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Why offroad clubs in UAE don't share car flip / roll-over incidents?


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Just wondering to know more that why "offroad clubs here in UAE doesn't like to share and discuss these"

I have been part of one off-road club for very short period and I recall that roll-over pictures were removed almost immediately from the forum and all were advised not to discuss it anymore.

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Very good point @derik after the drive on Friday Gaurav and myself started discussing on this topic with a hot cup of tea and samosa. I think @Gaurav bhai had it nailed down to the right school of thought. What do the off-road clubs offer to you as someone who wants to learn, some off-road trips and that is about it. If people come to know the number of roll-overs there are in that club than they would be deterred from joining that group. This goes deep in the core when there was only 1 parent club from which all these clubs have evolved. They never shared this information and thus the break away clubs maintained their experience and never wanted to show these kind of incidents in their club.

Our next discussion was should we do it, why?, how it would help, and what will be the impact?

I am sure these questions will pop into your mind also, so here goes:

Yes we will discuss it. Why? We are not an off-road club, we are a car community where sharing vital information is important so that everybody gets to learn something out of this experience. It is not a platform on which we would like to name and shame people, and as human beings we all make mistakes. If we could learn from these and as seniors take the responsibility to share and educate people it is most important aspect of this activity.

I hope I have answered your question and I would like to thank you for asking such and important and meaningful question.

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Thanks @Rahimdad for such calm explanation and welcoming this question. I was literally not sure to raise it here or not as some people will jump the gun, but it seems totally otherwise here.

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You are most welcome @derik I am glad you mustered up the courage to ask, it is always difficult when your previous experience has been to hush up such things. But Carnity and Gaurav Bhai in particular has given me the confidence to discuss any matter related to cars as per my knowledge as this is a community to share information and experiences. I hope this will give you the courage to ask many more questions which cannot be answered any where else.

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Well let me put it in an another way. If off-road club share their roll-over count then nobody will join them and then how they can prove their billion dollar ride is superior to newbie stock car. Hope you getting the big picture.

I stopped off-roading after my first few drives, coz I was looser and I have been rubbed on my nose that I am a looser because my car was stock and I couldn't keep pace with red face monkey's

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@Baraz I am really sorry that you had to face that humiliation. Why don't you join us, we all have bare stock cars and we can help each other and just chill, enjoy and have some fun. Who knows you might lead a drive in 2017 and knock the socks of some of those red faced monkeys. Hahahaha

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Hi All ,


I wish I was able to come,  this ride would have some serious lesson learnt . 

 Just a small question did the air bags deploy or it dint deploy due to not wearing seat belt or did the vehicle was modified to have a switch to disable the air bags .

 Just a follow up question is having a diable switch for airbags required for offroading ? I have seen in many forums they even suggest to have a switchable ABS for offroading ....pro's and Con's please !

I fully support to be hoonest cause this is a very valuabale lesson for of us .

 Kudos to the team to have disclosed this ! Respect !!!


Drive /Ride safe 


Slick 72


P.S : Can we have some more Emoticon in the  panel !

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We missed you too @slick72

Apparently air-bag didn't deployed may be coz the vehicle angle was less than 90 degrees tilt (may 89.9 degree lol) due to sand or it may not be working at all.

The switch for traction is very good idea if your vehicle is too irritating to not to let you spin the wheels (must for sand). In most of the Japanese and American it's not very strict as compare to UK and German cars. No idea about on switching off ABS. Switching airbags off seems to have a big trade-off to not to let them operate even when vehicle has a roll, I wouldn't choose to switch airbag off unless I am hitting super extreme drive where while cris-crossing angle may increase by 90 degree tilt (45 left + 45 right) in less than fraction of a second.

Back to OP: For sharing the flip / roll info, I and rahimdad also never understood the real reason with so many offroad club we drove, but we never question to not to disrespect any club policy. While we had this small flip, we both agree to share for the sake of analyzing the situation and educating every off-roader whether they drive with us or with any other club. Understanding the risk involve is the only way to make people aware of adopting to use the best practice and drive safe and follow the convoy discipline and never underestimate the mother nature.


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Let's root for each other & watch each other grow.

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I dunno what happened, if anything at all. But I really don't know why people make it such a big deal, having rolled over 3 times, (twice I was victim being pulled from a side stuck) It's a sport and like any other sport their is risk of injury and damage. It's a risk we all take, but you have more chances of getting into an accident while going to the desert while actually driving in the desert. How many accidents in the deserts vs on road? This alone should tell you its a very safe sport. Mostly because sand is soft, and usually low speeds, although I think I hold a record of some sort at having flipped off road while doing 120kph. My old young blood days :D nowadays I hardly hit that speed on road!

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Causes of this flip:

  • Overnight rain before the drive
  • Heavy sandstorm
  • Poor visibility
  • Too close to the car in front
  • Wrong judgement to steer upward when car is already sliding down

Although video is from a distance and it's not clear, but you can get a quick feel for all the above causes.








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Let's root for each other & watch each other grow.

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