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7 minutes ago, Tariq Carrimjee said:

How common is it that the engine in a moving car stalls?  I think this is the second video that I have seen where the rollover maybe caused by the engine losing power, whilst the car is in motion.  

Very good observation and question.

All these extreme failure happen (stalling engine, catching fire, etc.) when driver start modifying too much with car engine and/or engine management system (re-tune, supercharge, turbo etc.) without testing the stuff properly with an aim to get 400 hp from 200 hp motor. At 00:18 seconds you can hear the rev limiter and by no means it sounds or climb like a stock FJC on a slipface.

Majority failure happen due to extreme modifications and that's why RTA and Insurance company wont support cars with mods. And second group of failure (minor though) with lack of schedule maintenance.

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Let's root for each other & watch each other grow.

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2 minutes ago, syed salman raza said:

I think the skills and expertise of drivers also count 

Of course that goes without saying and that is the number 1 point to consider.

However in FJC video, guy seems very well experienced in choosing right and safe line to enter and floor the pedal at right time, continue the climb beautifully and in end bitten by a total misfortune due to technical failure or over-modifications (god knows).

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Let's root for each other & watch each other grow.

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I have seen those modified vehicles in fossil rock making donuts , climbing after each other with short distance and all theses stuff as if they are making an edition to fast and furious clip !!! Unfortunately . And as @Gaurav brother said , they are are trying to get 400 HP or even more from a 200 HP engines , sure it will catch fire or some technical failure will occur. !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have been watching some of the videos posted and comments from the beginning and quite a lot of content, thanks to everyone who has contributed, as @Rahimdad said its wise to watch and learn what not to do. 

Most of the accidents/events are due to people defying logic/gravity or basic off-roading sense (easier said than done), isn't it wise to feel your car, as in gravity and your car will tell you when not to force your self and your car (its important to make the safer choice at that split moment, rather than be egoistic and risk damage or injury), again easier said than done because we make split second decisions. Most of the time its human tendency to do the extra mile (sometimes peer pressure, if he can do it so can i...or just having a competitive nature) which creates trouble, after seeing these videos realize how bad some of these could be (Life changing incidents) and its important for each one of us to realize this sport can and has the power to change your life. It is fun but one mistake can cause pain to yourself or your loved ones or someone else.

I fully appreciate the grading and skill level now and thanks to all the Marshals/Leads that actually draw a safe path for all of us and promote safety.  

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Thank you @N@ved for your kind words and views. I am so happy the most people going through these tons of post realize how important it is to learn from others mistakes in this sport. Like you rightly said if ego takes over and you say if he can do it so can I, is something which can end up in a mistake. But the same statement is necessary also to move forward and learn but with a humble approach and not an egoistic approach. Again I would like to thank you for acknowledging the importance of the grading structure, as the more experienced drivers can gauge you with every drive how well you have developed, how you have improved your throttle and steering control and if you are ready for the next maneuver.  Surely everybody has a different way and speed at which they learn and pick up things, I have realized visualization is the best method. So having these visual aids to learn is not to scare people from this sport, but to further emphasize the importance of learning and gaining experience at the right pace and not to hurry yourselves. Like @Gaurav bhai rightly keeps repeating, this is not a competition, this is not a race, but a fun day out and an activity you can enjoy with like minded people.

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40 minutes ago, Rahimdad said:

But the same statement is necessary also to move forward and learn but with a humble approach and not an egoistic approach

Golden statement indeed by @Rahimdad bhai 

40 minutes ago, Rahimdad said:

Like @Gaurav bhai rightly keeps repeating, this is not a competition, this is not a race, but a fun day out and an activity you can enjoy with like minded people.

Yet another golden statement leading to the same wanted result 


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What went wrong ? 

This is a good example of when the basics of physics is not taken into consideration !

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Going against Gravity. Car was leaning towards the right when the driver tried to turn left. Tail of the car moving towards right just assisted in the topple. Reasons possibly due to higher tyre pressure, accompanied by higher speed?

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