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Reasons of accidents

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Hey guys

Since we can notice the rapid increase of traffic in gulf region, which ultimately results into more risk of accidents. Please share your point of views on most general and common reasons of road accidents in UAE. And also, what measures we should take to avoid such accidents.

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Well, according to me the most common reason of an accident is talking and texting on the mobile phone. Since everyone of us have smart phones these days, we always engage ourselves in our phone either by talking to someone or chatting with someone. While doing that, the concentration from the road is completely diverted and for the fraction of seconds when we are looking down to the phone, we have no idea where we are driving on the road which ultimately ends up in driving in the wrong lane and hitting some other car

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I completely agree with you. Also, don’t forget to mention Overtaking of a car. Sometimes we overtake a car out of anger. I have seen many drivers who overtake other cars in order to shout at them or may be they are engaged in some racing. This ultimately affects the other cars driving on the same road which in turn results into a big accident.

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Its actually very nyc topic to discuss and I really hope that people who all are reading this post should correct their driving. According to me, there are lot of reason why accidents happen, but i would like to discuss about the prevention that we should take:

1. Always maintain speed: When people cross the speed limit mentioned on that road, there is very high possibility of accident. Driving is not to show off on the road but to maintain the speed limit in order to maintain healthy traffic on the road. It won't only damage your car, but the other cars on the road as well.

2. Always follow Traffic lights: I have seen many cars breaking the traffic signals and thus they end up banging someone’s car. The traffic lights on the road are for a reason, so always follow it.

3. Rights to pedestrians: As per the RTA law, pedestrians on the road are always given priority. When you are driving on a road where there are pedestrian crossing but no traffic light, always give priority to the pedestrians. But some people do the opposite by speeding their car and not letting the pedestrian cross the road.

4. Using a gadget: Since everybody is using a gadget these days, they are habitual to use them while driving as well. Nobody is stopping you to use the gadget when you are not driving. But using it while driving creates lack of concentration which ultimately leads to an accident.

5. Driving calmly: I know many friends of mine who drive their car when they are angry, sad or depressed. Whenever someone is driving their car aggressively, they are bound to break the rules and finally invite darkness by themselves.

I suppose, one should keep a note on these things and completely concentrate on their driving. Always remember, its not the others fault, its always your fault in an accident cause you didn't paid attention.

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