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  1. Today
  2. Hi @JeromeFJ, we were on time but now running 5 minutes late as we had to go around for refueling.
  3. @JeromeFJ. During the Last drive I had broken my crankshaft sensor. Yesterday evening got the car back from the workshop after replacing it. Was on my way right now but the engine is making strange sound ( as if I am driving on 4 hi ) and my dashboard is showing system fault. I am turning back home now. Will take my car back to the workshop. Hopefully see you on the next drive.
  4. Yesterday
  5. It was my honour to have driven with @Frederic and the Safari. All the best to the new owner.
  6. @Rafey Hashmi @Cha Thanks for this input and eagerness to help out. my friend appreciates it. Take care guys 😎
  7. Sorry @JeromeFJ I'll have to remove myself, my AC Compressor started smoking earlier and making a weird grinding sound. I tried poking around with it, but... I think the internals fused together and I can't seem to get it to declutch. Back to the garage we go.... 😝
  8. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi for the amazing, fast paced drive today. Great to see @Nicolò and @Sunil Mathew Lots of bowls and climbs today followed by some technical dunes. Interesting to see the different colors of sand in the same area - red where we started off, changed to yellowish with darker bits and finished in almost red again. Visibility got pretty bad there towards the end - so hard to read the shape of the dunes with the sun getting low in the sky Great idea by the way for the 3 Emirate tour this weekend. Sharjah done! Looking forward to Dubai tomorrow and Abu Dhabi on Sunday 😁
  9. @Davie Chase Unless we saw the pole, it won't fit. Happy to cut it if you have a hacksaw πŸ˜…
  10. @Julien Recan @Aser @Brett Eicher @Gurcharan Mehta @azad @Gautam Banka Last updates for tomorrow Meeting at 06:00 am at https://maps.app.goo.gl/r5LPyKms6XuG5Un58 The convoy order will be We will use Carnity Radio Frequency 5. Take a good rest, and see you tomorrow morning !
  11. @Looper hope you get this sorted soon and get back in the sand @Mahesh_, @Rk ram, @Ishak, @Gertjan, @Batuhan Kulac, @Charbel I will advise the Convoy order tomorrow and we will use Ch4 446.081
  12. I will make it on time inshallah just in case i might be 15 minutes late maximum
  13. Sadly may car has some issue with the wiring since last week’s drive and they are trying to diagnose the issue. There is some kind of earthing somewhere on the car and unfortunately the mechanics haven’t been able to find the short. Meanwhile @Davie Chase has been godsend and has agreed to take the convoy on a wonderful adventure. To be frank I would have loved to be at the back on the drive led by @Davie Chase so you guys are in for a great drive. Have fun guys. @Mahesh_, @Rk ram, @Ishak, @Gertjan, @Batuhan Kulac, @Charbel
  14. @carlstanley we will have a look tomorrow morning and see if we can resolve you flag issue. You will need to get this fixed before your next drive but I am sure we can get you sorted in the morning
  15. Thanks for organising this @Davie Chase I've been on a Newbie training with Gaurav and looking forward to joining my first group drive. I've watched the video and have all the gear in the list, including radio. The only thing is my flag mount isn't correct so I can't mount my flag. Feel free to text me or call if it's a problem. See you nice and early tomorrow!
  16. Dear desert wanderers, @Dodi Syahdar, @carlstanley, @J-P L, @Pramod B, @Sameer D., @Benjamin, @Ben Lee, @Rafey Hashmi, @Jeandre Bezuidenhout, @Anoop Nair, @Emanuel and @Gary F, convoy order will be as below and we will be using Ch4 446.801, please ensure your radios are fully charged and programmed to all Carnity channels
  17. @carlstanley Welcome to the carnity family, Please use this forum to give us a brief introduction of yourself and also if you could please confirm the following: - Car make, model, color - Confirm you have 10-inch front and rear ground clearance - Your car is All or 4wheel drive - You have fitted and fit for purpose solid front and rear tow hooks - Please share your previous offroad experience (if any) - Please confirm you have completed the reading material and watched the video in the main drive post prior to joining the drive - Please also confirm you have a radio and safety flag. Lastly please ensure your watch the Absolute Newbie video i posted in the drive post before arriving at the meet point in the morning please also ensure your radio is programmed as per the below link Thanks and look forward to meeting you tomorrow
  18. @Srikumari won’t be able to join for this drive. Will change my RSVP. See you all on the dunes in the next drive.
  19. Hi @Giacomo @Victor Socaciu @Fares Adel @nithish468 looks like we are going to have a short convoy which means we can do a bit more exploration in the night wilderness. Brace yourself for a lot of fun and excitement. We shall be using Carnity Channel 3 (446.056) for this drive. Convoy numbering would be decided at the meeting point. @TIMMY you are on the manage tab. Are you joining this drive? If so, will shift you to the going tab.
  20. Hi @JeromeFJ, something just came out, will have to remove myself, I will see you next time Safe Drive
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