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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2022 in Posts

  1. It was Hisham's drive - do i need to say more? but Yes! because it was in Shuwaib and so as to elevate the expectations to the next couple of levels, Waqas christened the drive Mad Max which created such a frenzy that even @Srikumar decided to join. With that, pre-drive anticipations were already on the moon if not the starts! and the drive lived very much up to it's name and more, maybe not as much on Hisham's scale who dubbed it Mad Max Medium+!!! am sure he would soon entice us all with another one to accomplish what he started yesterday. We had our oops! moments during drive when some us decided to stop to see how the dunes below looked like from 'up-there'! loved the team work and coordination on display. Thank you @Hisham Masaad for the wonderful Sunday morning; If i were to humbly rate, the first 15 mins and the last 45 mins were amongst the best, exhilarating drives i have ever been part of - simply magnificent. @ASAD. @Simon Dawood @Fabien Monleau @Waqas Parvez @Mohamad Anwer @Daniel Yang @Chris Wing @Ashok chaturvedi @Amir Amiri @Vaibhav - was an absolute pleasure, as always, meeting and driving with you gentlemen. Hope to see you guys soon again
    9 points
  2. So, what else can I say? MADMAX drive was precisely what the name said, and if anyone could have lived up to it, it would have been none other than the king of the north @Hisham Masaad The first portion of the drive was tricky with soft sand and the first hill, where @ASAD. was just behind @Hisham Masaad and he had to stuck on the top, for me it was a good learning experience that we should not veer off to the side if we are unable to climb, but instead drive back straight down as it was practically an 80 degree climb @Vaibhav was in front of me, and @Mohamad Anwer was behind me, since we have been driving together for more than 20plus drives, so we knew each other's pace and synchronize well with each other. It felt like we were fighter pilots flying together, or maybe I was influenced recently by watching Top Gun 😊 However, the entire convoy drove beautifully @ASAD.@Simon Dawood@Fabien Monleau@Vaibhav@Mohamad Anwer@Daniel Yang@Chris Wing@Ashok chaturvedi@Amir Amiri@Ranjan Das, and after a while, I had the sensation that everyone was driving in unison. The second half of the drive started with fewbie MADMAX and swiftly advanced to intermediate MADMAX, while Hisham's level stayed at fewbieplus. Having said that, I would want to urge that @Hisham Masaad and @Carnity have the MADMAX 2 drive, and everyone who supports this should vote 😊
    7 points
  3. Happy 27th birthday @M.Seidam πŸ˜‚ - we value you posting a drive, and taking the time and effort involved in doing so, and sharing the moment with us... The heartfelt comments and drive recollections from your followers show, without a doubt, that it is appreciated - the drive produced various challenges, and as usual, well handled and contributions made by all team members in different ways contributed towards an excellent result. If I recall correctly, @Zixuan Huang - Charlie "wished" for some stucks during our pre-drive briefing, and it would seem that the call was answered.... So good to be in the desert at night....I've been waiting for these drives... ample confident, practical advice and guidance from @munkybizness (thanks for the compliments, and by the way you have a writing gift), @Ranjan Das securing us from the rear and showing us how to use a winch πŸ‘. I must say, the combination of darkness, humidity affecting visibility and super soft sand made for some challenging moments. As someone who is in charge of, and works with teams daily in the work setting, it never amazes me how much can be accomplished when the team has a good leader, travels in the same direction, each member is respected, involved, assisted when needed, and feels they are able to make a contribution to the bigger purpose.... The team begins to take on its own personality and dynamic separate to the individual members. This drive provided a great example in this respect. πŸ‘ Have a good week everyone.
    6 points
  4. Dear Desert Explorers Hello and welcome. please if you sign to this drive i request you to pay attention to the following important points : its obvious from the title its an exploration drive. its a completely new grid for us to explore even i didn't find a trace of any public tracks other than the one leading to some farms or reserves which are many in this area. the grid is about 20 km from Alshuwaib dam north to al hair south and about 12 km from oman boarders east to E55 al shuwaib um al quwain road west in its largest dimensions. however and after studying carefully different maps the terrain is quite different in sand topography due to the geographical area where this area exist and this stems from being subjected to different wind blow directions resulting in unusual dune formation which keeps changing meaning what we will find tomorrow might be modified after couple of weeks later and this is not even updated on the best maps. having said that be ready to expect the unexpected ( double slip faces , sudden steep and abrupt drops , super soft sand , star shaped dunes ...etc ). I have chosen this area to explore the beauty of it ( eastern rocky mountain boarders , many fenced and unfenced trees and water in the middle of the yellow dessert. also its unique location which is feasible from the coming from Sharjah and north emirates as well as from Abudhabi and Dubai. As its an exploration drive in completely not visited area at least by us i preferred to keep the level of the drive to intermediate limited to 8 participants with at least 2 drives in their rank. the desert is a place to explore and this is the beauty of it and its worth the risk which can be significantly reduced with better planning so please check your vehicle and gear from today that both are ready and complete for your rank. check your spare tire and the tools required to un and install the spare when needed and be familiar please of how to do it. more information to come yet when we approach the drive it self . General Info This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions Mandatory Safety Requirements Ban from Carnity Off-road Club Two Way Radio Guidelines Drive details Level: Intermediates and above When: 26 June 2022, SUNDAY Meeting time: 5:00 AM Sharp (without exception) Meeting Point: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LfjaTYwRssuwmcPC8 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 9:00 AM THIS IS A COMPRESSOR ONLY DRIVE. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 8 cars only. RSVP will close on Saturday - 3:00pm If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. RSVP On the Calendar Event Below:
    5 points
  5. This is a call to all those FB+ and above members who have adventured in Area 53 during daylight. Are you ready to up the challenge and try the same area at night?? If so, join in and expect an action packed fast paced drive through the bowls and pyramids of Area 53. We will be criss crossing, ridge riding, side sloping with only our headlights to guide us as we dance to the sweet music of our engine's roar. General Info This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through the below information and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions Ban from Carnity Off-road Club Two Way Radio Guidelines Drive Details Level: Fewbie Plus and Above When: 24 Jun 2022, Friday. Meeting time: 10:00 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/SUAWQdGUkqrAnybQ7 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 2:00 AM next day THIS IS A COMPRESSOR-ONLY DRIVE. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 drivers. RSVP will close on Thursday - 5 PM. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE BELOW CALENDAR
    5 points
  6. night drives are always best sellers, let alone if led by the master @Srikumar🀘 i should probably put my spot on auction πŸ˜†
    5 points
  7. Asad it felt like you were in that position my friend didn't it πŸ˜„ πŸ˜† ??!!
    5 points
  8. My vote for madmax 2 also. But someone else take this role pls πŸ˜‚
    5 points
  9. Definitely worth Madmax x2 drive withbthe King of the North πŸ˜ƒ 😊 πŸ˜€
    5 points
  10. Not even 5 seconds and the drive was full,i can sense the excitement πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
    4 points
  11. @Thomas Varghese thank you for opening a discussion on this topic. For me, it's not just about the heat either. As offroaders, we do need to be able to traverse all forms of terrain. Anybody who has ever talked to me knows that while I do enjoy being in the the desert riding ridges and climbing bowls, I'm more keen to do long-distance overlanding. To this end, I've been exploring different wadi trails over the past six months when I'm not driving with Carnity. Some of the key challenges that are cropping up on this are the following: 1. Due to extreme littering and the exclave/enclave situation of the UAE & Oman borders, many of the famous wadis that we grew up knowing are all being cordoned off. For example, the famous Jeepers Mountain (Jebel Al Faya) is now entirely closed off. Wadi Sal was closed for some time, but I was able to do the trail over six weeks ago. So there isn't a good repository on which trails are open and which aren't. Most of these drives hence will be purely exploratory in nature so if we don't get any luck, we're not returning disappointed. It's going to take a lot of time to find gems. 2. Driving on rocks is slow and requires a very different mindset. In many cases, because of point #1, we will also be limited only to driving trails which are more designed for the connectivity of villages in this hills. The villagers here (unlike Omanis) don't like large crowds of cars constantly disrupting their paths. Our convoys will therefore need to be a lot shorter. 3. Camping & hiking are the biggest components of the rock-trails in the Northern Emirates. So when organizing these drives, it's important that we consider that we won't always be moving, and that our goal may be to drive to a point, park there, and do some hiking to setup camps (for the day or overnight). This requires a different form of commitment than the 5am ride & go desert format. Last year in November, I spent over ten days exploring the Jebel Akhdar and Jebel Shams range in Oman. And the culture towards offroading there around trails, riverbeds, rocks and oases is completely and refreshingly different than that in the UAE. The locals there were also incredibly helpful in pointing me to some hidden trails and gems that I just have not gotten when I go up to Fujairah or RAK. All in all, you can certainly count on me to get involved in setting up offroad drives outside the desert. If we can get a few more, perhaps, we can organize some under the "Wadi Campers Club" here on Carnity. If we get enough traction, then it will give more confidence for the Carnity Crew to start looking into how to create more active drives around this.
    4 points
  12. haha was joking hisham. It was tiring but was just the best drives ive had as well as a great learning experience for me. I feel i am intermediate++ level now πŸ˜‚. Will be an honor to be your 2nd lead anytime.
    3 points
  13. There were 6 going and by the time i clicked rsvp was full. @Srikumar you better add the waitlisted guys πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜…
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Hey, Ivan's here (AKA FiNaR --- just changed the name in Carnity :P) I agree, it was a slow start because of the fog, but even if it was short I actually enjoyed the "fewbie rookie" status no one single stack as newbie! 1 and a half as first time fewbie ! time to step it up!!! LOL anyhow, Thank you @JeromeFJ for leading the pack! thank you @Rob S for good advises on the "half stacked" (self recovered by following your advises) and thank you @Looper for "pulling me" on the "full stacked position" (BTW, did I even spelled right staked??? mmmm) BTW, @Rob S, can you share the website/contacts where you got the setup to inflate the 4 wheel at the same time? you actually mentioned to me that there are few company that do the same... please Thank you all and I'll see you soon!
    3 points
  16. A dark indigo hue sets in across the night sky. Slicing through the middle, a string of white lights mark their way to the edge of a city known for its golden hues. Threading the needle of this dark night and this string of white pearls, thirteen wagons powered by thousands of horses, pull off the side. As night falls and a dewy moisture coats my skin, these thirteen metal boxes ditch the beaten path to tread into the wilderness. Unaided and only driven by the intrepid, these wagons form a new string of pearls. Glowing bright in the darkness, this string swirls and flows unlike the static path they’d left behind. Ahead of them only stretches the inky black night, above them a star studded spectacle, and behind them fly plumes of unsettled sand rising and falling quickly again. Such is the magnificence of a night drive. And once every revolution around the sun, the intrepid light leading this string has cause to not just celebrate the splendor of the night, but also a new revolution of life in years. As Offroaders, we’re so lost in the revolutions of our wheels, we often forget there is a cosmic revolution at play, and last night, we celebrated both - ours and that of Dr. @M.Seidam’s. Here’s wishing you an even more magical revolution around the Sun through the millions of revolutions for every distance you’ll take to get there. With the magic set aside, let me take this moment to recognize some of the shining beacons within this string. I feel a certain likeness every time I meet @Gregory. In his eyes sparkle the spirit of a good human being. And he carries that through with the care he extends across the entire chain. He exemplifies the lead in SL with much gusto. Elsewhere, at the end of this string, the childlike naughtiness of @Ranjan Das was pushing the chain forward like a child meandering his train through obstacles. In the middle, @Zixuan Huang - Charlie and his stoic demeanor keeps the string steady lest it fall apart in this darkness. These human contrasts are what make being a part of this string so rewarding. There are then the new pearls beginning to cast their glow and exemplifying their strength. @Joseph Raju, it was so refreshing to see another Y61 driving with care and good pace. As long as I saw those lights peek over the ridges in my rear view mirror, I knew I had nothing to worry about. Ahead of me, the inseparable young birds @Dinesh Kumar A & @Tareq Al Turq learning to take night flights (sorry, for stealing this metaphor @Ale Vallecchi), showed their exuberance. At times it caught them off guard, but they will come out of this with experience to boot. They say the roughest seas make the best sailors, and it is truly in this stead that we got to see the strength of this string of pearls. Key among them @Haitham Khattab, @topgear, @Amr Aydin& @Simon Dawood who not just put their brawn on display but also their ingenuity in the understanding of how levers work. Such is the magnificence of a night drive, that you see not just the magic of a strawberry hued Luna shining above, but also the immense ability that comes when so many lights shine together. Collectively, they solved challenges as big as the one @Ashutosh Garg had to face. In doing so, I left not just enriched by the experience but also the new knowledge of so many minds working together. Thank you all for a beautiful night. As we escaped back to golden hues of the city, these thoughts fogged up my mind, just like the ambiance I was now piercing through. See you all out on the sands soon [ 🐡 ]
    3 points
  17. This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and strictly follow these guidelines. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions Mandatory Safety Requirements Ban from Carnity Off-road Club Two Way Radio Guidelines Drive Details Level: Fewbie and above Meeting time: 6:00 AM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: Dropped pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/fduqYeVmWgDWxzFm8 Action Plan: There comes a time when most off-roaders start feeling the heat, and begin to withdraw to the cool and safety of their A/C'd homes. That is the time when I prefer driving in the desert. Not only there are fewer tracks, but it's also the season that really makes you feel like you are in the desert, the type we had always imagined, and seen in movies: hot, dusty, extreme, worth the challenge of crossing and taming. After all, as President Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen". So, if you accept the challenge, and choose to "step into the kitchen", get ready for a hot and fast drive (speed tends to keeps your cars cooler, and allows them to "float" better on burning, liquefying, sand), where all skills will be tested, in particular technical driving as well as faster criss-crossing. Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 10:00 AM (including the possibility of a 30 minute extension to reach the exit) P.S. Only join if you have a compressor to inflate your tires after the drive. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 cars maximum. RSVP will close on Friday - 12 PM. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members that do not confirm the terms of the COVID requirements will be removed from the RSVP list. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP ON THE CALENDAR
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Hello @Santoso Marjuki, of course you can join. See you later. Thanks
    2 points
  20. Hi @Ale Vallecchi, can I take spot from Anoop Nair. Thank for any update.
    2 points
  21. Agree with you Mayank. The reason I opened the topic was to get feedback from all the club members and management. We call ourselves offroaders but in the true sense we are only partial offroaders. We do only in the desert sands. There is this area in Umm Al Qwain where there is a beautiful mangrove with a very challenging marshy terrain. Always wished to explore the area but as a disciplined offroader trained by wise Carnity marshals I can't do it alone. Couple of days back I had to take that route to reach RAK and they looked so inviting to explore with all the trees beconing come and explore us and see our secrets
    2 points
  22. Thank you for the great drive this morning and keeping us on our toes @Islam Soliman, such a wonderful challenging one, you and Sweihan is a perfect combination for fun. The adrenaline and joy from the first 15 minutes of this drive was enough to give a great satisfaction and high expectations for the rest which you and Sweihan did not disappoint as always, such a great lead and driver and honored to drive behind you as your SL and learn from you. Sorry to see you leaving us earlier than expected @Karthikeyan Govindarajan, the rest of the drive was good but you were missed and hope your car/tire is fixed and you are ready to get on the sand soon. @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler as always, happy to see you and driving with you, looking at you in the mirror and watch how good is your driving was a blast, you are always a good team mate with a great attitude and the kind of a driver i look always to drive with. I hope you an easy fix for your bumper and thank you for spotting my lost number plate @RiaanJH mesmerizing driving as always, alert and focused, good to see you always in the convoy. @Joseph Raju, good to see you again handling the beast perfectly. @Santoso Marjuki my friend, you are the cherry on the cake today, great skills, team spirit. Thank you for finding my plate number. Felt lucky today for the fact that we had a smaller convoy than usual, no stucks or refusals and just joy and happiness behind a good lead. What i learnt today is I have to get a lanyard for my radio to keep it safe as i lost it in the car during the drive and couldn't announce a nasty bump for the rest of the team. Need a new, more steady flag pole instead of my inflatable man (Riaan, cant get it out of my head now🀣) Have to remove the number plate from the sleeve if im not planning to cut/change the rear bumper. Having a good drivers and team mates in Sweihan's means more fun, no stops and more fuel consumption 🀣 (as per Riaan, we did approx 55 km today), no complains at all. Great end of the weekend, see you all soon.
    2 points
  23. Thank you @Hisham Masaadfor an amazing drive. This was one of the best Intermediate drives i have been in @CarnityWaking up early in the morning and driving 1 hour to meeting point was just worth it. I know we could not do a Mad Max Plus as @Srikumarcould not make it and definitely everyone missed him. Everyone in the convoy drove exceptionally well. Yes there were few refusals in the start but surprisingly not on the big dunes. When everyone saw the the big dunes they unleashed their inner MAD MAX with hardly any refusals. Special mention @Fabien Monleau I remember last intermediate drive we drove with @Shaaz Shaat the same location and you had challenges with climbing the slopes but this drive you did exceptionally well without any issues. Seems like you have got the secret to tame the beauty. The sand was very soft making it difficult for the back of the convoy as they would get all churned sand. But the drives under the belt of each driver at the back of theconvoy shows how much experience they had and drove without any issues. Lastly @Hisham Masaadwe wanted more of the last part but a very good decision to end the drive at 9 am as it was getting hot. @ASAD. @Simon Dawood @Fabien Monleau @Waqas Parvez @Mohamad Anwer @Daniel Yang @Chris Wing @Ashok chaturvedi @Amir Amiri @Ranjan Das Thank you for being part of the amazing Convoy. See you soon guys.
    2 points
  24. Thanks so @M.Seidam for the lovely drive. I really like these night drives they kind of make us learn how to focus on all the human senses ( even the 6th sense at some points 🀣). happy birthday D.r . The few grey hairs are making you look a bit older than 25 ...πŸ˜‚. Thanks to all the great people who joind the drive and looking to see all of you again soon
    2 points
  25. Very happy birthday my friend @M.Seidam πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    2 points
  26. I am looking forward to another funny and enjoyable drive the next Saturday morning. so excited now:)
    1 point
  27. You are gifted my friend in writing ✍️ and driving in a team is no less as well πŸ‘
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. @VipinShetty @Salim Akhtar guys really sorry for the delay... It was a horrible fortnight full with work since our drive. Here is the videos I took. See you again on September! Have a lovely summer!
    1 point
  30. The UNEVENTFUL DRIVE Drive started by 5.15am as when the lead arrived all the convoy was ready to move deflated and flags up. After a very short briefing @Shaaz Sha went on to lead as usual. It was straight adrenalin drive from the start. No warm ups and immediately into serious offroading. As an experienced driver I was thinking when will be the 1st refusal and thought within 10 min of start up as Shaaz went into his overdrive mode from the time he switched on his 4X4 dial. Surprisingly the convoy was made up of drivers with nerves of steel combined with careful and responsible driving techniques. Didn't hear anyone asking help for atleast 30 min into the drive. When the need arised Shaaz decided to hand over the responsibility to @Sudhanva Sonawane the freshly promoted CF for a tug which he executed like a ballet dancer. Precise instructions to the driver of the car being pulled and a gentle tug. Kudos @Sudhanva Sonawane. I appreciate the handing over of responsibility to him. There is a point where everybody has to learn and get experience. The convoy moved smoothly through all the challenges Shaaz had put forth sans some minor refusals here and there. @Imteeaz the sweep rose up to the occasion and handled the recoveries like a pro. Please bear in mind he is relatively new as a sweep. But he held up the responsibility Shaaz gave him and handled situations at the back like he knows it by heart. Nobody could be left behind under his watchful eyes at the very back. Congratulations @Imteeaz. I'm impressed. This made the task of the lead at the front much easier as he didn't have to go back to recover refusals himself 99% of the time. The instructions given were crystal clear and precise. The only time Shaaz and me had to reverse was when there was the pop outs. Pop outs 🀣. We had our share of pop outs in the drive. Just 2. Considering the challenges and the track I was thinking there would be minimum half a dozen. It all started with @Shaaz Sha's front left tire protested about the punishments he had been giving them since they were installed and decided enough is enough. There was a ply separation in the tire and it became flat. But Shaaz had his spare tire intact and spared no time installing it and was gone wroom. After that came the 2 pop outs. With a hefty 3 ton jack in our convoy and some able bodied men to do all the work the pop outs were fixed in less time than a professional tire shop would do. The drive extended upto 10.30am to reach the exit as the title of this drive mentioned, it was an uneventful drive. Pop outs, refusals, stucks were all dealt with how a professional desert convoy would do. None of this adversities can dampen the spirits of passionate offroaders. Even the blaring sun couldn't dampen our spirits. Thank you @Shahid Mehmood, @george charbel, @Ignacio Quindos, @TT_Dubai @Alfred Alinazar for joining the drive and giving me an opportunity to drive with you. See you soon in the desert.
    1 point
  31. Thanks everyone for the great drive! It felt like FB+ to me most of the time, we have great drives there. See you next time!
    1 point
  32. Thank you @Shaaz Sha for leading the pack with a morning drive full of side sloping and other chances to practice our skills. The sand was very soft and there were a lot of switchbacks when coming down a dune to catch out the unwary. Hope your front left tyre is repairable. Great proactive support from @Sudhanva Sonawane as a solid CF and @Thomas Varghese for good instructional tips during pop outs and stucks. And our sweep @Imteeaz for keeping the convoy in check and to ensure no one got left behind. Some pics in the gallery. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
    1 point
  33. Thanks everyone for the great drive. @Kailas thanks for the criss cross drill and creating the route. Special thanks for a personal shoveling exercise for me before the exit 🀣.
    1 point
  34. Many thanks Dr @M.Seidamfor organizing such amazing drive on Friday night to ease the mental work stress accumulated during the work week. The night drive was truly intriguing and tested our patience and skills with multiple challenges that the convoy was able to overcome. @Dinesh Kumar A nice to meet you and hope you will be a regular again @Ashutosh Garg I hope you managed to get your car fixed @munkybizness @Zixuan Huang - Charlie @Ranjan Das @GregoryAmazing support from you guys @Joseph Raju @Simon Dawood It was nice to be driving with both you. Simon's lights gave me a lot of confidence as I have very clear vision ahead and the sides. @Tareq Al Turq @Haitham Khattab @Amr Aydin Good to be driving with you all as well. It was also a nice surprise and timely break for some dates for the extra energy. I wish Dr Seidam a great and healthy year ahead. The camaraderie of this convoy was great. The early morning drive home made me feel very accomplished and satisfied of a great night out in the desert.
    1 point
  35. Dear Desertnauts Few updates for tomorrow's drive. The MEETING POINT should be in the area just past the ADNOC gas station, where the Thai restaurant Spicy Village is located. Please, arrive at Qudra Last Exit's ADNOC gas station, enter it (top up your tank, as you are at it), and proceed through its exit. As soon as you have left the gas station's perimeter, you will find the meeting point to your left, on a dirt patch near a bike shop and the Thai restaurant. As you will see, the convoy has been extended to 10 cars (2 more "gipsies" will only make the drive more unpredictable and fun). The lune up will be as follows: @Ashok chaturvedi in Second Lead @Trekado at #3 @RiaanJH at #4 @Tareq Al Turq #5 @Senthil Kumar #6 @Anoop Nair as Center Forward @Alexanderrr at #8 @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler #9 @Lucky sAm #10 @Shaker as #11, and @JeromeFJ in Sweep No more needs to be said, other then we'll know where we start but won't know where we end. Most likely in the Emirate of Dubai.... but who knows ?!
    1 point
  36. What a drive last night! Thank you @Kailas for the lead, thank you @Joji varghese, @Looper, @Pacific, @Rajiv Sam for support, and thank you EVERYONE for the great teamwork and fun! And thank you for your patience in the last hour of the drive
    1 point
  37. Happy birthday @M.SeidamπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚
    1 point
  38. Thank you dear friends for your wishes πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Best guess what I have got πŸ˜‚ It did long time back , it felt even younger πŸ˜„
    1 point
  39. Thank you @M.Seidam for the good drive, the amazing detailed de-brief and the extension that we were lucky to have, definitely deserve the drive from Abu Dhabi. Happy birthday, and hope you a blessed year full of love, happiness and success. Thank you for @Gregory for a perfect SL and happy to see you again πŸ™πŸΌ @munkybizness for his great support and clear instructions for the rest of the convoy, great meeting you and good to finally put a face into a name. @Zixuan Huang - Charlie Amazing skills and great support for the middle of the convoy, good to see you again. @Ranjan Das great sweep and happy to meet you and drive with you. @all, amazing team with great driving skills. see you all soon.
    1 point
  40. Thank you @GauravSonifor the fantastic drive It's well known that technical drives are not very enjoyable and arduous. But, contrary to expectations, the drive was so easy with a lot of fun. You changed the subject from TTT to be SSS Super, Soft, Smooth πŸ˜€ I really enjoyed the drive thank you again and thanks for everybody See you all again in the sand. I've added some pictures to the gallery hope you like it ❀️ Thanks man That's my pleasure driving with you ✌️
    1 point
  41. Thanks @Gaurav Soni for this game of 2000! As you rightly said, we got to knw more about our car today! Your detailed to the point briefing before we heading and clear radio instruction made the game easier for us! was good to see you again @Senthil Kumar Thanks @Tareck for being sweep and @Alexanderrr for SL! @Jose Thomas Way to have first FB+ drive! Was Good to know and connect with you guys too @Shaker & @Morshedi ( I enjoyed watching you riding ridges royally, just before that popout) Congratulations to us for this TTT 😎🀟🏽which was a great fun learning experience!
    1 point
  42. It's usually last minute business appointments if you are at home, and family emergencies if you are at work πŸ˜…
    1 point
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