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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2023 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Reviving this topic since i started messing around with my Patrol. I have been looking for the best way to disable the following (in one go): 1. Traction Control 2. ESP 3. ABS Since i have seen kill switches being installed by some so called "reputable" workshops in an absolute horrendous way, i am looking for a clean setup that i can do myself. So far i have been disabling Traction control by using the button on the center console. and the ESP by pushing in the little button on the brake pedal (thanks @Imteeaz for sharing this). It is however a bit annoying that whenever you go to 4Lo or restart the engine you need to do the same procedure. Now the next step is to get the ABS disabled too. There are indeed a couple of fuses in the engine bay which could be removed but i'd rather not do that. After some small research i found there is a small 7.5 Amp mini-fuse in the fusebox underneath the steering wheel. If i remove that i noticed Traction control, ESP, and ABS all disabled in one go ! But weirdly enough speedometer stops working, and the odometer does not count anymore.... so that basically means my offroad miles are not being counted 😆 Next step will be to obtain something like this from Amazon: or this: And inbetween the red wires a small switch. That should hopefully work. If anyone has more experiences or other tricks/hacks please so share them.
    3 points
  3. It's a good and safe practice to join a lower-level drive after a big gap and it's even more advisable when you have a change of vehicle too. As you have had 1 FB plus in Sep 2022, that's why Varun took this call, if it was 5-6 FB+ then it would have been passable but with caution.
    2 points
  4. until
    Drive Details Level: ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME When: 2 April 2023, Sunday Meeting time: 5:30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: https://goo.gl/maps/3zBbCKDhDnE3Hygd6 Gathering Venue: https://goo.gl/maps/aMni2oVeVhCydVwt8 (24°47'50.5"N - 55°23'52.6"E) Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Iftar food and drinks for yourself and a little extra to share, camping chairs, mat, etc. Approximate finish time: 8:00 PM
    1 point
  5. I think its about Ego which should be left at home when coming out to off-road. I can do better and longer than him.
    1 point
  6. Extreme fish tailing and fighting gravity - one of the common causes for roll over
    1 point
  7. I think the Prado guy was distracted by his girlfriend trying to feed him grapes.
    1 point
  8. very soft sand should generally be avoided I think. no one would expect this on such a hill...
    1 point
  9. Thank you @Mohamed Seidam for posting this and very good observation from @N@ved. I would like to hear more comments from more newbies who are trying to learn the art of off-roading.
    1 point
  10. Let's play a little at "What could have gone wrong?". Any comments on this successful recovery? What would you have done differently, and what could have happened (that luckily didn't)? VID-20201205-WA0007.mp4
    1 point
  11. We need to change the title on this one from "What went wrong ?" to "What went right" !
    1 point
  12. @Ahab Shamaa any advice coming from @Rahimdad is gold. His experience, and the fact that he can do virtually anything with a very regular car (no disrespect is meant) shows you how it's always the driver's choice to make the difference. In the case of the almost roll-over, no amount of power, no super high clearance, no other fancy mod, would have saved the driver. It was just his luck that the car didn't roll. Going back to Rahim bhai's advise, if the Pajero had approached from a wider/higher angle, and had stayed higher on the slope, he would have gained/kept the momentum (why do you think parabolic curves aid drivers in race tracks?), and gravity would not have taken over. Having failed that, of course, his capital sin was fighting gravity (he should have gone down the slope to his left, and re-attampted). This weekend be ready to put Rahimdad's suggestions to good use. There'll plenty of slopes to ride slopes, and plenty of opportunities to climb them, or to make a safe exit, rather than fighting a losing uphill battle.
    1 point
  13. Fighting gravity is already the first thing, but then we see him reversing full throttle, which makes me think this driver really has to learn to control his vehicle.
    1 point
  14. Besides the flag and communication common sense is also not there. On 6th second you can see sand flying meaning the FJ was stuck. Without paying heed just go with the flow. Typical attitude of people not paying attention to their surroundings.
    1 point
  15. indecision between doing side-sloping or crisscrossing; wrong speed and angle for the both anyway...
    1 point
  16. 1) fighting gravity 2) not putting on seat belt
    1 point
  17. Honestly and without reading the further comments I wanna give it a try of what I think first : it seemed as it’s a “ pull to flip “ rather than pull/ tug to recover 🤔 second : the recovery car and the FJC both going against gravity ( for the FJC it’s obvious , and for the Pagero what got it worse is the recovery rop from the middle was elevated by small ground hump acting like a pulley with upward direction of about 30 degree and together with the rope angle it’s plus 60 toward left ( already the FJC was stuck in a tilt right up ) third : non kinetic rope fourth : no sand clearance fifth : both vehicles needed to be redirected for better recovery sixth : rear tug abit could save all day by permitting more distance in front of FJC to later go forward using created slop momentum Seventh : if its me as a newbie I would feel comfortable to do what I am not sure of and I will ask for advice if alone ( I will not go alone off course ) or seek advice from others more experience in the group
    1 point
  18. USE Flags and cummunicate before moving on dead spot
    1 point
  19. Hardly an expert but I’ll give it a shot. 1) didn’t do a slower trial run to check the bumps 2) too much speed. It is not that steep and does not require so much momentum 3) angle is incorrect ?
    1 point
  20. That’s exactly why we keep preaching to leave your egos at home during off-roading. It eventually goes wrong and the desert “giveth but also taketh”..😉
    1 point
  21. I think the high speed was an ego thing and they definitely learnt that you dont need the biggest balls and show them off. #slowandsteadywinstherace as for the prado, he fought gravity hence he rolled down. all would've been avoided if he straightened up and reversed down. These videos make me very happy that we have experienced offroaders with us giving us tips and advice thru every situation as i think some of these people in the videos werent so lucky.
    1 point
  22. - It is a sharp and steep ridge, Looks like the dune is being climbed from the slip face side. - Too much speed and wrong angle for sure. - Very unsafe move, Seeing a car already stuck, we should stop, wait and reassess the situation... - Another reason is the show off attitude, showing that my car is better and more powerful. - Very dangerous move, should have reverse straight down. - It was a hard braking as well while reversing.
    1 point
  23. Not safe nor wise. Very dangerous way of approaching the recovery area if he didn't jump and flipped he would have lost control and hit the wrangler. He didn't evaluate the recovery area nor took time to think of the best recovery angle or dune side he just chosen to speed up as if he reached faster he would have got a prize.
    1 point
  24. Clearly a very sharp angle on both sides of the ridge to get a lifted Wrangler stuck like that. The exact wrong time to show off. Too fast, poor choice of line. Love this helpful way to learn @Rahimdad
    1 point
  25. Carrying too much speed and the approach angle
    1 point
  26. Maybe @Xaf can teach him, how to land safely.
    1 point
  27. Gaurav, I would just like to add that when we add suspension lift, we have to keep 2 things in mind. 1. Make sure you select the correct springs for the weight of your car. Too stiff and you'll be bouncing all about making the car hard to control, too soft and you'll feel all the bumps and it won't ride well on the road and will have a lot of body roll. 2. Everyone always remembers to lift the car but everyone forgets that in order to maintain the OEM center of gravity, you need to widen the wheel base too! A good quality wheel spacer will cost you 800-1000 for 4 Pcs. When we widen our track width, it allows the car to have a lower center of gravity which helps in such situations. A good example is to take one finger and roll it on the table sideways, see how easy it rolls? Now put 2 fingers and do the same, the force required to turn the fingers is much harder! Physics is your best friend! "Drop a Gear and Disappear"
    1 point
  28. Actually the Wrangler didn’t decelerate at all, as if he couldn’t see that the first car was cresting. Lack of attention? Do Wranglers have a visibility problem at this angle (I don’t know, never really drove one)?
    1 point
  29. This could have been well avoided if the had real-time communication
    1 point
  30. He pulled it at an angle. Always try to pull in a straight line.
    1 point
  31. I agree. I must admit that I don’t have a clear explanation for this one, only hypothesis.
    1 point
  32. Instead of hard brake he could turn right and come down.
    1 point
  33. Also, possibly he could have turn his steering towards gravity side along with braking and mild acceleration might helped
    1 point
  34. Over-speeding for sure, May be he hasn't read other side of the dune or judgement error
    1 point
  35. They are doing a desert safari, instead of self-driving 😝
    1 point
  36. @Frederic i managed to find your land cruiser before the flip-flop
    1 point
  37. When he crossed he kept the steering left and collect sand in front of tire.
    1 point
  38. 3. Not sure he was actually intending to try a side pass, I think he had already lost control.
    1 point
  39. And also the pickup driver should have given more gas !
    1 point
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