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  1. Drive title promised adventure and adventure materialised… from @Krishna R Xterra leaf spring issue and recovery ( I hope you made it back safe and are back in the sand soon) @Stumpy Paj and @Gaurav temp spring repair and axle realignment l. @Bravoecho mystery patrol locking itself with keys and engine running but no driver , we all learned how to jimmy a door open. @Benjamin took over 2nd lead and had a few opportunities to pump his shovelling arms. the most beautiful self recovery from a creat situation I have ever seen by @Gaurav We hit some nasty vegetation patches and some sharp dips , my gladiator managed through followed by @Beide Worku lovely f150. With @MMansoor taking up sweep. And just as we were ending the drive Faqa had one last surprise with the exit location needing some work to get too. Post drive I found my rear bumper took a nasty hit , reinforcing gladiators shallow exit angle.
    5 points
  2. Nicely summed up @Gary F this was my third car locked-out experience. It seems I need to write a manual on opening locked-out cars in the desert with sheer teamwork, patience, and precision. @Bravoecho time u stick a spare key under your car or behind the spare wheel with zip ties, or better add one with a safety flag, so at least while off-roading you can quickly reach. Totally agree, @Gary F @Beide Worku and @MMansoor were real men to brave Faqa adventures with LWB vs boys with SWB.
    4 points
  3. Whenever cars break down @Stumpy Paj is around !
    4 points
  4. @M.Seidam great drive in the infinite dark loops! Thank you for the great drive report it was very informative For me this drive was a challenge to understand the limits of my halogen jeep lights illuminating the sandy waves, with a few minor refusals I managed to continue to press on while capturing some nice photos on the top of pink rock everyone drove amazingly we had a healthy mix of driving and refusals which usually are the most important style of off-road experience; learning how to recover safely is just as important as learning to drive safely. @Krishna R always good to meet up in the trail, especially seeing that mighty Xterra climb dunes. @Ignacio Quindós@Zulfikhar Naiyar both did well with the double winch was amazing seeing the abilities of these tools in situations without would mean removing the dune by shovel. everyone I missed out drove great and will look forward to the next one!
    4 points
  5. @Srikumar@Santoso Marjuki@Imran Kashif@Amr Aydin@Gok Krish Thanks for joining in and for the great evening under the stars ! The weather was a blessing and although the terrain was mostly technical, i think we all had some good fun. @Gok Krish I hope your passenger felt better after exiting, at least he looked a lot better while inflating These things happen and the combination of flickering flood lights and bumpy dunes do not make things easier. See you all soon in the sands again !
    4 points
  6. I agree @Gary F we had it all last night but still went to bed with a big smile on my face. Hope the bumper isn’t too damaged Have my theories on why it occurred @Gauravbut not leaving anything to chance for next time and the second key solution is currently being arranged. Also will always park with the window ajar/open when the engine is running in future. Thanks for an amazing night and the fact that it was a new moon added to the adventure. If it’s okay with you I’ll elevate myself to the real men category. Even though I was driving a SWB, with a manual car in such technical terrain I worked out I was averaging a gear change every 5 seconds and the arm at the end of the night certainly had a workout. @Benjamin we all learned some life skills that may come in handy (as long as you have a soft shackle, brush and sand flag) last night 😁. Hope your car is okay @Krishna R and look forward to seeing you back out there.
    3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Thank you for the ride @JeromeFJ and for the coaching. It was an area I’ve not been before , nice scenery near the mountains, and good practice in the bowls and with the side sloping. @DP1011 no pass from the family for the Sunday drive 😔. Hope you enjoyed it and hope you found your airpod 😆
    2 points
  9. Following @Carnity principles !! Hoping everyone will start chipping in!
    2 points
  10. @GauravSoniyou are the trendsetter ! Well done buddy !!
    2 points
  11. Drive Report Indeed it was a pitch black and a challenging drive last night especially around big red . At second December cafeteria every one was on time ready and after the brief we headed toward our first “pitch black loop” around the eastern side of pink rock on the track passing jabal nazwa and looping around the 🐊 rock back the western side of pink rock were the guys enjoyed climbing the loops before we ascend the rock as usual. That was the warming up loop. Now the eyes and senses are accustomed to get to the next level bit faster and bit challenging ascending and descending in roll coster kind of fashion and here we encountered couple refusals which was expected and the first thing we did when down back to the track is to check our tire pressure along with a coffe break . now comes the most interesting and challenging part of the whole trip and for this one I have to admit that despite the challenge every one was determined to take the challenge. Counterclockwise we looped around big red reaching as top as possible negotiating its Bowles up there in the dark in the order of west , south and east and back to north this last one we encountered a nasty stuck when @PETELCZYC PAJERO - luke got his Pajero wedged in a tricky situation in wedged between the limbs of a V shape bowl. probably this was the only true stuck of the night. A team work spirit buzzed and acted immediately for help in timely and coordinated fashion after the plan of recovery explained and set ready. Luckily we had two winch enabled cars thanks to @Ignacio Quindósand @Zulfikhar Naiyar were a double winching was set to bring the Pajero one third of a distance up the hill to clear it’s rear and it was done safely. After that Luke could reverse it and luckily without winching and with the proper instructions came forward and exited by self recovery. On the way to exit I thanked all participants and the listened to their positive feedback which was confirmed by the big smiles while inflating . @Ignacio Quindós thank you for being an excellent second lead and all the help when ever was needed. my regards to Ignacio junior 😉 @Sunil Mathew thank you for anchoring the first to the second half of the convoy . Fantastic . I hope your son had enjoyed the black loops 😉 @Benjamin amazing sweep and communication as usual and thanks for keeping me informed always from the tail of the convoy as well as for the help in the last stuck as well . It was pleasure to meet for the first time both @Zulfikhar Naiyar and @Dinesh Kumar A very well done and thanks for sharing the passion. rest of the team @PETELCZYC PAJERO - luke @Michael @MohamedSherif @Waqar Sarwarand @Krishna R you all did more than great guys. till we meet again take care and drive safe cheers seidam
    2 points
  12. Despite a few attempts over the last few drives to stop it getting worse , Faqa was the nail in the coffin. Will be needing a reinforced one that does not act as a sand anchor.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
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