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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks mate @Batuhan Kulac Thanks mate @Shaun J Syukran ya shaikh @Frans M 😅 The sweeper @Mahmoud Taha 😃 thanks my friend
  3. Thank you @Gaurav and all my Fb+ drive Leaders @JeromeFJ @Varun Mehndiratta @Frederic @Looper @Davie Chase @DP1011 @Simon D @Islam Soliman @Rizwanm2 ❤️ 🫡 Thanks mate @Luke K P, always more fun to drive with you 🫡
  4. Today
  5. @Zubail I suggest purchasing all the equipment that you believe should be in the box, then go to Ace or similar and find a suitable box or two that will fit in your trunk. Also need to size it and locate it in a position that works with the tie down points in your car. Using two boxes might make the packing of your trunk easier and make them lighter to remove if you need to use the 3rd row. The most important goal is to have everything able to be secured so that they do not bounce around over rough ground and fly around the cabin causing injury if something more serious happens.
  6. Thanks for answers, thinking same, but don't know about sizes, need sometimes to keep 3rd row opened, but still don't want to take this box home, and doing measures measures to find proper which will be ideal 🫠
  7. Can 100% concur with Luke, I have a large plastic storage box that contains recovery gear, tools, basic emergency equipment, etc. tied down with ratchet straps and shovel mounted onto the rear door of my Pajero with the same rubber clips. In my front cubby I have my quick deflating tool, pressure gauge and leather work gloves, along with a roll of toilet paper and spare bin bags.
  8. I have everything stowed in a toolbox, which is secured using ratchet straps from Amazon. I also have some shovel rubber mounts which I have installed on the inside boot area so that during drives I can get quick access to my Shovel to dig myself and others out without having to disconnect all the straps and do them back up after. See you on a drive sometime!
  9. Yesterday
  10. @Emanuel here you go, the first 15 min till we lost track of the tail. Click on this Gaia link for the track of this video. We drove 7.80 km in 14:50 min at 31.5 kmph.
  11. Black Ford Expedition Today had EDI desert course Front hooks, rear tow point Radio mt777 programmed already for carnity frequencies
  12. Alright @Islam Soliman. Thank you. Looking at it again, I’ve been there multiple times before 😄 in a first look saw a road so I thought as Deepak mentioned *meetup is near highway* 😁
  13. Thank you @Gaurav 😄 am really excited for the next level of offroading 😁 Thanks @Looper 😄
  14. Thank you @Gaurav @Looper I hope I can catch up in Fewbie drives 😅
  15. Hi @Faraz94, no.. this is more deeper into the desert in Faqa area
  16. @Islam Solimanis this the same meeting spot as last drive with @DP1011?
  17. Hi @Zubail, you can click on the calendar again, and remove yourself from the going list, Then you can click 'going' on the Dubai twilight newbie drive
  18. Hi, I by mistake press going for Abu-Dhabi newbie instead of Dubai, is it possible to change?
  19. Congratulations @khlief on promotion to Fewbie level. Enjoy 😊
  20. Congratulations @Jerry Han on your new level. Enjoy 😊.
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