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Absolute Newbie Desert Drive - Al Qudra - Dubai - 08 Oct 2021


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Hi @Shyam Menon @Maria Rodas @Sudhanva Sonawane Thanks for signing up for your first Club drive with us !

This drive is tailored to get your first introduction to driving in the desert in a club environment. As we want to prepare you as much as possible for this, so you feel safe at all times and have an enjoyable morning, we will be taking it easy and explore a bit of the Al Qudra Desert together and practice some basic dune driving.

Do you need to bring anything ? Yes please bring your enthusiasm, drinks, smiles, and patience. This is a team sport and we look after each other.  In terms of equipment you could definitely use a pressure gauge and deflator to deflate your tyres upon your arrival. We will help you out with that.

After this first drive, there are some basic tools that will be needed:

1) A proper shovel 

2) A UHF Radio (Walkie-Talkie) programmed to our frequency channels.

3) A safety flag, properly mounted on your 4x4.

4) A compressor to inflate your tyres after the drive.

As mentioned, no worries if you do not have these items yet, you can procure them after your first drive with us and we can guide you on where/what to buy. 

Please be on time or preferably a little bit earlier so we have ample time to help you out with the deflation.

In case of emergency you can contact me on 056 504 26 32.

See you all tomorrow morning at below meeting point:


PS to get you accustomed to the basics, please watch the Absolute Newbie video briefing a few times this week, this will serve as a good preparation and introduction to what you can expect. 




"Go as far as you can see; once you get there, you'll be able to see further."

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 On my way to the meeting point this morning, i had @Sudhanva Sonawane with his nice Montero Sport already in my pursuit, and hence making him the second lead today was the obvious choice ;)

I was delighted to see you all joining us with enthusiasm, and perhaps a bit of apprehension or fear of what's about to come, but soon we were heading into the dunes and all of you really impressed me this morning and we tackled whatever was ahead of us with bravoure and style !

@Sudhanva Sonawane you did great as my second lead. On the next drives you can reduce the distance between the cars a tiny bit to make sure you can always see my exact tracks. Excellent job !

@Shyam Menon with the beautiful Wrangler has already many skills as a photographer (we have a Lens Lovers Club and do regular drives with the intention of making photos, so keep an eye out for these events as well). You drove fantastic today and i will be delighted to see your co-pilot joining us soon as well!

@Hitham mohamed was unknown on my list in the morning, which we quickly sorted. It was really nice meeting you and your son and it really shows you have experience in the desert. Well done !

@Maria Rodas was driving under the watchful eye of her passenger @Daniel Rodas , and at one point he whispered to me that he has serious competition now, and i have to agree ! You drove really great today ! You had the most difficult 4x4 of the convoy as with the Pajero you'll need to push the throttle a bit more in comparison with the other more powerful cars. But your steering control was perfect and you always kept a cool head and a smile and that's what really matters. 

As i mentioned we really emphasize on teamwork and i have to thanks @Jeepie massively for the support she gave me today. It's always a pleasure to have you with us, snapping shots, tugging cars, and congratulating our guys and gals on their achievements. 


Moving forward you all will be joining the Newbie drives and not an Absolute Newbie drive. Drives are announced every Sunday at 11 am, and they go live on Sunday at 7:00 pm. Due to the high demand, these drives get full in about 10 minutes, so please be online at 7 pm to book your spot. If you miss a spot, put your name on the waitlist asap. Generally, by Thursday with dropouts everyone does get a spot if they have waitlisted. 

For the next drives, please bring along a deflator, pressure gauge, flag, compressor, and radio as a minimum. 

  • Learn to deflate your tires and checking them precisely (14psi for highway tyres, 11-12psi for All Terrain Tyres)
  • Learn to fix a flag on your car
  • Learn to program and fully charge your radio

Also you can  join the Carnity Whatsapp Drive Notification to get the latest updates on the drives, so that you can RSVP on time for the next weekend's drive.

Please have a look at below topic which describes the tools needed for every level. There is a separate tutorial inside which explains which radio we recommend and how to program them: (Please do not buy the screenless spare radio we gave you, as these cannot be programmed without a special cable and software).


Please have a look at below grading structure that explains various off-road levels:


See you all soon again in the sand !

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"Go as far as you can see; once you get there, you'll be able to see further."

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