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  1. With the tremendous increase in the number of COVID cases in the UAE, we all have to be responsible while off-roading. Failing to abide by any single precaution at any time during the drive, will result in an immediate ban from Carnity Off-road Club. ZERO TOLERANCE First offender - 1 Month Ban. Second offender - 3 Month Ban. Third offender - lifetime ban and report to authorities. COVID19 PRECAUTIONS 2.0 All Carnity off-road drives will be LIMITED to driving only: No Socializing and gathering allowed at any time. No break for taking photos, breakfast, smoking, etc. No exchanging of off-road or recovery gears. Wear a mask at all times, while outside your vehicle. For passengers restrictions, follow RTA or NCEMA guidelines. All passengers should be inside the car, at all times. Maintain a minimum of 2-meter social distance at all times. Sanitize your hands and recovery gear after use. PS1. If you and your passenger cannot sit inside your vehicle for 3-4 hours please DO NOT JOIN CARNITY DRIVES. PS2. A Member who has RSVP the drive is RESPONSIBLE and LIABLE for their passenger's compliance. PS3. The above precautions apply to everyone irrespective of their vaccination status or schedule. PS4. You can confidentially submit the photo of any offender by sending an email to [email protected]. How to comply Read the drive post before arriving at the meeting point, so that you know your convoy numbering and radio channel. Arrive at the meeting point and switch on your radio to the pre-set frequency of the drive. Stop your vehicle at least 10-20 meters away from each other. Deflate your tires, while wearing a mask, and then go back inside your car. All briefings will be done on the radio now, so pay full attention to a briefing for your own safety. After the briefing, fall in your convoy position just before the drive starts. While driving if you get stuck, announce on the radio and be inside your car at all times. Trip lead and/or support will guide you on the radio for self-recovery or tow-rope recovery. While there is a stuck or a refusal, everyone else supposed to be inside their car at all times. You can only take a bio-break during the drive, by requesting trip lead permission. Once the drive is over exit out to inflate by maintaining 10-20 meters distance from each other. While inflating, only the driver supposed to be out and with the face mask at all times. After the drive, you can talk on the radio for any feedback, suggestions or help you need.
    8 points
  2. While offroading, we cross dunes by using different methods, based on how the dune is formed and what the drive level is. Once you have spent some time in the desert, you will slowly start to pay more attention to the dune formations and how we cross them. Once you reach Intermediate and Advance level, you'll need to start learning how to read these dunes in order to navigate and create your planned routes in the desert. As a rule of thumb, the prevailing wind in UAE is blowing from a North-Western direction to South-East direction from 10AM onwards. At night and in early morning it will be reversed and blow from the South-East to North-West. This is something you should remember and you will notice when you zoom into certain areas with your navigation app (Google Maps, Gaia, MotionX, Mytrails,...) you will notice that the wind from that side has caused the dunes to take on their shape. This is a general rule and will not always apply, as you will see that in certain areas where wind is coming from different directions, you will see for example "star" dunes appearing. There are different types of dunes which are separately described below. As you can see in below picture, a dune is formed when the prevailing wind blows on a mound of sand, where the grain will move into the wind direction and create a ridge. The sand which falls on the other side of the ridge, creates a slipface, and this sand is not compacted by the wind. This is the main reason why we generally drive on the prevailing wind side or the convex side of the dunes on the Newbie level. "A dune is a curiously dynamic creature," wrote Farouk El-Baz in National Geographic. “Once formed, a dune can grow. It can change shape and move with the wind. It can even breed new dunes. Some of these offspring may be carried on the back of the mother dune. Others are born and race downwind, outpacing their parents. [Source: Farouk El-Baz, National Geographic, February 1982] The shape of dunes is affected by things like the strength, direction and consistency of the winds; the consistency and amount of sand; the hardness of the terrain and the amount of vegetation. Below we will describe the most common dunes found in the UAE. Different Dunes Crescent or Barchan Dune This is the most common dune. It forms the shape of a crescent moon when the wind blows from one direction. We generally use the words concave and convex to describe both sides of the dune: * Concave is a shape that curves inwards. * Convex is a shape that curves outwards. Crescent-shaped mounds generally are wider than long. On the concave side you will have the slipface. These dunes form under winds that blow from one direction, and they also are known as barchans. Parabolic Dune A parabolic dune is similar in shape to a barchan, but it is just the opposite. The tips of this dune point into the wind, and its main body migrates with the wind, forming a depression between the tips. Because of this formation, parabolic dunes are also known as blowout dunes. These dunes often occur when vegetation stabilizes sediments and a U-shaped blowout forms between clumps of plants. Example of Parabolic dunes near Faya: https://goo.gl/maps/ob8xu3y8VJJvF6hk8 Longitudinal or "Seif" Dunes They are also often referred to to as "sand ridges" or "seifs". Their length can range from a few meters to many kilometers and their height from a couple meters high to a couple hundred meters high. Wind pushes the sand and forms ridges parallel to the prevailing wind direction with slip faces either side of the crest. Linear dunes are straight or slightly sinuous sand ridges typically much longer than they are wide. They may be more than 160 kilometers long. Linear dunes may occur as isolated ridges, but they generally form sets of parallel ridges separated by miles of sand, gravel, or rocky interdune corridors. Some linear dunes merge to form Y-shaped compound dunes. Many form in bidirectional wind regimes. The long axes of these dunes extend in the resultant direction of sand movement. Barchanoid Dunes These ridges are similar to Barchan dunes. They are connected in long crescentic waves as the sand supply is much greater than that which forms a Barchan Dune. Star Dunes These dunes are formed when there are several prevailing wind directions - there is a complex wind regime. Typically there are three or more slip faces, whilst the dunes do not migrate they grow in height. Star dunes are radially-symmetrical, spyramidal sand mounds with slipfaces on three or more arms that radiate from the high center of the mound. They are created when the winds blow equally from every direction, causing the sand dune to grow many extensions and resemble a star. They are rare and are fairly stable and remain in the same place. Some are landmarks with names. Example of a Star dune: https://goo.gl/maps/jRnYghQc8ACzVz6T7 With this knowledge, the next time you step into the desert, you can start looking at the different dune formations, and this will give you lots of knowledge that you'll be able to apply in the future when leading and navigating off-road drives.
    4 points
  3. @AKR @Rajeevan Vickneswaran @RohanH @Janarthan @Anish S @Mehmet Volga @Lorenzo Candelpergher @Jorge Stepniak Felippe @Foxtrot Oscar @Chaitanya D @Magellan(@Brette) Briefing #2 - SOLAR PARK The move, change in pace and different types of obstacles faced when moving from Newbie to Fewbie is sometimes under estimated. At Newbie you learn the basics of how to get over a dune safely, how to behave in the sand and the start of how to control your vehicle. At Fewbie, the expectation is that mind and vehicle will be stretched - challenging you as a driver into situations you might not have been before, situations where you feel more uncomfortable and helping you understand the characteristics and potential of your vehicle. To put it more succinctly: fewbie is not about using more power, it's about using the power you have more effectively. Solar Park includes some technical dunes: Small dunes, closely packed where you need to take care not only to avoid getting stuck but also avoid the hard sharp bumps in them - and longer range dunes, which provide plenty of opportunities for sideys. As well as sideys, the hope is that we can start to learn the techniques for and get some practice with ridge riding and criss-crossing. For many Fewbies this is quite scary. To make the day more fun for everyone, here's a few thoughts on what you can do to make your time in the sand more fun: IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST OR SECOND FEWBIE DRIVE- You'll need all your wits about you and need to concentrate. Think carefully if this really is the ride on which you want to bring the whole family. We want to give everyone the chance to drive as much as possible and good focus usually means less potential for refusals, stucks, and other incidents. IF YOU ARE A MORE EXPERIENCED FEWBIE - These drives are a chance to hone your skills, control your entry and exit points better, make sure you use enouch, and not too much power. DON'T FORGET YOUR EQUIPMENT - Please see my previous post COMMUNICATION - The rules are clear, bring a fully charged, audible device with you. If your radio is not working, you are not driving. The second rule is slightly less clear. Use the radio. It is the only way you can tell a lead that there is a problem: whether that is a refusal a stuck or 'can you please help me get through this obstacle. Do not be afraid or ashamed to inform the convoy leader that you need some assistance. Seniors are on the drive to assist. If we hear nothing, we assume everything is OK. Why bring these up? The sand is incredibly soft in the summer. Recoveries are part of the game, we all know that, but we all also know that we really want to be moving more of the time than recovering. These little points should help us all keep moving. See you soon in the sand.
    4 points
  4. Hello @Wrangeld, I am dropping out too. Will join the newbie drive.
    3 points
  5. @AKR @Rajeevan Vickneswaran @RohanH @Janarthan @Anish S @Mehmet Volga @Lorenzo Candelpergher @Jorge Stepniak Felippe @Foxtrot Oscar @Chaitanya D @Magellan(@Brette) Great that you all signed up to the Fewbie drive on Friday. The plan for the drive is to assemble at Solar Park Car Park and make our way into the dunes to the South of Solar Park and then if time allows explore a little in the direction of Al Lisali. I will post more details later in the week on the plan and what type of drive I hope it to be - today's message is all about safety. Last weekend there was a lucky escape from serious injury when a tow point on a vehicle being tugged came loose and flew into the vehicle that was tugging. It reminded us again how important it is that everyone MUST check the integrity of their tow points, because, frankly, we may not be so lucky next time. We will be cjecking tow points before the drive on Friday, as well as checking that all drivers are carrying with them all the compulsory "Fewbie' equipment [if you really need to look at this again, check out the message from @Gaurav when you were promoted]. Drivers that do not have tow points or this basic kit on board will not be allowed to drive. For the avoidance of doubt, a flag and pole means there must be a flag on the pole, a shovel is a shovel. Secondly, dress code. If you are sitting in the comfort of your air conditioned vehicle, flip flops and shorts might seem OK to you. They are a lot less practical when you are standing or kneeling in the burning sand. You'll also be asked not to drive if you are not wearing the right clothes. Otherwise, I am looking forward to a drive that will excite, challenge and energise. See you soon in the sand
    3 points
  6. Totally agree with @Frederic, being an absolute newbie, you can join any newbie or absolute newbie drive available as per your convenience. Please make sure to go through and understand the Absolute Newbie Briefing before your drive. It's really very important and MUST, as every trip lead will ask question to verify.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. yes!! how silly of me.. i did not do step 7 at all. it should be working fine now! much appreciated
    2 points
  9. @Wrangeld thank you for such a beneficial briefing. This one will be my first Fewbie drive and I'll try to keep all in my mind...
    2 points
  10. Nope, it's not only the vehicle but combination of many things. Your H3 by no means slowed you down. Dont worry.
    1 point
  11. Hi @topgear there is hardly any difference between absolute newbie and newbie drive. We have absolute beginners signing into newbie drives every week. Our Marshal will always make sure you will be comfortable and well guided.
    1 point
  12. Hi @Siobhan @Lisa Pemberton due to the big success the Al Qudra drive has been fully booked by now. There is however still some available spots in the Newbie Evening Drive. If you are both quick enough and interested you can RSVP on this drive. Radio is not mandatory on the very first drive.
    1 point
  13. Hi Frederic, This is the first time I’m planning to join the drive. Can you please let me know where i can get a Safety flag for the car ? As for the car detail please see below: 1) Jeep Wrangler 2) I have driven off-road once or twice 3) yes, the hooks front and back are in perfect condition Thanks and looking forward to the drive! Taha Elghuel
    1 point
  14. Following video might be useful: @Lisa Pemberton @topgear @Siobhan
    1 point
  15. Hiya! Absolute newbie here and would like to join Al Qudra this Friday morning if possible? Finding it confusing to navigate the calendar so apologies if I'm doing it wrong.
    1 point
  16. I would like to join the Absolute Newbie drive at Al Qudra on 10 July.
    1 point
  17. Hi @Srikumar, I had to leave this drive as I have some other things to do. Have fun.
    1 point
  18. Indeed, Siddarth - not forgotten. End of today is the close out for RSVP and then we will know the final tally.
    1 point
  19. Hello @Wrangeld am i still at the 1st number on the waiting list.
    1 point
  20. Hi Fred Had confirmed for availability of the recovery hook earlier. Attached photo is for the rear end. Will this work . Slots are available to fix the shackle. Please advice . Thanks Mukundan
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Good Morning! Driving a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2 door. Have been off road only about 4 times once in sand. Tow points in perfect condition. Thank you...
    1 point
  23. Next reminder for the following people mentioned below to click on "Totally Agree" in the COVID19 Precautions Topic. Please see above video on how to do this. @Mukundan Nair @Oliver Slade @Ahmed Farghaly you have clicked on totally agree on the drive topic, but not on the Covid19 topic yet. This is a mandatory acknowledgement, otherwise we cannot allow you to join the drive. Dear @Jeandre Bezuidenhout welcome to Carnity Offroad Club ! Could you please introduce yourself and reply with the following information ? - Which 4x4 are you driving ? - Any prior offroading experience ? - Are both towpoints on the front and back in perfect condition ? Please also go through the complete drive topic, watch the briefing video and COVID19 precautions topic, and click on "Totally Agree" icon in that topic as a formal acknowledgement that you agree with our rules and precautions. Thank you !
    1 point
  24. Defenders Of The Jero! lol Ez tuu mucj bowar
    1 point
  25. We dont see how badly or nicely it has been recovered in the video. If it was recovered by a rope attach to wrangler as seen few minutes before, then that wrangler must have coughed out lungs to turn this rhino, resulting in 5-10 failed attempt resulting in damaging the whole body. Flips are better with winch, if with rope then two cars and two ropes atleast, 3 is blessing.
    1 point
  26. Dear fellow Desert Wanderers, Friday's group is virtually completed (one more spot remaining, for the last Fewbie PLUS to join). So far it will be made of @Rinelle Sanaani, @Febin Frederic, @asifk, @Kalahari,@Colin Jordan, @Najeeb Mohammed, @Chaitanya D, @Desert Dweller and @Jolly Abraham. Looks like it's a solid group, including 3 Intermediate members. As mentioned, the drive will be taking place in what I expect to be, for most drivers, a lesser known part of Dubai. Al Lisaili includes some technical dunes, which will require great finesse and care (especially to avoid hard nose butts), and mostly long range dunes, which will provide plenty of opportunities for some sideys, as well as ridge riding and criss-crossing. Because of this abundance of diverse situation, I would like to make a few recommendations. MENTAL READINESS AND CONCENTRATION - to make sure that all our energies and focus go to the characteristics of the terrain, our driving skills, and the security of the convoy, please be ready to concentrate yourselves on the drive alone. Kindly try to reduce all possible distractions, including bringing along too many passengers (certainly 3 passengers on board, event though allowed by the Covid rules, may be a source of distraction). If you bring along somebody, please explain that it will not be possible to converse while driving, or distract the driver from her/his duties. This recommendation aims to reduce the potential for refusals, stucks, and any other type of incident that a new type of terrain may cause to distracted drivers. AVAILABILITY OF PROPER EQUIPMENT - being at Fewbie Plus and above level means to have fully understood the need to carry the proper equipment in the car. This MUST include to say the least 1) a good shovel, 2) a kinetic tow rope (preferably with soft shackles), and a 3) compressor. Proper equipment also incudes a very important car accessory: tested, robust, tow hooks in good conditions. I will take care to verify the availability of all of the above equipment for all attendees, and will be forced to refuse participation for those who do not carry these essential items. COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS - there are two elements to our ability to communicate in the desert. The technical aspect demands that 1) your radios are fully charged, 2) that each driver always identifies her/himself when speaking, so to allow the convoy to react speedily to any predicament, and 3) that all respond when questions or instructions are directed at them, in order to acknowledge that all is clear and understood. The psychological aspect has to do with the willingness to communicate. Please, do not be afraid or ashamed to inform the convoy leader that one may not feel like making some maneuver, taking a seemingly risky approach, or doing anything beyond one's perceived skills, or physical conditions. When no communication of this kind takes place, the leader and the rest of the convoy will assume that all is well, and will not be able to address any concern of second-thoughts a driver may have. I have chosen to underline the above 3 issues as there have been recent events during other Fewbie drives, due to a combination of these 3 factors, which have created a great deal of complications to the convoys, unnecessary risks, and in one case damage to another driver's cars (any reference to weak tow points is not casual). Kindly acknowledge the above information, so that we may look forward to a challenging, yet pleasant drive. See you all Friday (convoy order and radio channel will be published on Thursday evening).
    1 point
  27. until
    Drive Details Level: Newbie, Absolute Newbie and Above (All Levels) When: July 10 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 5:00 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: Mahafiz Tree Shade - https://goo.gl/maps/Yku5BTg4T2pJUbhF9 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 09:00 PM End Point: ADNOC Station Tayba - https://goo.gl/maps/hejHgLsYf2cxheoU9
    1 point
  28. It might buff out with some Turtle Wax.
    1 point
  29. Yes that's the way so this Saturday I am planing to visit him
    1 point
  30. Air will be coming otherwise you car won't run at all. But what is the amount and pressure. You checked the simple way. Now check the technical way Barry mentioned
    1 point
  31. It has some weird non off road bumpers
    1 point
  32. I'm with Fred, shoot your mechanic. Seems like a case of blocked exhaust to me too. Simple check by hand while reving to see if the exhaust is blowing out enough. At night drive your car around for a good while then park in a dark spot and give it revs and then get under and see if part of the exhaust is glowing red.
    1 point
  33. @Barry I am getting 47kpa Map reading at idle. When I raise the rpm it is getting lower. Is this normal? I am unable get data from O2 sensor. It is not reading it.
    1 point
  34. I used to have the MS509. Nice little tool. You should be able to read all the data you need on it.
    1 point
  35. Hi Barry. They checked the fuel pressure at idle. Am i able to see these data with my MaxiScan MS509(if i am not mistaking you know this scanner)? I will check the dipstick but engine is not burning big amount of oil(half liter at every 5000km) so i am guessing it is in good condition. If i cant sort myself looks like it is time to leave it to you.
    1 point
  36. I am looking for getting more fresh air to my engine for little bit better power. As @Rahimdad bhai told me it should be dry type not the oil type. I found below products, but i am not sure of these are dry ones. Is anyone experienced can tell me if these are correct products? https://afepower.com/afe-power-30-10008-magnum-flow-pro-5r-air-filter https://www.knfilters.com/33-2139-replacement-air-filter
    1 point
  37. I would try from Amazon.com not amazon.ae. I found different options and they ship directly from US you don't have to worry about import duties or any other taxes. Second option is carid.com they ship from the US and will arrive fast, and once it arrives UPS or Fedex will collect import taxes when delivering to you.
    1 point
  38. @sertac for your first link the filter on the right, the grey one shows as a dry filter. Screenshot given below. The K&N on the other hand in the description reads oiled cotton media, but does mention its washable. Im not sure but @Gaurav bhai has used K&N and would be able to advise you better. In terms of technical knowledge I also highly regard @Barry, @treks, @Javier M and loads more people here to give you great advise. Please also remember to clean your throttle body with carburetor cleaner as spoken earlier.
    1 point
  39. Thank You Khaleej Times, For sharing Carnity's vision with millions of car owners and enthusiasts. https://www.khaleejtimes.com/car-owners-bank-on-portals-to-make-informed-decisions-says-carnity
    1 point
  40. Thank you all for the warm wishes, but actual congratulations goes to each and every Carnity family member here for believing in Carnity's vision and help to spread the word around. Carnity is a Car Community and not a product built by one or few. A community always require group acceptance to succeed and flourish by helping each other and holding hands together. Looking forward to inviting more like-minded car enthusiasts to continue building the largest car knowledge base in the Middle East.
    1 point
  41. And also the pickup driver should have given more gas !
    1 point
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