2u’s patrol had decided Enough is Enough and just wasn’t ready to go. Re-routing Salah, we climbed a few more high sides of Big red and with sun shining bright, decided to end the drive as planned at 930am. Overall we travelled around 50Km at an average moving speed of 20Kmph - and completed our goals of a high speed drive through a beautiful and challenging terrain. Moving time was around 2hrs 30min, a brilliant outcome for a FBPlus level. Thanks @Morshedi for being a perfect SL, you responded proactively to all my instructions and drove beautifully throughout. Hope your passenger was okay on way back home, this route with all big bowls is never easy on passengers. @Gertjan other than couple of refusal on big red, you had an awesome drive . Handled the FJ beautifully through the ridges and cross-crossings. @takeshi sobue your ridge riding today was a sight to cherish, beautiful control on the car throughout. @Imteeaz thanks for being the back bone of the convoy and handling it all very nicely. @KAMALIO as was with last drive, you did awesome through the drive. Only thing that challenged you was your own jeep and it’s electronics - you should get it checked. Brillant execution of self recoveries as well as tug. @salah2u few refusals, stucks are part of being an off-roader. You generally managed it all very well - it’s never going to be easy handling a Patrol through high climbs in D mode. Let’s get started with top tronics, I am sure you will realize that you have a lot more to unearth out of this beautiful vehicle. @Beide Worku thanks for keeping the convoy together - another perfect drive for you and brilliantly executed the pop-out fix and other recoveries. Thanks all, looking forward to see you all soon.
    4 points
  7. 3 points
  8. @varunmehndiratta@Beide Worku @Morshedi @salah2u @Gertjan @KAMALIO @takeshi sobue what a drive.... started after the sunrise, and after couple of warm-up dunes, @varunmehndiratta really pushed all of us during the drive. i remember before the drive that @varunmehndiratta was making reference to Intermediate Drives, where the radio was kept silent; well for most of the drives, our radios were barely used. the couple of refusals experienced by us (including pop-outs) were reminding us that the terrain was not an easy one, with couple of steep dunes, super-soft sand, and lots of tracks. the mighty Nissan Y61 struggled with the climbs; maybe time for me to look into an ECU tuning for additional HP and traction. my youngest son accompanied me today after couple of months; he was so excited with the ridge riding, the climbs, the criss-cross, just to name a few of our achievements today. looking forward to drive again with such an amazing lead, and outstanding convoy - we should be proud of ourselves. enjoy the rest of the weekend. cheers
    3 points
  9. Thanks @Hisham Masaad for the wonderful drive today. Really enjoyed it. Perfect phase. We started slow at the beginning and push it to the next level in the second half of the drive and entire convoy responded superbly. Thanks @TT_Dubai for the perfect sweep and @Mohamad Anwer for perfect SL. I have uploaded some pictures to the gallery. See you all next time. 🤛
    2 points
  10. Dear Sand Sailors, it was indeed a morning of sailing over dunes! Thanks @varunmehndiratta for selecting a great route and giving all the guidance. Have loaded a few picktures in the gallery! Enjoy!
    2 points
  11. Totally a flawless drive! Almost 50 kms with those long breaks says it all. Weather being cooler with a mild breeze, it was perfect time to take the chairs out and enjoy the terrain in between the fast paced night adventure. Few pics in the gallery. Thanks @Kailasand everyone for a memorable one 🙏.
    2 points
  12. @Brette @Pacific @Sunil Mathew @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler Thank you brothers for a wonderful morning drive. Appreciate your efforts throughout. Apologies to the rest of the convoy for heading out earlier in the very end without a goodbye to all as needed to rush for a bio-call. My radio battery was totally gone so couldn't announce it, especially to @Emanuel who was just ahead of me in the drive. See you all soon. Cheers!
    2 points
  13. From my view as sweeper, it was an "almost-flipped" Pajero and what poor fate could have befallen today. Alas, calm-headed and coolness prevails over panick and once again Fred saved the day 😁 But the graphics of the event is best described over some apple juice & other drinks 😅
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Congratulations @Rob S! Thanks for your support to date...
    1 point
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