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Suggestion : Can't there be one mega omni promotions thread, reason being I have the latest activity thread bookmarked or the landing page and after a few drives the entire page is filled with these promotion threads ( some members I've never even seen a post from, not even in a thread about them ) and in all of this other threads get buried or pushed down making you miss them. Already there is a dearth of content here and this just makes one miss other threads. Or maybe even just one new thread mentioning all the promoted. Right now it just looks like the forum got spammed every couple of weeks. 

Suggestion two : Why not have a promotion ceremony after the drive or the next drive, this I'm sure this will be more memorable to the person than a thread, you can take pictures and post them in the "mega promotion thread" or ONE new thread or gallery

*cue RD and Gaurav with a very serious post why I'm an A.hole for doing this and why promotions cannot be handled any other way than they are done currently!!!


Edited by desertdude
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Nice suggestion tbh, but if there was any other better way to handle such announcement we would have done it differently for sure.

Promotions are really precious in celebrating one's achievement similar to your kid's first step to their graduation ceremony. No matter how anyone say or feel - I don't care, but it's always nice to see such announcement that made them feel special and acknowledge their learning curve to motivate them for newer ranks.

Each individual is unique and so as their friends, followers and admirers are also unique and having all promotion in one mega thread will overly complicate the multiple quotes and messaging same way it does in FB and whatsapp groups.

I fully agree that there is a tiny bit of inconvenience to scroll few pixels of screen but trade off on other side is huge.

Maybe with growing technology every day @Carnity can look up the way to personalize the latest topics so that user will only see the topics of their interest and not all of the latest activity happening around.

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Let's root for each other & watch each other grow.

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some groups have a whats-app or telegram group. The upgrades are announced in those groups. Also all the drives and chit chat.

I prefer carnity’s method, a whats group with notifications where nobody can response and a forum where we can chit chat. 
This keeps my phone free from all the notification and when I have time and i’m bored I can go online and dig in it.


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18 minutes ago, desertdude said:

Don't ask

It was worth a try, though.


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3 minutes ago, treks said:

It was worth a try, though.


If you need to ask you don’t need to know and I could get murdered in my bed for telling you this but....

Off roaders with carnity start out as newbie. Once they have a few drives under their belt they graduate to fewbie. Then intermediate then expert. 

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13 hours ago, Barry said:

If you need to ask you don’t need to know and I could get murdered in my bed for telling you this but....

Off roaders with carnity start out as newbie. Once they have a few drives under their belt they graduate to fewbie. Then intermediate then expert. 

So a fewbie is an expert newbie? Makes perfect sense, that does.

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