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COVID19 Compliant - Morning Extreme Desert Drive - Maleha to Shuwaib Red Sand Whopper - Sharjah - 26 Jun 2021

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What an amazing drive this was, and with great company too!

As soon as we hit the sand, we’re all looking up at the sky. Our entry point had high dunes that forced us to look up to observe our surroundings; our line of sight was vertical instead of horizontal!

My two teammates and I started the drive confident; after all we have some experience under our belt and are fairly good drivers.  Little did we know that Lorenzo would manage to pull a mischievous bunny out of his hat 😂

Not two minutes into the drive, we could see Lorenzo’s @Lorenzo Candelpergher tires spinning on what looked like a normal ascent. I remember thinking, he’s just playing around and drifting on the sand… Low and behold, as soon as I hit that same patch, my car felt like it went into quicksand! I had the feeling that the super soft sands were engulfing the tires and swallowing my care whole 😊 Honestly, this was the softest sand I had ever driven on, and suddenly, I had to quickly figure out how to drive on these soft dunes.  A combination of momentum, re-attempts and tapping the throttle finally got us through… 

Being in second lead, I admit that I was constantly worried about losing Lorenzo’s trail. He has experience and courage that I simply don’t have 😊 I would cringe at some of the maneuvers we would have to repeat after him, but we managed them all (not as gracefully as Lorenzo, but we managed😉). With his clear and useful instructions, we were all able to traverse the dunes safely, while displaying huge smiles. The drive had adrenaline galore, beautiful scenery, all sorts of terrain and scenery. 

Lorenzo drew some beautiful lines for us to follow. He chose interesting routes and most importantly, our Italian Ibn Battuta never shied away from exploring new dunes or areas that looked interesting. This made the drive even more exciting as we found ourselves more often than not in areas with absolutely no car tracks!

@Shaz Shahwas a trooper with little words but a huge amount of skill and knowledge. He plowed through the tracks, silently, without ever complaining about losing momentum because of me 😂 He dealt with a mechanical issue in his car like a champ, calm and collected and finished the drive with the team as planned 🙌

@Francois Germishuys was great in his red monster! No dune, not matter how big, was able to resist the skill of this driver and the sheer power of his ride. Francois handled his beast very, very well especially in tight technical areas. He did manage to get crested, but we won't hold this against him my dear Carnity friends 🤣

Finally, I hope more Intermediate drivers start joining these drives as they get cleared to drive at this level. These drives, albeit labeled Extreme, are safe and enjoyable, and represent everything we’ve learned with Carnity so far; no fighting gravity, no fishtailing, maintaining a safe distance, following tracks, etc.

Thank you all for this wonderful drive and hope to see you on the sand really soon!

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1 hour ago, Ahab Shamaa said:

Finally, I hope more Intermediate drivers start joining these drives as they get cleared to drive at this level. These drives, albeit labeled Extreme, are safe and enjoyable, and represent everything we’ve learned with Carnity so far; no fighting gravity, no fishtailing, maintaining a safe distance, following tracks, etc.

Thankyou @Ahab Shamaa for closing on this point - i am one of the most conservative drivers so shied away from ever considering a future me driving 'extreme' ... you have me reconsidering now and once back on the sand, looking at building up to experience one of these drives!  your super power is 'to corrupt' as @Hisham Masaad and I experience regularly; here you strike again!  

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