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COVID19 Compliant - Morning Extreme Desert Drive - Maleha to Shuwaib Red Sand Whopper - Sharjah - 26 Jun 2021

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Dear Desert Wanderers, 

this RSVP is now closed.

Please find below the convoy order for our drive:


@Jorge Stepniak Felippe, @Ahab Shamaa@Shaaz Sha, @Francois Germishuysthis drive is going to be very demanding from a technical point of view, more mentally for the drivers than mechanically for the cars: we will drive across a variety of terrains, at constantly high pace, often going through technically challenging passages. It will require your full and undivided concentration at every step, so make sure you come well rested and hydrated and that and you don’t have any reason for being distracted. Also, Extreme Drives are meant to be no-passengers ones.

We will be using Carnity Channel 4 (446.08125Mhz).

The meeting point is confirmed at Maleha Roundabout - https://goo.gl/maps/5KQtn9NpsBLDEjCk9  

See you tomorrow morning, ready to go (i.e. already caffeinated, deflated, flagged and briefed) by no later 5:00am (sharp), so make sure you make it to the meeting point at least by 4:45am.


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Hi @Lorenzo Candelpergher and rest of extremists, my daughter had a COVID case in her class this week and is a bit unwell so given the risk, I will drop from the drive and isolate to protect the community 

enjoy and please share photos 

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Sorry to hear the news @Jorge Stepniak Felippe.

I had the same issue with my son, luckily despite the positive case at school, he was OK. I wish your daughter and family can be equally fine and out soon again. 

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Thank you @Lorenzo Candelpergher for this treat !!!! it was amazing. Perfect terrain for @Lorenzo Candelpergherlead and a wonderful experience for the small convoy. Man you literally gave us wings today. thanks 👏👏. Thanks to @Ahab Shamaa for the second lead and @Francois Germishuys for the sweep. It was a memorable drive and see you soon in the sand. Take care guys. 

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This Extreme Drive was one of those you'd never want to end, as it was too good to finish. 

With a convoy of just 4 cars, quoting @Ahab Shamaa, this sounded more like a private drive than a standard @Carnityone,  but it had all the ingredients of the best drives in the club.. 

We were welcomed at the meeting point by a very strong "bio smell" (let's be politically correct 😂😂). Despite the challenge, we all managed to deflate and flag up and by 5:08am we hit the sand, almost completely in the dark. 

We quickly made our way to the Maleha Terraces, then climbed up to the Tawi Khatimah, on the east hillside of Pink Rock. From there the morning twilight looked beautiful. 


After this short warm-up, we started acting as real "Extremists", as @Jorge Stepniak Felippe, calls us, and we tackled full throttle the big bowls and straight climbs of this less known but very nice and challenging small area before crossing the sabkha and heading straight south, getting ready to accelerate to ridicolous speed. 

It was there where we found an F150 with a family of campers who was stuck at the bottom of a dune. After attempting to help the guy out with some instructions (which he would not follow much) we decided to winch him out so we could quickly get back to our space ships and move again at light speed. 

Light speed indeed is the proper description of the velocity we were able to sustain flying by Camel Rock, Pink Rock and The Sphynx, until we reached the area Faya. 

Even if the plan was not to indulge and simply drive through, we couldn't resist doing a few rounds in the bowls around Faya end climbing it from the south side.


Just a 5 mins chill was needed before we headed down to the Mahafiz - Al Faya Road, which we bordered until the Mahafiz Roundabout, where we crossed to enter Suwaidan area. 

It was at this point that @Shaaz Sha found out that an A/C pipe had cracked and tha the had a leakage.lukily a good number of layers of Gorilla Tape was the perfect temporary fix, so we were good to continue. 

As we moved south we initially stayed on the west side, populated of medium small sized dunes with a lot of annoying bushes. We then moved a bit more to the east side, where we enjoyed a few interesting crests which we rode without slowing down a bit. 

We then stated approaching the area of 2nd December Cafeteria, but before crossing the road we climbed the big dunes which you typically see from down and never really drive onto. Beautiful! 

The fun continued on the corresponding dunes on the opposite side, west from Pink Rock. Luckily @Shaaz Sha's taped duct was holding and we enjoyed a fantastic high speed stint to the west of the Rock, where we climbed to the top at the south end side. 

As the place was busy, we didn't stop and we headed straigjt south towards Al Badayer. We first had a blast around the big bowls south from the two rocky spines at the southern edge of Pink Rock, then we approached and climbed "the next big dune before Big Red" and eventually Big Red itself, where we met @Islam Soliman's FB+ convoy. 

As there was no place to safely land, we did a fly-by and continued our acrobatic flight climbing Big Red and heading down on the Dubai g Hatta Road, which we crossed at the Al Badayer interchange. 

We then entered Area 53, and started pin pointing each available group of tall dunes around, furiously climbing to the top, riding long ridges and criss-crossing or breaking crests diving into the unknown on the other side at exhilarating speed. 

We were really pushing hard and eventually ended up in Suhail Dune with very little fuel left, so - also considering it was 8:40am already - we decided to fly over the dirt road along the fence on the west side of the dune and to head back to Tawi Nazwa for our exit. 

We eventually landed on the tarmac by 9:10am after driving for 95.6km at an average moving pace of 28.3km in 3h 50' (of 3h 23' moving time) with a total ascent of +1486/-1480m.


@Ahab Shamaa, @Shaaz Sha and @Francois Germishuys were perfect jet pilots. I recall only one crested stuck that required a winch recovery but other than that the flight was super smooth and absolute fun. 

Thank you guys for the Extreme experience, and see you soon again in the sand. 




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@Lorenzo Candelpergher yes for sure it was a busy drive, i can recall getting my arms tangled few times trying to get my truck going in the direction it was supposed to go 😂

2nd time my tuck went to its limits on fuel ️ ! 

Was a good drive by the whole team, i just have one comment, keeping a good distance is essential to avoid getting to close to the car in front if you need to suddenly slow down and then on the other hand dont give to much space to not being able to see what the driver in front of you are doing. I always like to keep an eye on the car in front of me to be able to judge my moves especially when it gets fast and bumpy. 

see you all next time. ✌🏼

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