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Posts posted by DP1011

  1. Drive report : 

    What a fantastic day it has been, right from the beginning, where I found @Dan S deflating at 6.30am and then right after me having @essam ibrahim 6.40 followed by @Frederic - That shows you all were as excited as I was for this drive ! The 100% of participation was a clear confirmation of this fact.  

    Thank you @Frederic and @Benjamin for being my partners in Fun with fully decked up Santa costumes ! 

    @Frederic - having you behind me, instantly rerouting/correcting those lines that I was missing out , was the reason I kept pushing the level to offer the convoy with more and more technical challenges which they gracefully accepted and very well executed ! and with @Benjamin anchoring the convoy meant we could have those relaxed moments while he handled those couple of refusals swiftly and smoothly ! Thanks Ben !  

    @Dev_ @Mahmut @Robk@Jason Grima @Feras_Sh- You guys drove like a pro managing those technical patches like a pro, Very very well done !  @Dev_ am sure you have taken a lot of learnings today on the concept of how to control speed and what level of acceleration could be appropriate for momentum. @Robk - I was famous for getting crested but thats how I learnt the most and thanks to you the guys had some muscle movements ;) - But as I said, better to get stuck and learn than to fly :) - and having that LWB to handle this technical patch - Very very impressive ! 

    @essam ibrahim - another fantastic driven drive today by you ! I hope you enjoyed too, with barely 1-2 refusals. 

     @Faraz94 @Gautam Banka - Experienced FBs - Dint hear much from you guys , indication of how well you managed being at the back !  @Dan S - Doing this technical patch with such long wheel base is never easy and not even once I heard you having struggle or refusal - very well driven buddy !  but you managed to find your way to your first and last (I hope)  Pop Out :D in 2WD drive !  We prefer the real donuts instead ;) , haha ! 

    and @Issam Atra with your New machine, you made it look so easy :D ! @Mike M. The White Rhino power , thank you for sweeping us today and helping on those couple of refusals at the back ! 


    with a convoy of 14, and below drive stats, considering the track we took, all I can say is  - every one did absolutely impressive ! with this note, I close out on Jingle Jungle drive ! Hope you guys had good fun too, and see you soon again ! 


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  2. Drive report

    Dear Desert Lovers ! Thank you for joining the drive ! - Thanks @Davie Chase for the opportunity  for letting me lead  today's drive and having you right behind me was definitely one of the reasons I managed to lead the way I did today :) ! also thanks to the support team members @munkybizness , @Pacific for handling those couple of refusals quick and smooth and @Joji varghese for sweeping the convoy ! 

    The weather was fantastic when we started , quiet without a hint of what heading towards camel rock and big red would be offering us with - A rally of cars, quadbikes, buggies and numerous cross tracks which tested our patience and temperament ! I am glad we still managed to play around big red just before exiting, while looking at that stunning sunset view ! 

    @Rafey Hashmi - The jimny power continues to impress and the way you drove was very very impressive ! You + Jimny are definitely made for each other ;) ( the fact it belongs to your wife is more clear now :D

    @Maytham Mahroos This was my first time with you and was pleasure to have you in convoy ! Am sure you had a great drive today, just one point of feedback would be To judge the distance depending on what car is ahead of you ! and am sure you got the magic of right tyre pressure and magic of 1st gear when required ! 

    @frederic demolder back to back weekends, was nice to see you and you drove really well once again!

    @Lala G - I dont remember when we drove last together, but amazing Pajero power ! as highlighted external feedback - is of great help !   @george charbel   The jeep power ! happy to see you as always my friend ! @Felix Obst -was pleasure to see Smurfie and thank you for those cookies ! @Gary F  As always pleasure to see you my friend ! am sure you jeep boys had fun at the back ! 

    The convoy, specially Fewbies drove very well, considering the fact that I had levelled up at couple of instances and the drive stats & the track we covered  as below ! 

    Looking forward to seeing you soon again in sand ! 



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  3. Dear Desert Lovers - Thanks for signing up for this Jingle Jungle ! (RSVP closed now)

    @Frederic @Dev_ @Mahmut @Robk @Feras_Sh @Faraz94 @essam ibrahim @Benjamin @Jason Grima @Gautam Banka @Dan S @Issam Atra @Mike M.

    Please find below the convoy order - Looking forward to see you in your Red and White costumes, Christmas hats , treats etc to get in sync with drive theme :) - Coffee and muffins will be a treat from Secret Santas during the drive ! 


    Radio channel : CH 2 : 446.031-25

    Please arrive on time so we respect those who sacrifice their morning sweet sleep, and deflate and depart on time !  :D


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  4. Dear Desert Lovers ! 

    @Rafey Hashmi @Maytham Mahroos @munkybizness @frederic demolder @george charbel @Lala G @Felix Obst @Arda Yagcioglu @Bjoern @Gary F @Joji varghese

    with just about 24 hours to go for our tomorrow's drive, please find below the convoy order. please make sure you leave your office desks well in time to arrive meeting point and deflated to be ready to move 14.30 :) - Early comers will have pleasure of black coffee served hot, just come and see me / @Davie Chase  ;) !  See you soon ! 

    P.S @Pacific - As discussed, I keep your option open, if you can join last minute, please feel free - although not included in Convoy .


    Radio channel :CH 4:  446.081-25


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  5. Dear friends, !  What a beautiful day it has been ! Am sure you all had great fun, just like me  !  Below some comparative stats which shows how beautifully you all drove ! 

      @Frans M @Emanuel @frederic demolder @Issam Atra @Pacific @essam ibrahim @Mahmoud Taha @Mark B @george charbel @Xavi Moyano @JohanE @Gary F @Dan S @Rafey Hashmi   @Imteeaz @Imran Asghar


    Convoy 1 drive report : 

    The initial agreement was both convoy's to meet at Rock formation in 90 minutes time, and we had a close call, am sure if we watch the replay, both the convoys made it exactly on time, and had a great time, with a full group picture  !  

    All the refusals were handled well by Support members without use of rope or shovel,  except one, where coming down one of the dunes,  I encountered  some hard sand formations, which  with the help of shovel,  was quickly converted to passable debris, thanks to @Imran Asghar and @Varun Mehndiratta being my eyes outside , which then was handled quickly and we were again on the move ! 


    @Varun Mehndiratta - Having a senior experienced member as SL is the best blessing one can have as new lead - thank you ! @Davie Chase - Thanks for the idea of Fayah - My recent fav area  !  @Imran Asghar @Pacific - Thank you for being the CF supports and handling those couple of refusals with self recoveries - which made me have some relaxed time ;) and @Mahmoud Taha  - Once gain thanks for Sweeping the convoy and handling those refusals at the back ! 


    @JohanE @frederic demolder - You both drove very very well, with no refusals ! Great control ! 

    @essam ibrahim - You made all technical patches look easy and easy patches look technical :D - Just joking, you did great to day with the pace and the dunes we had on our way ! You were a hero ! 

    @Dan S - You were another star today - with your machine, it was never easy am sure , but Not a single time I heard from you - am sure you enjoyed and @Frans M - already pleasure to have you , silence at the back was confirmation of how amazing experienced players you were ;)


    See you all sooon in Desert !! 





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  6. Dear desert wanders  @Frans M @Emanuel @frederic demolder @Issam Atra @Pacific @essam ibrahim @Mahmoud Taha @Mark B @george charbel @Xavi Moyano @JohanE @Gary F @Dan S @Rafey Hashmi   @Imteeaz @Imran Asghar- Thanks for signing up for this drive  ! 

    Thanks to @Varun Mehndiratta  that we are able to accommodate all and have 2 convoys tomorrow. 


    Please find the convoy order for both convoys and also radio channel ( Channel 2 ie 446.031 for Convoy 1 by @DP1011 and Channel 4, i.e  446.081 for convoy 2, by @Davie Chase





    See you all tomorrow 7am, deflated and ready to move.  The plan is both convoys will move different routes, aim to gather at the stone formations for a photograph, and exit depending on the convoy flow, either at start point or towards Sweihan :)  


    To avoid traffic jam and confusion, CONVOY 1 will park after the gate entrance on Left side and CONVOY 2 will park going few meters ahead at the bend as below




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