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The FIA's support series to Formula E is unique in that it will have no drivers.

Announced in 2015 and scheduled to demo during the 2016/17 Formula E season, ‘Roborace’ will feature a grid of physically identical cars- the challenge to the 10 teams being to develop the artificial intelligence required to allow the car to compete. 



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Let's hope that the people who want to make driver-less cars for the general market take note of this, especially Tesla, who just cannot seem to stop their driver-less cars crashing into buses and whatnot.

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More than anything I love the shape of this ultra cool futuristic looking tron style robo-car. Hope it work out and don't bang each other mercilessly on the race track.

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Nice concept, I like the Season 0 - testing mode for being fully safe for the future, unlike many other over optimistic companies.

Hope this work out and all of their hard work get paid.

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  • 4 months later...


So the first ever roborace had a crash. Doesn't look good for autonomous vehicles. God bless anyone who decides to get in that self flying quadcopter thing that's coming to Dubai in the summer. 

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So the fear comes true, but in true spirit it is a start and they can further experiment to see how they can crease out the bugs. Talk about cars without a character and a feel, We are one step closer to this nightmare becoming a reality, atleast no human lives were lost to this craziness.

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As Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, never be afraid to fail. If people stopped developing technology if they failed in their first few attempts, we would probably still be living in the stone age. I'm on the fence on this whole thing. Self driving cars could be useful, who wants to drive and hour to and from work in bumper to bumper traffic. You could let the car drive itself home and you relax with a movie or catch some Zzzzs, but on other occasions when out having fun, I would want to drive myself. So it does have its uses. I don't understand what's the point of driverless races other than to refine said technology. Hoe many times has one just sat back on his PlayStation and watched an entire race with all cars being controlled by the console. Because this is what this would be like just for real.

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