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Posts posted by RiadJL

  1. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi for the great drive this morning. All 3 Emirates conquered :) 

    This was my first time in Sweihan and I see why people like it. Very nice terrain with technical areas and dunes where you can let loose.

    I fear I may have let loose a bit too much though - got my first pop out today 😅. PSI was higher than other drives I've done in the past, I guess I just took the turn too fast and got the wheel caught in someone's track. Thanks @Cesar Chacon, @nithish468 & @Batuhan Kulac for the help getting me back up and running, much appreciated!


    Thanks to everyone who joined - was a blast! See you all again soon

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  2. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi, @DP1011 & @Shiju Raju for the drive today!


    Lots of small dunes and technical driving in Dubai. Must say I prefer Sharjah with the bigger dunes and bowls


    Did get to do a few additional fun lines thanks to @DP1011. Being at the back of the convoy has it's advantages  😁


    2 Emirates down, 1 to go! Abu Dhabi in the morning!!  

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  3. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi for the amazing, fast paced drive today. Great to see @Nicolò and @Sunil Mathew

    Lots of bowls and climbs today followed by some technical dunes.

    Interesting to see the different colors of sand in the same area - red where we started off, changed to yellowish with darker bits and finished in almost red again.

    Visibility got pretty bad there towards the end - so hard to read the shape of the dunes with the sun getting low in the sky


    Great idea by the way for the 3 Emirate tour this weekend. Sharjah done! Looking forward to Dubai tomorrow and Abu Dhabi on Sunday 😁 

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  4. Thanks for the great drive! @Ale Vallecchi

    That was the softest sand I've driven in - very different from the rain soaked sand I've driven so far this year (only been off roading for a couple of months)


    Nice to meet everyone! Great driving all around


    See you all again soon!


    P.S. My leaky tire seems to have sorted itself out. Dropped from 45 psi to 40 on the drive back but stayed at 40 for a good 25 minutes. Maybe the higher pressure reseated the tire. I'll re-check in the morning and take it to a tire shop if needed  

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  5. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi for the drive this morning. Fast paced, technical, bumpy and loooong :) Lots of fun!

    Great driving by the whole convoy. Only a few stucks and refusals meant we were able to keep the pace relatively fast but still ended up going slightly longer than planned. 

    This was my first drive that ended up moving past noon and I got to see the visibility issues at that time of day - I guess the light colored sand didn't help. Amazing how Ale navigated that last technical stretch - was hard for us following to see the track and he didn't even have a track to follow 😅

    Proud to have completed the 100km challenge. Well done all! 

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  6. 33 minutes ago, TheGuardianJLU said:

    Just for my clarification, when you mentioned a shovel... did you mean a ground anchor to aid in recovery or a regular shovel? Both will provide their own benefits. More my curiosity here...


    Normal shovel. This is basically our most useful tool in desert driving. In 95% of recovery situations in the desert, a sturdy shovel will get you out.

    I know in the US winches are used along with tree straps etc to self-recover. Winches aren't very prevalent here as a self-recovery tool since we very rarely have something to strap on to in the desert. Land anchors for sand tend to be large, heavy and impractical and I've only ever seen a handful of people with one

    There are quite a few people who have winches on their rigs here but they are mostly used to help recover someone else



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  7. 7 minutes ago, Zed said:

    hi @RiadJL each scenario is different, tag me if you're joining next Iftar Bowl drive and will be happy to check your various configuration. But please go through these first before jumping to diff lock:

    1. Lower your psi. I had trouble climbing some parts of Lady Dune, but was able to climb after deflating all tires to 10 psi. Of course if you don't have thick sidewalls, safest is to stick to 12 psi (now you have a reason to get taller tires that have "70" or "75" in the middle like 265/70/17)

    2. Try in 4Lo but higher gears (e.g.  4Lo + 3rd gear or 4Lo + 4th gear). This will give you lots of torque but also some speed.

    3. If you're tires are jumping in the air and the terrain is bumpy, you need firmer shocks (which is perfect for offroad and bumps but too stiff for daily driving).

    4. If 1+2+3 above are done but still "no power", you can try Center Diff Lock only

    5. If 1+2+3+4 above are done and still "no power", allow me to drive your car.

    6. If 1-5 are done and still "no power", let's discuss buying another car :D 



    Yeah, I get the feeling it's the shocks. Looking to upgrade soon.. Will try out 1+2 next time I'm down there


    Don't think the car's the problem - probably the driver 🤪

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  8. 26 minutes ago, Zed said:

    @Luke K P @Julien Recan  please read my prev article on this if you haven't >> https://carnity.com/forums/topic/16736-diff-lock-simplified-center-rear-front-explained/

    The Standard Order is Central Diff Lock > Rear Diff Lock >> and last Front Diff Lock.

    Am sure there's a very technical reason for this, one involving blowing out diffs, but for shortcut let's just say this is how it's done in Mercedes G-Wagon and Toyota Land Cruiser 80, so let's follow Mercedes & Toyota engineers regarding this order of pressing the buttons :D 

    Here's my take on your new orange Ford:

    1. First check if your Center + Rear Diff Locks are automatically engaged when you switch to 4Lo. My Nissan Y62 Patrol did this, everytime I turned 4Lo, it automatically enganges Rear Diff Lock (thus also Center Diff Lock). My Jeep Grand Cherokee doesn't do this, so if I go 4Lo, it doesn't engage any diff locks.

    How to test? You can't test on sand. In your parking space, turn on 4Lo then move forward 3 steps so it fully engages 4Lo. Then turn your steering wheel full-left (or full-right) and accelerate. If your tires are slipping or you hear screeching sound, means your rear diff is locked. Remember the purpose of Differential is so that left tyre and right tyre can spin at different speeds (which is needed for turning full-left/full-right mechanism)


    2. If #1 doesn't make any sound means you are in 4Lo but in open diffs mode (no center and no rear diffs locked). Great, you can drive in 4Lo at high-speed to get more torque. 


    3. Why would you ever want to drive with diff locks engaged at high speed ??? Read Point #1 above, the purpose of having differential is to allow left-tyre to spin faster/slower than right-tyre, which is needed for full-turn.

    Yes in low-traction platform like soft sand and water, the tires still slip but they will not screech and make sound like in your concrete car parking or highway asphalt. But still, do you want to risk it? Example: you're riding on a ridge with soft sand with Center + Rear Diffs locked, then suddenly you have to make 90-degrees left-turn to exit the ridge riding. If the sand is hard (due to rain), now you're turning on a non low-traction platform. The tires will slip to make the turn, but because you're no longer in soft sand, you will be turning like a Rally Driver, with that drifting effect, which is fine on horizontal levelled plain areas (sabkhas), but on a ridge? Only the braves will risk it....

    I've asked some "crazy" drivers why they turn-on Center Diff Lock when driving, and these are their reasons:

    3.1.They want to drive in a STRAIGHT LINE very fast. Rally drivers do this. You can also try when you're climbing up in a straight line, but not when you're going up then decided to make a loop.

    3.2 They want to drift when they're side-sloping, only doable with beadlocks. I've seen this in front of my eyes: so the car looks like fighting gravity, but in fact they are SLIDING horizontally with the nose facing 45-degrees up. Very cool for videos, but even I don't want to try that 😂

    PS: we can do a 30-mins "testing session" after an official drive to test the various modes of your mighty Raptor 😁





    I haven't been able to climb up Iftar bowl's center face so far. My impression was the wheels spend too much time in the air because of all the tire tracks in the sand there and so I'm not able to put down enough power. Do you think diff locks would help in this case? or sway bar disconnect?  

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  9. 1 minute ago, Batuhan Kulac said:

    Come join fred's drive, We can chill + sweihan is a more exciting area :) 

    Was thinking about it as i havent been to Sweihan yet but it's an 80-90 minute drive from my place and Ale's afternoon drive will let me sleep in for once ;)

  10. A great evening out 😃


    Nice Iftar in the dunes with amazing views and great company. The drive out was well paced and challenging in spots making a great experience for drivers and passengers alike


    Thanks @JeromeFJ for leading and @Ishak & @Gaurav for watching our backs. Good to drive with you again @EbrahimZAF & @Wilfredo Perez. Nice meeting you @Nicolò & @Ahmed Farouk 


    See you all again on the sand! 

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