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Santa Fe 2012 3.5 - Driving Down from a hill....

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I was driving my Santa Fe on Jabal-e-Shams Oman. I used AWD lock and put my car in 1st gear (not in D mode). In a sharp steep ramp when the car was going down, RPM reached at 5.5 but the speed was under control only at 25 to 30. When I move gear to 2, the speed reached at 80-90 but RMP was at normal. I used heavy breaks to reduce speed.

Is it OK to drive at 5.5 RMP? What will be the effect on engine?

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RPM increase to 5.5k as u were on first gear and steep downhill. First gear top speed is 10-20 kmph and if you exceeding this then obviously RPM will increase. But in steep downhill situation you should do that only. Let RPM rev to high but you will be safe than getting out of control. And once in a while if RPM toches to 5k its ok. Next time in same situation you can use brake little bit too to keep RPM under 5k which will use engine braking power, gear braking power and ur foot brakes so the load will be equally distributed and more efficient.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it OK to drive at 5.5 RMP? What will be the effect on engine?

Answer: Yes its ok to drive at 5500 RPM, Long stretch driving at 5500 rpm over 10 mins will reduce the engine life due to component wear and tear. But occasional short use doesn't bother engine at all.

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