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Posts posted by Rizwanm2

  1. 4 hours ago, Frederic said:

    Nativa is similar to the Fortuner 2.7 Little bit underpowered, but in the right hands they can go a long way. @Rizwanm2 has one and manages very well.

    @andy_macdxb I drive off-road regularly with Carnity in my nativa. I am currently in fewbie level and I enjoy the ride very well.  I haven’t done any extreme rides or huge dune bashing yet but our senior member @Rahimdad tried couple of times in Maliha play area and he found nativa is capable off roader. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Rahimdad said:

    Trip report.

    I loved to read and live the experience through the eyes of the many who were in attendance. Not too much to add from my side but here is what I can share from my point of view. Waking up on working days can be a real drag for me, but my wife is puzzled as to how I wake up before the alarm even goes off on a Friday morning. The truth is the excitement to meet up with the many friends and make some new ones on the way. After having been through most of what UAE has to offer in terms of off-road adventures over the past decade, it's the people which gets me excited.

    It was a pleasure to see so many smiles as I arrived, all itching to taste the sands, some for the first time while others who want more. So without delay we headed out to the grounds where we could have our brief, deflate and final preparation before heading out to the wilderness. After the brief we deflated and in my excitement I forgot to fix my flag. It didn't take me long to realize though and we were off.

    @Rizwanm2 sorry you had to leave, hope your wife is feeling better now. Since @Rizwanm2 had to leave my second lead was now @Febin Frederic who did very well on the 2 occasions I found myself in trouble to lead the convoy through a safe route. Following him was our return champion @Jamy B. who has just found her ride in the form of an Xterra. I could see her not getting carried away and applying everything from the brief during the drive. She was more keen into learning her way with her new ride which is a brilliant thing to do. @Kalahari was next and with his Prado looked to me like a Silver Surfer just gliding through the sands. I'm very impressed with the way you handle your ride, doesn't seem like your first or second time out. Following him was @Najeeb Mohammed who drove his FJ, couldn't really see much of you deriving, however was impressed with the fact that you made it to the Pink Rocks without switching off traction control. Hope you found it easier with the traction control off. @Emmanuel was my centre forward to help out the convoy and keep the convoy in motion. Next came @Nizam Mohammed with his white FJ. Hope you have your tire sorted out after your encounter with The Rock. No I don't meant Dwayne Johnson, it one the one which met his tire on the way up to Pink Rocks. @Chaitanya D was next and managed well with his tank he calls the Nissan Patrol Y62. @Jorge Stepniak Felippe was to follow, sorry if we got the pronunciation of your name incorrect, we will definitely try our best to get it right the next time. @Jihad Hachem was more than sporting, sorry for being tough, but have seen so much over the years that safety is paramount. Glad you understand. In the sweep duties was @Mahmoud Hamzawy with his son. While he was keeping the convoy safe and moving with regular updates, his son was keeping us entertained.

    As is my habit for Newbie drives, I start with easy tracks for all to get used to their vehicles over some small dunes and work up the difficulty level for all to enjoy and learn from their experience. Climbing the Pink Rocks and descending from the other side is the toughest part on the menu, but almost everyone did it without any issues. As we rectified the issue of a burst tire by replacing it, we descended the Pink Rocks to head to the cafeteria nearby.

    Here we inflated and had the shade in which we could sit, relax, share some snacks and discuss our days activities. Fortunately we were first to the finishing line soon joined by the convoys of @Srikumar and @Frederic. With the Friday prayers time we parted our ways, but still with a promise to meet again as we continue to learn and support each other. See you all soon.

    hmmm..  i missed my weekly dose of sand therapy 😭.. 

    thank @Rahimdad. wife feel better now. cant wait to get back to sands, 

    see you all soon. 

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  3. As always Friday morning was always exiting for me. but last friday i was so hungry for desert since we did not had any newbie or fewbie drive the week before. 2 weeks is too much for me to digest the 1 Friday drive session. so i ended signing up for morning newbie drive and my very first fewbie drive in the afternoon.  

    thank you @Gaurav for offering me second lead of your convoy. it was very good drive with most of absolute newbies in our convoy. i think everyone had their fare share of drive lessons as well as recoveries. thank you everyone for participating and a successful event. see you all next time... 

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  4. Thanks @Gaurav & @Frederic

    When i enter to the desert as newbie, my radio was the teacher of desert drive lessons. the information we get through the radio teach us lot of lessons. i learned a lot by listening to the radio and watching the action of driver at receiving end more than my self driving.  

    most of the time im at the receiving end. hence i'll try to find a solution to secure the device properly and attach the hands free cable as PTT when needed. 

    But i think totally hands free solution will be useful for marshal's or whoever is leading the drive, since they talk most of the time over the radio. 


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  5. 7 minutes ago, desertdude said:

    First of all I disagree it's a basic requirement, anyway that's a whole other story

    Why not just follow the rules of aviation

    Aviate, navigate and communicate.

    Communication being the last priority.

    So modify it to your own situation. 

    Driving the car and being safe takes first priority.

    If you are doing a climb or tackling a sidey and you get a radio call. What ever it is. It isn't that important that you have to respond immediately even if that means putting yourself in danger and even risking harm to yourself and others.

    Concentrate on the task ahead, finish it and only when it's safe to do so. Respond to the radio.

    I know most people think when they get a telephone call ( Or in this case radio call )it has to be answered immediately. Regardless of what situation you are in whether you are sleeping or trying to navigate a tricky roundabout in heavy traffic as if God himself is calling and you cannot risk his wrath


    thanks for the advice @desertdude 

    Agree communication should be be least priority. thought of getting some advice on radio situation.  


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  6. One of the basic requirement to go off road is to equip with 2 way walkie talkie. in general, all off roaders are using a handheld radio to communicate during the drives. I think this handheld walkie talkies are quite distracting when we do off road driving. Whenever we want to talk we need to take one hand off the wheel, pick up the radio press the button get it closer to your mouth and talk. After the conversation we need to make sure the radio is held somewhere securely.  Also this radio can be cannon ball to your face if it is not secured properly.  So I feel this is quite inefficient and unsafe as well.

    Does anyone have solution or idea to use the radio with minimal distraction?  Preferably like hands free. 


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