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Littering campers will be fine by drones in dubai


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This is something very nice move by Dubai Municipality waste management to track and fine the litterbugs in the desert. I been to desert safari couple of times in Dubai and always feel sorry how inconsiderate people throw their trash in open.

This use of drone to fine ill mannered campers will preserve the nature beauty and serenity: http://gulfnews.com/news/uae/environment/drones-to-catch-litterbugs-in-dubai-desert-camps-1.1928245

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This is good. When I came here I was shocked by the amount of rubbish lying around. People just seem to drop everything on the ground even when there is a bin 10 metres away. Sadly though, these are also the same people who would shit in their own garden at home and it will be very hard to train them to civility. 

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I have been involved for 8 years with Emarat4x4 and Dubai and Sharjah Municipality for the Desert Cleaning campaigns and it is a shame that people do not understand the etiquette.

Besides going out on regular Clean Up drives and making sure to keep a garbage bag in the vehicle so that we can leave only our footprints behind, our team has tried to educate people as well. Whenever we see something being thrown out of a vehicle we approach them and ask them to pick up their trash and offer our garbage bag hoping that kindness will change their ways. In some cases some rude people refuse to pick up their own trash so we make sure to pick it up in front of them and try to make them realize that throwing garbage out of the car is not acceptable.

Unfortunately, I have been witness to a painful death of a camel who swallowed a plastic mineral water bottle, we could not do anything but watch that painful death.

We at Emarat4x4 are arranging another Desert Clean Up drive with Hilti on 18 November, I will post a separate thread. Those interested are most welcome to join us even you you do not have a 4x4 and I will add you to the list.

Still hoping to make a difference, join the force.

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