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Ultimate Family Adventure Drive with BBQ - 10 Feb

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Wow @Gaurav bhai, Really an amazing day out with some awesome people.The pics are just out of this world and show how we were able to manage some nice open spaces to drive among some very challenging small dunes which would have been very technical to handle. Well done everyone, and cannot wait for the video of this drive.

It was a brilliant idea and thanks to the support from @Gaurav bhai on Thursday after work to head out a s we faced one challenge after another.  So here goes the trip report including the vents on Thursday for the Scouting of the area which helped us navigate everyone safely through some awesome terrain.

As Gaurav bhai and I set out on Thursday after work we had an accident on the way which slowed down our progress to reach the deflation point in Lisali. We made it around 5:30 pm which meant we had very little time to navigate through this tough terrain. Secondly, my GPS was missing the waypoints which meant I did not have a very good picture of which way we were supposed to head. Thanks to Gaurav Bhai's Motion X on Iphone, he managed to find the waypoints and with him in the lead we were on our way. We entered from the Lisali Fort and headed right into some awesome looking white dunes, but soon we realized that this was not going to be a simple task. Small, white, difficult to read, very technical and small dunes with soft patches and lots of pockets made it difficult to continue that way. Finally Gaurav Bhai took a hit to the nose of his bumper which soon made us realize that we had to look for an alternate route. At this time it was already 5:50 pm and this is when our efforts took a change for the better. Gaurav Bhai was able to find a nice track on wide open dunes which lead us to the power lines, we literally flew through the terrain where at one point Gaurav Bhai's Pajero had all 4 tires in the air. At one point we came to the end of the track and had to follow the road to Qudra Lakes as part of the area was sealed of for an event. We made it in 1 hours and were glad that we had found gold in terms of a track where everybody could manage. We found a couple of Gazelles on the way out, but they were quick to run away in to the wilderness in a flash. We inflated and headed home with a satisfaction of finding the perfect route.

Day 2, and the day was on us to manage a group who was out with us for 2 - 3 drives only, including this one. The on-time meet-up was perfect, as we gathered and I decided to give an early drivers briefing, after which we were on our way. Joseph was on for the third time out of 3 and was really looking forward to what this area had for offer. Jason along with his wife Pierre and his daughter April was nervously excited, he wanted to do this with the family and wanted it to be safe at the same time. As we deflated and headed out to the tracks and surely reached the power cables shortly and safely. The idea was to stay close to the cable lines as there was a gauge track which was just in case anyone was unable to handle the terrain or we fall short of time, we could use the track. Besides the only stuck throughout the trip, Jason was able to handle the terrain very well and grew in confidence with every rolling dune.

The surprise for all of us was still in wraps as we headed from one dune to the next, and even our youngest adventurer at just 1 year of age, April, was able to enjoy how his dad was negotiating dune after dune. Finally the surprise was out of the wraps and we were treated to about a dozen Gazaelles which just races away in front of us in to the dunes ahead. We took a stop and some photographs and as the Gazelles disappeared into the dunes we set off for the rest of our adventure. As we drove of I explained to Joseph that I had never seen so many Gazelles at one place and if we did not spot anything else for the day, my trip was made with this sighting.

As we headed close to the track and closed in on the other side of the road where the Qudra Lakes were, I decided to take one final plunge in to the dunes to reach this beautiful sight. My radio blared with Gaurav bhai's voice warning me of the danger of facing all slip faces and with our young explorer we would have to be very vigilant. Just a 4 Kilometers road took us approximately 11 Kilometers to finish, that is the extent of care we put into the remaining journey. We drove past the slip faces to find an opening to the other side and again travelled some distance before we found an opening to the next. On the way we found someone with a pop-out and decided to help him although he had assured us he could handle it himself. Within no time we had his tire fixed and we were on our way. Just as we homed in to our target spot we spotted around 20 Gazelles very close to us and taking of, Gaurav Bhai gave them a chase, as the chase was coming to a close he realized he did not capture the moment on his GoPro, devastated and heading back he spotted just the one resting behind a dune and on went the GoPro and chase on again. As his chase came to an end, we headed across the last few dunes to see the water in the middle of the desert right in front of our eyes. What a sight for soar eyes.

So we reached the lake and took a round to decide where we would settle, as we found a suitable place  and no sooner had we stopped, the tables, chairs BBQ was all out and we were one hungry bunch. Gaurav Bhai and Pierre with their cameras headed out to capture some moments in the dying light, while Jason and myself setup the BBQ. I would like to thank Jason, Pierre and April for some awesome meat, Gaurav Bhai for some awesome snacks, drinks, biryani, daal and chiken tikka and last but not the least Joseph and Shilpa for some awesome sweet dish. These were all enjoyed by us with a nice chat reflecting the drive, the improved techniques of Jason's driving, the awesome weather, the bright moon and many more topics. Time just meted through those moments and we finally decided to pack up and go.

As we headed out towards the bike shop for inflation, we discovered that I had lost my compressor hose which meant we had only one inflator which Gaurav Bhai had. We inflated Jason and sent him on his way as our young explorer was all wound out. No sooner had we started inflating Gaurav Bhai's car, we received a gentleman who needed the inflator for his vehicle which had lost all air near the lakes. We headed out with him to help the family and headed back out to inflate my Pathy and head to Joseph's trusty Mazda 6. We said our final goodbyes and headed home with a flavour of the best trip in all the 3 drives we have had so far.

In conclusion we have had 3 drives so far, all with a different flavor, the first was in the Kalba area which was a morning drive with breakfast with some play time, all managed well and enjoyed the trip thoroughly. Second was the drive in the Pink Rocks area in the morning also with breakfast, which started of as a chilly but wonderful morning and half way through the trip the weather took the change for the worse, although the sand was dampened but the spirits were still high. The third was the Lisali area with a finish on the Qudra Lakes and ended with BBQ. I enjoyed all these trips with you and thank each and everyone who participated and showed interest, with a special thank you to Gaurav Bhai to support the drives not only through encouraging words, but equally with never ending support with his actions.

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Awesome report, @Rahimdad

Yes, i completely agree that all 3 drives were completely different in terms of every little detail from the dunes to the overall experience. It's like each locale has a character of its own. 

Thank you so much, Carnity, @Rahimdad @Gaurav



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Wonderfull report @Rahimdad and wonderful photos @Gaurav

It was truly an Ultimate family adventre ! I was a little bit nervous at first due to the family in the back but with the expert guidance of @Rahimdad and @Gaurav my confidence grew and we completed the trip with ease and enjoyed some refreshments at the Quadra lakes. 

Thanks to the @Carnity team again and I hope there will be another trip soon ! 

My wife will post some more photos. 

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@Gaurav, amazing video bhai, really takes me back to the moments that made this trip such a wonderful experience. You chasing the Gazelle looks like a game on a high definition console. Adrenaline still pumping through my veins after watching this video.

Edited by Rahimdad
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These drives are so cool guys, any chance that you guys can arrange an on-road drives too for sports car or sedan cars? Just a thought......may be a long drive to jabal hafeeth or some place nice......!

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