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Diagnosing tire imbalance

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Well, I always check for these things when I have a doubt that the tires are imbalanced:

  1. Driving not smooth: When you feel that your driving is not smooth, and then it may be because of tire imbalance. Basically when the tires are not balanced, the motor that runs the car works really rough and hard and you can feel the same while you are driving.
  2. Tire look: If you see any flat spots on the tires of your car, it leads to tire imbalance.
  3. Apply Brakes: You can also diagnose tire imbalance when you apply brakes in your car. While applying brakes in your car, if any tire is imbalanced it will pull to one side. Your vehicle will not stop at a constant friction, but rather will pull at any one side of the car.
  4. Wobbling when speeding: When you are driving on high speed, and the car starts wobbling, it’s a sign of tire imbalance.

Diagnosing at the repair shop

When you are buying new tires, and you see any conicity issues in the tire, it means it is imbalanced. Another way to realize it is by checking for flat spots. If there are flat spots on the tire it means tires are not balanced.

These things you can always check. If you think that any of these things are happening in your car, you better get the tire checked from your service center. And don’t wait for some special day to come if you have tire imbalancing issue, because it may result in wear/tear of your tires. Also, one way to avoid tire imbalance is regular tire rotation. If you are doing proper tire rotation at proper interval of time, you will hardly get any issue of tire imbalance in your car.

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  • 8 months later...

There are many ways to determine this and from my experience the first thing you will notice is the odd driving experience. The tires will look okay, but the driving is weird.

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