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Posts posted by DP1011

  1. On 8/13/2022 at 8:07 AM, M.Seidam said:

    Drive report  ( Welcome back on 2WD 😅 )!

    … Luckily I made it to the meeting point exactly at 16:45 and by the time the briefing is done @Trekado was deflating his last tyre. On 17:15 the convoy was running on the pylon track for about 7 km after which we crossed the technical strip to the left like a walk in the park, kudos to every one 🙏


    The hot blowing wind never prevented us from the fun so we carried on side sloping , criss crossing , looping  with up and down speed as the situation dictated till we came to our first stop when I faced a tight pocket nose down and immediately I instructed @Imran Kashif not to follow who as a second lead did a great Job through out the whole journey👍
    I was blessed driving with a great team who spared no effort and had raised their tolerance for their Lead 🙏


    ( picture taken by @Karthik Raptor)👌

    after clearing the sand from the front I managed it on 4Low out ) 


    ( picture taken by @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler) 🙏

    from here the story begins which made me really wonder what was wrong .. either I put lots of weight during vacation as my mother in law took care of me 🤣 or I had lost some skills 😄 which along I sunk three to 4 times side ways giving The fact the tyre pressure check upon last stuck of mine was at 10 PSI … ( will keep it till the end 😄
    we continued heading toward Murqab Long range dune to catch up the breath taking sunset view .. obviously we had to enjoy it along shoveling my multiple sideway stucks 😅 apology🙏

    We reached the big Sabkha connecting the Baja south and north and it was dark letting our offroad lights on where we chased the silhouetted mega moon 🌝 behind the clouds which made it to look like Jupiter !

    We made a vote and it was Qudra where we chosen to end our journey at . I took the opportunity to thank every one for sharing helping and driving together today and the nice chatting and made sure to learn from them the feedback during the debriefing while we were on the track . 

    I have to say that every one did exceptionally great and for me it felt different and I didn’t realise till after I inflated and almost every one was gone so I couldn’t share it with you there. 
    when I wanted turned on the gadgets back to traction on and wanted to switch the knob on 2WD it was already on 2WD 😱😂🤪 …. After clearing my first stuck I couldn’t turn the 4Low off and I put it on  2WD to disengage it and forgot totally to switch it back to 4Hi .. looks like I was driving on 2WD and more over I was switching the knob without looking and recovering my self on 4Hi and going back to 2WD .. it’s not something to be proud of as driving at such level side sloping crisscrossing on 2WD could be very dangerous in such soft sand . This was my big learning yesterday. on the other hand  This experience proves the fact of two things Deflation and proper momentum are the kings to keep you running over the sand even if you are on 2WD , welcome back !


    Thank you Doc @M.Seidam for this wonderful MUCH NEEDED Welcome drive ( Atleast for me, as for past 3 weeks I was away from Sand ! ) It was a perfectly balanced drive with Full moon and Sun set :), yes you are clear winner ;) ! ( Am sure, Like me, everyone must be wondering, how come we are doing better than our most experienced member, but only if we had realised we were comparing 4WD vs 2WD and what you did with 2WD would take as numerous drives to be this level :D

    On a serious note ! it was a perfectly timed drive and despite temperatures hot, it was not tooo bad to step out and do some shovelings :)  it was great to watch how you made sure you take proper precautions not to have pop out and patiently doing those self recoveries with little help  -  That has been my personal learning from this drive ! 

    Was good to see all the known faces @Beide Worku @Karthik Raptor - Dint feel even single time, we were on track with 2 trucks ahead in front of convoy ! ;)  @Imran Kashif Great to see you as SL and @Tom B Was good to see you too as CF and with some clear instructions on recoveries , was our first together.  @Trekado Was amazing to see you you were using your radio even before the drive commenced :D , and the colorful wrangler boys with yellow @Morshedi White @Felix Obst vibrant Blue @Santoso Marjuki  - That's what makes it an even more interesting being a sweep in Convoy ! 


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  2. 15 hours ago, Ale Vallecchi said:

    TGIF: Margham to Faqa - Drive Report

    "There is a desert I long to be walking. A wide emptiness; peace beyond any understanding of it" - Rumi

    It would be a safe guess to say that all us desert wanderers find fulfilment where others see emptiness. The desert draws us to it, in a way that sometimes it's difficult to explain. A drive like last Friday's TGIF certainly quenches the thirst for the desert's emptiness, and stirs up the appetite for more.

    A nice start at Margham's red sand bowls, followed by a slow dance on the ridges leading west toward Lisaili, across the Dubai-Al Ain Road, along the camel track to reach the technical area at the beginning of Lisaili's long range dunes, through the sabkhas leading to Murqaab, and on to reach Faqa, traversing a mix of tight bowls long range cordons.

    At the end of the day, we went for 78.7 Km, in 2:59 hours of moving time (and 1 hour of stops and rest), driving at 26 Km/h (total average speed of 20 Km/h).

    Very well executed drive by everybody, with minimum incidents until the last segment, where fatigue likely took a bit of a toll, causing a few back-to-back stucks. The take away from these issues that arose at the end of the drive was that the approach to the crest remains a crucial element in the success of a safe criss-crossing, and that exiting when finding oneself below the ridge, and unable to reach it, is the best way to avoid getting stuck, and keeping the drive moving.

    Besides criss-crossing, the other main skill practiced during the drive was ridge-riding: not the straight one, on long range dunes, but the sinuous, almost dancing-like, slow motion ridge riding, along curvy bowls and tight crests.

    Great support by @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler in Second Lead, @Thomas Varghese at Center Forward, and @munkybizness in Sweep. Not too much work to do, but always ready to run to the rescue when needed.

    Very well done to @Jose Thomas, @takeshi sobue, @Gertjan, @Santoso Marjuki and @Beide Worku.

    Looking forward to seeing you all again soon in the emptiness.

    Perfectly summarized @Ale Vallecchi  Cannot agree more and cannot add more to this ! It was a perfect Friday ! Given the track and soft sand all through, looking back, I am pleasantly surprised! It was a perfect FB+ Drive and Very Very well done bye all as you rightly said ! I had eyes on Jose / Takeshi and considering this was @Jose Thomas's second drive, he maneuvered  impressively well, and @takeshi sobue continues to get his roaring machine do wonders :) .  

    As always, its pleasure to see again the known folks ! @Thomas Varghese, @Santoso Marjuki @Gertjan @Beide Worku and finally getting to be on a drive with @munkybizness ! Full points to the convoy at the back considering soft sand making it difficult for these amazing experienced folks, only in theory ;)

    all in all even on Monday morning, I can say - TGIWF  ! ( Thank God It was Friday ;)

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  3. 35 minutes ago, JeromeFJ said:

    Dear Desert Drivers,

    The long weekend is approaching, and the drive of tomorrow. Thank you for being courageous enough to start with an early wake-up call to spend 4 hours in a hot and dusty environment! We will have a very strong convoy tomorrow, and we will try to make the most of it.

    We will cross the area called Middle Earth. I don't know really where it comes from, but it suits well for this vast stretch of desert between Solar Park and Faqa. We will have 3 to 4 sets of dunes, separated (or connected) by sabkhas. Dunes will be mostly technical, with higher sand formations in the Little Sweihan area. The soft sand will require all your skills and concentration to maintain momentum. Extra caution will be needed on the ridges and during criss crossing, to keep the balance of your car and maintain a precise driving line.

    Be prepared to cover some distance as the sabkhas will easily credit additional km. If we progress well we can cross the high dunes of Faqa in the last part of the drive, and exit on the AD side.

     @Mohamad Anwer @Gertjan @RiaanJH @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler @Pacific @Joseph Raju @ASAD. @Mark D @Karthik Raptor @Ranjan Das  I will issue the convoy order by the end of the afternoon, please let me know in case you changed your plan.

    @Anoop Nair,only remaining WL, I can accept you to the drive, please confirm. 

    A gentle reminder to all ( IF WE EXIT IN AD, THE RADARS DONT GIVE US 20 grace , I Have already contributed twice, wont make it third time :D )  

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  4. Thanks @Gaurav Soni for this game of 2000! As you rightly said, we got to knw more about our car today! Your detailed to the point briefing before we heading and clear radio instruction made the game easier for us! 

    was good to see you again @Senthil Kumar 

    Thanks @Tareck for being sweep and @Alexanderrr for SL! 

    @Jose Thomas Way to have first FB+ drive!

    Was Good to know and connect with you guys too @Shaker & @Morshedi ( I enjoyed watching you riding ridges royally,  just before that popout)

    Congratulations to us for this TTT 😎🤟🏽which was a great fun learning experience!

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