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Best gaming console - suggestions?

Chaitanya D

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I would like to ask you all who have gaming consoles or have used them , which is the best one . With the top three options being PS4, Xbox one and Nintendo switch 

Just so much reviews and detailed suggestions everywhere , but first hand experiences and personal suggestions for games would be appreciated. 

Sorry for being late to this amazing world of gaming, but the lockdown has made me to think about buying one and forget everything else !

Edited by Chaitanya D
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The main deciding factor is probably what do your friends play? If you want to play online, you’ll need the same console. 

I used to play playstation but Im on Xbox now, mainly because I got into Forza and Halo games when they come out and I never looked back. I prefer the Xbox controller too and I can use it on PC games. Not a fan of the switch, I think it’s more of a kids thing. 

It’s best to try everything and see what you like and check out what games are available that you might be into. Most reviews are a bit like the ford v gm thing and they’re clouded by brand loyalty. 

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I have the PS4 but haven't touched it in ages. Mostly play some crazy games on my mobile phone. But with the mobile phones and gaming companies development there are many mobile games which can keep you engrossed and occupied. They claim the best console should be put by October this year, the PS5.

I started with Ps1 with Cricket, Grand Turismo and Tekken. Later the PS2 with the newer games in the same category but better graphics. It was PS3 than along with the PSP handheld console, but the same game categories. One game that kept growing on me were the Need for speed series and I had to have the latest one with every console. The PS4 was gifted to my daughter by my brother and Need for speed and the latest cricket games stayed on with the likes of FIFA games, but intead of Tekken similar games like the Injustice league took its place. I can't even remember when was the last time I touched my PlayStation. However FIFA is a great time pass when you compete among each other in the family. Just 2 people should not fight over who gets Brazil as their team. I am a rate Nederlands fan and no one wants my team, so I'm good.

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I’m not really a gamer but got some pretty old consoles at home that my kids love to play with. Most of them I got for free as they were collecting dust somewhere else:

- Sega Master System. Love the classic games like Sonic. Nostalgia

- PS2: we have all the singstar games so kids and sometimes myself love to karaoke the evening away. Also Buzz and some other cool stuff like the early GTA.

-Nintendo Wii: only use it for playing Mario Kart with the kids. Never been impressed with it.

-PS3: got this from my brother in law as he upgraded to PS4. Has GTA5 and some other really cool games, but more suitable for adults imho.

If you want to game yourself, a PS4 or Xbox is definitely a great buy. If you want this to be a family thing then I’d recommend the older consoles or Nintendo switch. 

If you happen to have an Apple TV, there is also an option called Arcade that for a small subscription you can install and play some really nice games. 

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As many said here - it truly depends on what games you like to play. I have been gaming since i was a kid which incidently has become my profession now and I head the buying and marketing division in Geekay games for the GCC.

What we have seen increase during these lockdown times is the Nintendo switch mainly because it is more of a family console with its own set of games like the Marios , Just Dance , Animal Crossing etc. Playstation coming at very close with many game developers really focusing their games on this platform - you can really not go wrong with this console ( unless you want to wait for a much pricier PS5 in Oct/Nov ). Xbox has close to less than 5% following in the middle east partly because majority of the install base in the middle east is PS4 and you really wouldnt find much ppl to play with in multiplayer games in the middle east.

The best time to buy this will be during the Ramadan/Eid period as many brands are discussing on promotions at this point and as an insider i can tell you there is a possibility of getting an Xbox X for 1499 AED and Playstations 1TB are going to go at 1249 AED. A problem we are facing currently is a big shortage on Nintendo and Playstation consoles due to a surge in sales , which should hopefully be better by the last week of April. I would personally recommend going for the PS4 as of now if you can still get it of course.


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1 hour ago, Frederic said:

I’m not really a gamer but got some pretty old consoles at home that my kids love to play with. Most of them I got for free as they were collecting dust somewhere else:

- Sega Master System. Love the classic games like Sonic. Nostalgia

- PS2: we have all the singstar games so kids and sometimes myself love to karaoke the evening away. Also Buzz and some other cool stuff like the early GTA.

-Nintendo Wii: only use it for playing Mario Kart with the kids. Never been impressed with it.

-PS3: got this from my brother in law as he upgraded to PS4. Has GTA5 and some other really cool games, but more suitable for adults imho.

If you want to game yourself, a PS4 or Xbox is definitely a great buy. If you want this to be a family thing then I’d recommend the older consoles or Nintendo switch. 

If you happen to have an Apple TV, there is also an option called Arcade that for a small subscription you can install and play some really nice games. 

I have master system and C64 at home. I still play some of the classic games on emulator on PC when I get bored. I had emulators and roms for both on my phone for a while but they are difficult to control on a tiny touch screen so I junked them. 

Here’s mega drive on the phone



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I have PS4 and I think its best choice.

Now spending time Playing with Kids and yes can find Games easily New and used.

@Rahimdad made me nostalgic with some older models. Started with Atari Games, Old Nintendo, Sega Drive then PS series.

Old Favs always Street fighter, Tekken, Ninja , now Call of Duty, Last of Us and many other.

I do suggest to buy PS4 or wait a little PS5 is on the way.

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Nope you cant play PS3 games on the PS4. However the new PS5 is rumoured to have limited games on backward compatibility. 

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