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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Dear Freinds @Charbel @Haitham Khattab @Imran Kashif @Anoop Nair @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler @Imteeaz @ASAD. and from the support team @Vaibhav @Simon Dawood and @Waqas Parvez Hello and welcome to Sweihan Drives IV . I have prepared two versions of this drive the original one with the open limb of the " horse show loop " facing south via the the bowls of Strata , al salamat and alshatooha ending on E22 , and the second version being 270 degree facing west via the old lady dune and the pickup dune ending on E16. in either version the start point is the same and what governs which iterniray we will choose depends largely on how fast we pass the initial complex dunes. so be prepared for a brisk all in one drive . concenration and undevided attension is extremily important. no less is the radio communication . having said that please get a lot of rest before the drive. please notice that the meeting time is updated to 06:15 please be sharp on time meeting point : https://goo.gl/maps/KESoRwhmMDofpbey6 The nearest and last gas stations : for those coming via E22 from E66 route its alyaher gas station https://goo.gl/maps/SXjoWXFcQVCxdTAv8 for those coming via E16 its Al Sad gas station https://goo.gl/maps/ipMuhU49xpzWnWpx9 Please ensure your radio is fully charged and fixed to radio Channel 2 ( 44603125 ) convoy list as below Cheers Seidam
    10 points
  2. Wow a super solid convoy… looking forward for the pics of the drive. Never been to this area, perhaps sometime soon.
    6 points
  3. Dear Desert Drivers, Thank you for joining the drive today. The first portion was not the best, as finding a way through the cross tracks and the bushes was difficult. Still the small bowls are a good terrain for practice before reaching the high slopes, and the long dune offers always opportunities for sidesloping. Once we crossed the pylon track close to Fossil Rock, no more bushes, and we could navigate between bowls and ridges, with the view of the mountains on the opposite side, until we gradually reached the mighty Faya dune, where we have practiced larger bowls and big slopes, up and down. Excellent level in the group, as we had only minor refusals, and one occasion requiring shoveling. @Mohamad Anwer, it was a great pleasure to have you as second lead, @Nathan L, your lines are precise, excellent control of your car, @Jad Moussalli it was a pleasure to see the Defender in its environment rather that on Downtown Boulevard, it has impressive capabilities @Mike., the white rhino was steady on the ridges and the long climbs, even if it doesn't like the steep ones, @Jaro Tuzinsky you have improved the control especially during the descends, nice drive, keep the focus at all time when you will join FB+ @Zixuan Huang - Charlie thank you for the support, always present when needed, @Patrick van der Loo that Jeep can climb anywhere , @Zulfikhar Naiyar excellent drive and communication, thank you for the sweep. It was a pleasure to have you all for the drive and the nice chats during the breaks, enjoy the rest of the weekend and see you next time !
    4 points
  4. Thank you @JeromeFJfor a great morning out in the desert. @Zixuan Huang - Charlie thank you for great support as always. I made some gopro videos of a number of you. In case you are interested send me your mobile nr and I will WhatsApp it to you: @JeromeFJ @Mohamad Anwer@mike @Jaro Tuzinsky @Zixuan Huang - Charlie
    4 points
  5. It didn't know that am a newbie. Must have recognized the car and was like I need to give a route that suits the car's reputation 😅
    4 points
  6. It's Google's intelligence that is recognizing you as an offroader. 😂
    4 points
  7. Having used Google Maps in other countries (especially India) where it doesn’t have the most updated maps, it has the tendency to take you through narrow streets because a) it’s either just reading the map data that says there is a road there, and/or b) has seen enough data of traffic moving through that path for it to make recommendations. Because of this, it’s sometimes taken me through narrow alleys or even into fields which aren’t really trackable roads. I have also been a power user of Waze for many many years, regularly contributing to their community mapping service online. And between the two of them, I prefer putting in the coordinates on Waze than using Google Maps. I also check the terrain view to confirm if there’s actually a road there. But this is just not enough. With the rate of construction, new roads and paths are constantly coming up so it’s crucial to intersect multiple sources of data. Furthermore, when it comes to Google Maps, try to always use coordinates, an active landmark, and the full link (not the shortened ones that the mobile app will share). The shortened URLs have a tendency to break and I’ve had deliveries to my home show up kilometers away. Long story short, folks please don’t rely on technology so much that it’s your only source of truth. As you venture off-road being able to cross-reference multiple sources to build your personal judgement is critical towards becoming a better navigator. For example, if you use Gaia, you’ll see it captures farm tracks and even trails better than Waze or Google maps which are both designed for roads only. Apply the same to your on-road navigation too. Technology is not infallible. Don’t be Michael Scott and end up in the lake 🤓
    4 points
  8. THANK YOU @Islam Soliman - WHAT A DRIVE ! AS I SAID- I will cherish this slow pace drive for a Long Long Time ! Always love the technical challenges you aim for and testing the skills with Steering and Paddle ! Was great to be part of this drive and thank you for the opportunity and faith in me for considering me as your SL. Full justice done to the theme of this drive ! @Davie Chase Great to see you again and its always amazing to hear you on instructions to help the team on recoveries - Clear and precise ! Thank you for anchoring the convoy ! and once again, a truly well deserved promotion ! That was one of the fastest Pop Out fixes I have seen ! @Chaitanya D Been long time that I drove with you, and like always, Pleasure to see you - Always been admirer of how you tackle stucks/refusals with your powerful machine - i could only imagine how Fun it was for guys at the back with all the sand being churned by GMCs @Jessica Lambert @Gok Krish @Naim Aoun@Daniel Rodas@TT_Dubai - Was great to see you all too and am sure you enjoyed this skillful drive as much as I did ! HUGGGEEEE Regret is the only word I could think of , had I missed this drive - Glad I could make it to this one - thanks again @Islam Soliman and looking forward to many more of these "Red" areas Have a good weekend all ! See you soon again !
    3 points
  9. @Islam Soliman thank you for a superb drive today, it indeed had everything as you predicted, and you did not disappoint. I really enjoy these technical drives as the tax you physically and mentally. the route was great as was the company and teamwork as we resolved the handful of stucks and a pop out. @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler you were your usual awesome self at second lead ensuring we did not follow when told to stop ensuring the route was safe for us all to follow. @Chaitanya D great jon in sweep keeping the convoy together, great to drive with you again. @Jessica Lambert @Naim Aoun @Daniel Rodas @Gok Krish @TT_Dubai you guys drove amazingly making our jobs so much easier, not only that, but you all pitched in to support the drive with shovels and laughter along the way, great example of a team pulling together to get us all out safely. Fantastic job one and all. Hope you all enjoyed the drive as much as we did. here is what I managed to pull from GPS FYI Bottom line great way to start the weekend Have a great rest of your day and enjoy the rest of your weekend
    3 points
  10. DRIVE RSVP IS NOW CLOSED Please find your convoy positions posted here above. I am looking forward seeing you all tomorrow at 6:30 Do please double check the Google Coordinates before leaving the house. You can find a screenshot below: It is nearby the Telal Resort, in Remah (AD) We will be using Channel 2: 446.03125 Mhz
    3 points
  11. This part of Quadra desert is the most technical that really and literally is like spider stepping one wheel by the other 😅 . @Islam Soliman I have missed the most what I like since I started off roading 😄
    3 points
  12. It was a great convoy of 18 cars and given the number of cars we’re doing quite well in terms of issues. It was a nice evening. My first trip back to the desert since my last drive in the summer. Nice to see a few old faces in support roles. Thanks Dr @Chaitanya D and the reliable support crew @Vaibhav @Waqas Parvez @Karthik Raptor
    3 points
  13. Congratulations @Jaro Tuzinsky for reaching the Fewbie Plus Level with Carnity Offroad Club. Looking forward to seeing you growing further and helping others to learn the art of offroading in a safe environment. Please make sure your Carnity user profile is always updated with all the latest Emergency contact details. P.S. Trip lead might deny your participation if you don't have required off-road gear. FEWBIE PLUS Drives Attended (Indicative) Minimum 10 Fewbie drives are required within last 6 months for Fewbie Plus promotion. What you'll learn Advance dune and sand reading Advance recovery techniques Rocking and crawling to make path Learn to flatten/compact soft sand patch Self recovery from crest Advance side sloping and long hill climb Advance ridge riding and criss crossing Advance control over technical dunes Slightly faster pace desert driving FULLY control and avoid fishtailing Never fight or challenge gravity Skills required Enthusiastic and positive attitude Willingness to learn and help others Extremely attentive and focused while driving Car Worthiness Any 4x4 vehicle with low range gearing Suitable approach and departure angle Bash plate and skid plate protected Off-road gear required Safety flag, tire deflator, tire pressure gauge, shovel, fire extinguisher, medical kit, radio (walkie-talkie), air compressor. Drive teamwork Manage second lead and sweep positions upon request Intuitive and proactive to support Trip Lead Observe recoveries and offer help, when needed Drive Joining Join Newbie, Fewbie and Fewbie Plus drives Forum participation Active participation on the forum Share drive experience + feedback Share drive pictures in the gallery Post trip report after the drive
    2 points
  14. It was bizarre last night that google maps took some of us to a completely different location, but the actual starting point was in the opposite direction ~30kms away. @Krishna Rsaid he ended up in sand all by himself. Luckily had enough time to reach the starting point but it's not a great start, running late, rush through deflating, setting up the flag etc. I have also read this issue happening in some other threads and it happened to me a few times, especially when the location is offroad. Is there anything we can do to improve, i.e. add co-ordinates, landmarks (if there is any) next to the meeting point link? Just a thought to avoid some anxiety 😅
    2 points
  15. Some good practice in recovery and shoveling last night
    2 points
  16. Hey all, updated convoy order based on latest dropouts: Position Name Car Role Status Level 1 Islam Soliman Black Yukon Lead 2 DP1011 , Deepak wrangler Grey Wr IM 3 Jessica Lambert White Prado F+ 4 Gok Krish Grey 2D Wr IM 5 Naim Aoun Grey Wr F+ 6 Davie Chase Red Wr CF AD 7 TT_Dubai Black FJ F+ 8 Daniel Rodas White Pajero IM 9 Chaitanya D White X SW
    2 points
  17. @Mohamad Anwer @Nathan L @Jad Moussalli @Mike. @Jaro Tuzinsky @Zixuan Huang - Charlie @Patrick van der Loo @Zulfikhar Naiyar Time for final preparation for tomorrow ! Meeting will be at 6:15 am at https://goo.gl/maps/KMT4BMT3qd6xSAJS7 The convoy order will be We will use radio Channel 2. Enjoy the evening, take a good rest, and see you tomorrow morning !
    2 points
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