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Diesel power


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I think hydrogen is the way forward. It's probably the cleanest fuel we currently know, the only byproduct of combustion is pure H2O. However, the problem with hydrogen is that it takes a lot of electricity to produce and most our current electrical production is coming from fossil fuels so if you're burning dirty oil to produce clean hydrogen, you're just robbing Peter to pay Paul. This can be combatted by using more sustainable electricity generation methods such as wind, solar, water. I don't know why Dubai isn't using more solar power, there's no shortage of sun and no shortage of space in the desert to put solar panels. I was in Germany last year and they had fields full of the things. Tidal turbines are another trick were missing out on here, especially being right beside the sea. 

Edited by Technician
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21 hours ago, treks said:

I agree with @Technician. However,I don't think we as drivers and car owners are  the real problem. The real problem is the gangs of marketing experts the car makers use to appeal to our vanity. 

In really competitive societies it does not take much to persuade a junior manager that he can feel as powerful and important as the CEO- all he has to do is buy a big truck with all the bells and whistles to give him that false sense of power,  and feeling of being superior to his juniors who cannot afford a big flashy truck.

You meant this, buddy...?

This is how chevy selling big trucks in here and white collar people going to office in this truck daily coz of brainwash from the marketing and media guys. I personally know 3 mid-senior level guys in my office coming in similar size trucks.


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@Technician You are right about the production costs of hydrogen, but a bigger problem is the storage and distribution of hydrogen. The molecules of the gas are so small that they escape through the walls of normal storage tanks and pipes, almost like water through a sieve. In the few race cars that use hydrogen as fuel the tanks and pipes are so thick and heavy that these cars carry a significant weight penalty.

But I agree- hydrogen could be the perfect fuel if the problems with producing, storing, and distributing it can be solved. Hydrogen fuel cells might work, but they still need a lot of development to make them a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

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Are you guys serious to rant on people choice and marketing team responsible for screwing the planet. Grow up guys.

Nobody is putting gun on customers mind and forcing them to buy trucks or tiida.

Pharmacy sells rat poison too, do you go and buy it and commit suicide and then blame pharmacy.....?

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Hi Ging,

Thanks for your input, but what planet are you from?

Edited by treks
word replacement
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16 minutes ago, treks said:

Hi Ging,

Thanks for your input, but what planet are you from?

I am from Mars, but your thinking of saving planet Earth need more rational approach than blaming the companies for marketing their products. If that ever has to happen, then companies doing more harm to health by selling junk food, soda, cigarettes, alcohol would be banned and not the car companies.

Marketing is existing since 1800 and it's the only way to sell their product by persuasive manner. Common wake up, you are just 200 years late to realize that it's wrong.

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I think that blaming petrol & diesel engines for global warming is a big scam.....

can you compare the results and consciousness for using engines (globally) for 20 years Vs. one nuclear or Hydrogen explosion experiment by any country? have you ever heard about that experiment oxygen burning evaluating?

Moreover go back for history to the beginning of motors industry and you would find out that all petrol engines was designed basically to run on Alcohol (Ethanol) which is simply a renewable energy and available in some parts of the world as a bio-fuel (E65 & E85) and the most common fuel in Latin America and some how We All world wide was miss-leaded to Oil based fuels by oil companies wold wide before 100 years ago and we still following them!

Sorry to disappoint you but truth is always shocking!!         

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Also to add, the original engine built by Rudolf Diesel was designed to run on vegetable oil. 


Who would have thought a few dragsters could have caused such a fuss? 😬

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WOW, where this Diesel power thread is marching to is an amazing characteristic of an online forums. lol. These forums are the bitches and that's why I avoid participating as much as I can resist.

Treks made a good point of controlling the false advertising, but nobody is banning anyone. Ging cool off, you also have a valid point but stay away from such personal attack in public forums. It all start with suggestion and brainstorm and you shouldn't be so harsh in your framing your point of view.

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