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Ashok chaturvedi

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Posts posted by Ashok chaturvedi

  1. 2 hours ago, Christopher Assal said:

    Amazing recovery, well done to all. Most importantly safely done and no one hurt. Although some tired people I imagine after being up all night. Quite remarkable how much and how quickly the desert changes. Noticed it a lot over the past week!

    Wonder how old are Gaia maps.. does not show deep pits on the peak.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Gaurav said:

    You are right, while Kashif was stuck 50 meters away from my car, he suggested the same lets call airlift for my car, lol.

    Winching out was 10% job and positioning the car and exiting was 90% task, due to tricky situation at the top that I have never seen so many craters on top of big red.

    The only comment I wish to make is 'WOW' what a night. Left home at 8.45 pm and returned at 6.00 am. I believe such a rescue can happen once in a decade. Every member of the club should feel jealous... 🤭 sorry joking. In addition to the experience had to shake down tons of sand. 🤯

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  3. @Ale Vallecchi it is always a professional experience when you lead the drive. At every steps, hurdles, difficulties in sand as well as and my personal favourite the Oryx and Camels were all pointed out to us. I recall except for one stuck incidence there were negligible amount of even refusals which happened. The gentle breeze and reduced humidity made the blazing hot afternoon bearable and we did wait to see the desert horizon but failed the sunset as a cloud of curtain hid the last part. Once again Ale thank you for the Ferrero chocolate at the end of the drive (lasted less than 5seconds, also the hint to other leads) as well as the sticker. Congrats again on your Birthday and centenary drive as well as your holiday break. Had a good team all highly experienced drivers. 

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  4. 18 hours ago, Kailas said:

    Good evening,

    First of all, thank you all for showing up for the drive on time. The plan was to attempt some extreme criss-crossing in the south solar park area and head to little Sweihan area. This took most of our drive time as we had many refusals and stucks. Then as we entered little sweihan and we faced a pop out on @Ashok chaturvedi's FJ. This pop out fix took a lot of our time as the vehicle was in a pocket. Once we fixed the pop out and found a couple of bowls, @Thomas Varghese' Xterra started over heating and was not in a position to continue driving. After giving enough time for Xterra to cool down, we brought it back to nearest Sabkha ,exited @Thomas Varghese and ended the drive. Unfortunately we were not able complete the little sweihan section as time was already past 9:30 AM.

    I could find that many had issues while criss- crossing, I understand that this was challenging as we were trying to criss cross sharp ridges mostly at the tallest section. 

    @marks- Excellent SL & thank you for your support, especially during stucks and pop -out fix. 

    @Gok Krish, @Lawrence_Chehimi & @Goutam, I don't recollect you guys having any issue. Well done guys.

    @Archibald Jurdi-It was my first time driving with you. You managed your TJ very well. Few refusals, but you managed to quickly self recover.

    @Ashok chaturvedi- You drove well. In terms of pace, you were a bit slow. Had to slow down or pause at times for the yellow FJ to catch up. 

    @Thomas Varghese had refusals and stucks. Self-recovery attempts were was not successful at times, later on we were able to learn that couple of tyres were running at 17 psi. This was something you should have checked out early when initial self recovery attempts were digging your wheels. 

    @varunmehndiratta also had refusals and stucks. You are still having issues when crossing the dune straight. I have seen you getting crested several times in my past drives. Your should not take your foot from accelerator until your engine has crossed the ridge.

    @Dodi Syahdar thanks for sweeping and helping with recoveries. One crested situation when criss crossing, which with some shoveling's was able to self recover.

    Thanks @Thomas Varghese for the pictures. 

    Stay tuned, I will be posting a drive through the same area some other time.




     @Kailas thanks and everyone for the pocket issue.. actually I did some analysis for the reason of the pocket which happened nearer to the end of drive. My pop out happened just moments before the slipping into the pocket. I appreciate very much your decision to repair the pop out in the pocket itself. However I am not too sure about slowing down the convoy. It was not me but the guys in the back of convoy requesting you to slow down. Dear Archie in front of me in his jeep can vouch for that also the Nissan Petrol in the rear. We did have refusals and stucks plus the re-attempts to climb out more than the usual and near everyone could experience some things or the other. The terrain was a bit tricky but not challenging but not difficult. I am sorting out a nissue with my diff lock/crawl control and kill switch. Overall such experiences add to everyones skills.  Hope to be on drive this week end.

    • Totally Agree (+2) 1
  5. I am always intrigued by @Lorenzo Candelpergher speed to call him admiringly flying Lorenzo.  The continuous ridge riding and criss crossing kept us over alert.  I was glad to be # 3 on the convoy behind @Gok Krish who was superbly tailing the lead. What was surprisingly to have @Wrangeld a Marshall behind me as #4 an added pleasant pressure to ensure that I do not commit any mistakes.  At times the sands loosened up and one has to re attempt the climb, earlier I used to use brute strength and high momentum during my Pajero days, now with my new FJ it it becomes easier also with experience resign to the fact that there is no loss of face if one attempts again as long as the driver behind you is alerted. 

    Everyone in the driver pitched in to make this a high paced drive. 


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  6. 10 hours ago, Humayun Ghias said:

    Thank you @Ale Vallecchifor this challenging drive.

    Even before the drive began, I had this feeling it would be a different one. The variety of things that we got to do kept me on my toes and I remembered how Ale had mentioned prior to the drive that it would require our constant concentration. 

    I was bummed and embarrassed with my pop out early in the drive but I was reassured by @Lakshmi Narasimhan''s encouraging words over the radio. Thank you Lakshmi, Ale and everyone with your patience and help with the pop out.

    It was a pleasure driving behind @Ashok chaturvedi and seeing @Gok Krishin the rear view mirror.

    @Darren Brookeglad to hear the new axle is working fine. Good to see you all on the drive and see you soon! 





    Pop outs, stucks and refusals  are usual and norm on drives we all experience it.. at the end of drive I too had a stuck perhaps the first ever one this FJ and thankful to the team to help me out. Have to take my new FJ to check the various gear engagements.. this stuck actually will make me take the car back to the fellow who installed the kill switch.... I always enjoyed driving with Ale he is very professional. Thanks again to the team look forward to the next drive.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Anish S said:

    This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely.






    Two Way Radio Guidelines

    • Every Off-roader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic.
    • We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. 
    • Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving.
    • Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops...
    • No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it.


    Drive Details

    Level:  Fewbie and Above (No Newbies)

    When:  22 JUN 2021, Tuesday.

    Meeting time: 4:30 PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions)

    Meeting Point:  https://goo.gl/maps/j5aUsbiXiykD8CC16

    Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance.

    What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

    Approximate finish time: 7.30 PM




    • Limited to 10 cars only.
      • If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. 
    • Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS.
    • Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS.
    • Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others.
    • Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month.

    Please RSVP on the Calendar below 


    Sorry have to exit drive for tomorrow an important work has come up..  hope everyone enjoys.. 🙏

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  8. 4 hours ago, M.Seidam said:

    What do you think about it ?! 😄

    Amazing innovation...sea paddling to the rescue in the sand..the tyre should be protruding out of the body, something to fix them on the rim..they sounded as Japanese.. absolute crawl control.. wow

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Chaitanya D said:

    Has anyone tried if it is possible to mount a led bar in the FJ hood where there is a plastic insert as in the green arrows below pic (probably only cosmetic)

    It would be a nice concealed way (without the sound effects of a roof mounted led bar) to attach your lights on a FJ if anyone is interested . 20210419_075703.jpg.dbe30846b1b560c2e30434f6d17e3976.jpg

    @Niki Patel, @Christian Andras, @Ashok chaturvedi, @Ale Vallecchi, @topgear, @marks, @Heisem.., @Junaid120120, @Ahab Shamaa  @Pmaraziti  @Pierre de Maigret.and other FJ owners .



    @Chaitanya D sir please send me the contact of garage... the wind sound is really irritating. I made a mistake to install it at top head (mast) and the eminent garage guy never told me the problem or the alternate sites.

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  10. @Foxtrot Oscar thanks as always for an awesome drive today.. I am been in the near same area before but the wind swept dunes keep changing and some sections become a bit of challenge. We reached the pink rock and I for the first time saw an ancient almost man made stone wall near 500 mts long protruding in the sand and could be longer below. Would love to go back and take some fotos of this wall.. there were plenty of volcanic rocks and fossilised magma scattered around. The area appeared a fotographer paradise in the ignorance of Covid scare and foto shoots were happening  and plenty of tourist on dune buggies.. we did have some stucks and retrieval. I enjoyed watching the white pajero @asifk near perched on a crest retrieve itself thanks to Angela talking him through.. what best lesson for all of us is never to panic and be calm rather not digging oneself @asifk we'll done. @Ahab Shamaa  my dear friend always comes in play when needed. @Islam Soliman was doing the sweep and couple of times missed the tracks but a great comfort to have him behind us. My FJ actual floats  and has from the day I brought it into the desert  has never let me down. We did have some sort of  radio trouble and the frequency was changed from 3 to 4 by Angela, my radio also behaved strangling. It was like holding a baby put it down and the squelch screams but hold it in hand it will stop.  I am off on a 3 weeks break to India and shall miss the drives very much.. specially the anxious wait every Sunday for 7pm to press the button. Final here I do find myself under used by some trip leads.... regardless I enjoy all/any position in the convoy. 

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