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loss of power


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hello peeps ... my sister's 206 has finally fallen victim to 'loss of power'.

My research tells me Peugeot is famous for it and supposedly the ECU is to blame. I am shocked to see that there are hundreds of Peugeot owners facing the same issues but there are no permanent solutions yet.

Ima get the coils and the spark plugs changed. Hope that is all there is to that. Anybody else's experience say's any different?

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hello there,

i might be of some little help ... when you say loss of power is it just low on power or is it shuddering or what? if you tell me how your car is acting or reacting to something ... it'll shed light on your problem.

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hey there

Wish you had provided a few more details. Can't just bet on one thing. Could be coils, spark plugs, sensors, fuel filter etc etcc. Or maybe you used some dirty fuel. I can tell you one thing though, if it's an electrical fault then it could be a total nightmare for you.

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Hi guys ... wow thanks for all your feedbacks .. here is what is happening to her car

Mojo... You will be driving along very nicely and then it suddenly starts to slow down. It doesn't stall but just no power at all. Basically need to switch off, wait a few, restart and it's fine again.

Adnan... Don't really know what you mean by that mate. M not really a technical guy. Will look it up.

Farhaad... Yeah one of my mates suggested that stuff too. Will definitely try that.

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The petrol/air flow should be adjusted according to the position of the accelerator pedal. Just make sure you go to a decent mechanic and they will be able to tell you more about it. Just remember that this needs to be done if they mention that the problem is due to the petrol/air flow.

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Oh and btw ...

Which air filter do you have on there? Bosch filters can cause those kinda problems.

or no offence to your sister but i have noticed that cars tend to have problems sooner when they are driven by females - my wife is a first hand experience. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Well if the car doesn't stall then I would tend to agree with farhaad. Sounds like an injector-related issue. You can also check the integrity of all relevant electrical plug connectors attached to the fuel/ temperature sensors in the engine bay. The pins and sockets loosen up with time and can give an abnormal voltage signal to the ECU. You can use synthetic contact grease if you find any suspect connections.

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